Friday, November 29, 2013

David Tennant reads Shakespeare's Sonnets

Shakespeare's Sonnets from Touch Press on Vimeo.
I could listen to his Scottish accent all day long. This is a Promo for Shakespeare's Sonnets. I wonder if all 154 sonnets will be available when this project is ready for iPad publication?
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My Thanksgiving

Is there anything more beautiful than a sink full of cranberries?

I made raw cranberry relish and a cranberry/jello/pineapple dish iced with cream cheese and sour cream. I left out the nuts...recipe here. Relish: I just chopped raw cranberries in my Cuisinart in small batches. Then 2 honey crisp apples with skins on, and finally 2 oranges, seeded, with skins on. I chopped the apples and cranberries coarsely and the oranges finely until they were mostly juice. Mix all together and add a little sugar if you wish. I added about 1/3 cup for a big batch, about twice as much as you see in this bowl. The front dish is actually a pyrex loaf pan. I made the jello dish in two of them. One to take to my friend's house and one to keep for myself. That worked perfectly.

Webster got lots of treats yesterday too. The yogurt container was first, followed by pumpkin oatmeal - canned pumpkin mixed in with hot oatmeal to cool it off. 

Did you have a nice Thanksgiving yesterday? I did and have lots of leftovers to enjoy today. Yum.
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Thursday, November 28, 2013

A Day for Friends and Family

I am thankful this Thanksgiving for my fine friends who always remember me on holidays. This is my first Thanksgiving without my dear mother and oh, how I miss her. She loved to wake up early and start cooking while the rest of the family still slept. We always ate in the early afternoon so we could do it all over again with the leftovers later on. 
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I have to start cooking some things to take to Kelly's, also in the early afternoon. Webster is whining very softly for his breakfast too. I'll see you later. xo

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Webster and I went out and checked all of the downspouts this morning in the soft rain and they are all fine. So far, so good with the weather here. The HARD rain they have been predicting hasn't happened and it's not too cold. Bright sun is predicted for Thanksgiving Day with much lower temps. I'm sorry all the travelers have rain and snow and ice to cope with depending on their destination. Be safe everyone. My animals have gone back to bed and I wish I could too. I can see an afternoon nap in my future. Tabitha got me up way too early this morning.
PS....Never did get my nap and sundown is in 20 minutes. Guess I will just turn in a little earlier than usual tonight. my iPhone photo
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Almost Home.

I love seeing houses with lights on in every room. It's so welcoming, especially for family coming home for Thanksgiving. Turn them all on tonight. I usually do this anyway in my small cottage on the main floor because I love the way it looks when I go out in the dark for Webster's last walk. via

Did you read about the 1640 Psalm book that sold yesterday at Sotheby's for $14.2 million dollars? The book was published in Cambridge, Mass., by the Puritan leaders of the Massachusetts Bay Colony just 20 years after the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth. It was the first book printed in America and it now holds the record for the most expensive book ever. It's small, 6"x5" so check your bookshelves. Story here.
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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

If at first you don't succeed...

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Robert Frost Quote

This is a good quote and I like it. via
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Recipe for your Vegetarian, Vegan, Gluten Free, Wheat Free Guests

Dilled Zucchini Fritters with Feta and Tzatziki
Greek style Crispy zucchini fritters topped with a dollop of Tzatziki. You might as well plan on having something wheat free, gluten free, and meatless, right? There is at least one person with these needs in every crowd. Easy Recipe here.

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Monday, November 25, 2013

Ice Skating in 1565

Pieter Bruegel the Elder, The Hunters in the Snow (detail), 1565. This looks very modern, doesn't it? I never really mastered ice skating with any grace but I thought it was fun anyway. I just got in from a walk with the dog and the cat and it's cold but nothing like yesterday. No wind, clear, and 32° and it was actually quite nice. Sleep tight and I'll see you tomorrow. via
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Webster Waits

He's giving me one of those looks so I'd better go to the kitchen now. See you later.
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Saturday, November 23, 2013

Have a Cozy Weekend

The season for open fires has arrived. via
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A Gentleman's Bathroom

I can't tell whether or not it's a full bath. With all those big towels heating up on the towel bars, I think it probably is. The masculine artwork is very nice and I really like the antique table used for the sink surround. Very nice indeed.
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Don't Rush

"Yes, I'm hungry for my breakfast but I can wait until you are finished doing whatever it is you do on the computer and your TV show is over. I'm fine, really. Love Webster"
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Friday, November 22, 2013

He Followed Us Home

Can we keep him? via
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Serene in Green

Here I am again, featuring my love of no color plantings, save green and white. It works so well here with the green shutters, doesn't it? This home must have the most amazing views from each and every window because it appears to be on the highest point. I love the idea of closing the shutters instead of drawing the draperies to darken a room. via
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Thursday, November 21, 2013

An Amazing Fireplace

Houston residence, Murphy Mears Architects, Interior Design by Adrienne Bullard. Photography by Paul Hester. Virtual Home Tour HERE. I love all of the windows and doors in this home, and the cat too!
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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Time to Tuck In

Sleep Tight.
See you tomorrow.
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Bed Crafted by A Cat

I love to sleep on your old wool sweaters after you've worn them to mow the lawn.

Please don't ever move them from this chair. You can put my woven willow cat bed in the furnace room. I don't like it any more. Love, Tabitha
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Yes, We Are.

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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Adirondack Gossip Chairs

What a great idea. You could probably rig one of these up if you have a chair with a broken arm. It would be nice to sit here and talk with a friend, face to face, wouldn't it? Dibs on the one with the pond view. via
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