Sunday, February 23, 2014

Snow People Are Gone

I still have a lot of snow on my roof and my front gutters are frozen but they are a lot better than a few days ago. My back gutters have melted because they get the morning sun. Each time I look at the weather, something has changed. Now I see we will have rain changing to snow tonight. I simply can't worry about it any more! Whatever will be, will be. The snow people were disgusted too so they left. 
Are you looking forward to Downton Abbey tonight? It really is the season finale and I can't imagine how they are going to wrap things up. It will be exciting, for sure.

Here's an enhanced version of my happy cottage using Snapseed. I posted this photo for you several days ago. The icicles have all melted and so has the snow around the outside light fixture that is forming the nose and mouth of the cottage happy face. 
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My New Sleeping Porch

See how nice it is today? I'm sooooo happy I shoveled all the snow off the balcony yesterday so Webster and Tabitha could take a sun bath together. They are thrilled. This is about as close to each other as they ever get. Hope your Sunday is going well too. xo
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Saturday, February 22, 2014

Webster is Fading Fast

His eyes are at half mast and he's slowly entering doggie slumber land.

I waited as long as I could before I finished shoveling the balcony deck today. The sun did a fine job but then it moved to the front of the house and I finished the job. It looks so nice without snow and it's the first time it has been that way in months. Now I can walk out there to photograph a sunrise or a sunset without hanging out of a window, as I've been doing. Webster and I are both tuckered out. It was nice being outside though without a jacket. I was wearing a fleece and a scarf and that was fine. See you tomorrow. Have a great Saturday night. xo
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Sunny Saturday

I honestly couldn't ask for a better day to boost my spirit and melt my snow and ice. Hope you can say the same. Have a great weekend. xo
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Friday, February 21, 2014

A Rainbow and A Robin

There was a rainbow at the end of the day today. My reward for ice chipping and snow shoveling. The slow melt is continuing and the gutters are running more freely even though they are still full of ice. But somehow they seem to be handling the snow melting off the roof. If we had a really hard rain, I don't think I would be so lucky. 

A few days ago, a big fat robin landed on my balcony railing. I was so excited! 
I didn't need that trench I dug through the snow for the flood waters I was expecting, thank goodness. Webster loves it though and he explored that part of the property with new eyes since he hadn't seen the back in weeks. Tabitha likes it too. They are both already asleep after eating their supper and having a short walk.
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Great Recessed Entrance

Isn't this the nicest recessed entrance ever? I copied the photo from Instagram. I follow this little dog's owner who is a farmer across the pond. Benjamin Hole documents the ebb and flow of farming life on the Isle of Purbeck, England. This new pup's name is Ochre. Watch her in this little video (click on white arrow). Don't forget to look at My Instagram too.
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Thursday, February 20, 2014

Waiting for The Rain

This was my biggest project of the day. I had to dig through this snow bank in case the big rains come as predicted. Now the water coming down the driveway will have someplace to go other than in my house. Webster is thrilled. Water usually seeks the lowest point and this is lower than my front walk. The highest point in the snow bank was up to my neck.

These storm clouds started rolling in about 4:30 this afternoon. The weather app on my phone says there is a 50% to 60% chance of rain tonight and there will be thunderstorms tomorrow. It's going to be warm tonight too with a low of only 36° so the roof and gutter melting will continue. I honestly hope it waits until tomorrow to rain so I can pace up and down and run in and out to check on things. See you tomorrow. xo
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A Lost Goose

Webster and I were sitting in the living room, minding our own business, when we heard honking outside.
When we looked out the window we saw Canada geese walking down the road and on the bank across from us.

They were trying to stay together on foot, without using their wings.

The honking continued because one of the flock was missing. This one was behind my house trying to find the rest of the family. I don't think I have ever had webbed footprints here at the cottage but the snow out back is full of them. They would have puzzled me if I hadn't seen this lost goose. He/she even went up to the sliding glass door downstairs trying to find the others out front.

Tracks leaving the back entrance photographed from my balcony.

Together at last and then they were gone. This was our excitement yesterday.
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