Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Baby Bird Feeding Time

“I think we consider too much the good luck of the early bird and not enough the bad luck of the early worm.” Franklin D. Roosevelt

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Hanging Box for Spring Flowers

I love this idea for an outside hanging box to plant with seasonal flowers in bloom! It would be easy to change varieties as the current ones fade and bloom out. via

Monday, April 8, 2019

Wonderful Dog Portrait

He's gorgeous, isn't he? I adore animal paintings. 
Head Study of an American Pointer by Maud Earl, 1932.


English Pointer by George Percy R.E. Jacomb-Hood, 1882

Doyles Auction House NYC March 24, 2009 HERE

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Spring Cleaning Checklist

This photo is on the cover of a book I own on Spring Cleaning. 

Refresh throughout the home:

  • Wipe down doors and trim work
  • Clean interior and exterior windows – let the light in
  • Spot clean walls and touch up any scuffed paint
  • Clean and treat floorboards - especially if you’ve had wet pets in and out all winter
  • Clean ceiling fans and light fixtures

Entryway and mudroom closet

  • Store your winter gear including snow boots, heavy jackets, hats and gloves – if it wasn’t worn this winter, consider donating
  • Thoroughly vacuum closet floor and re-organize any storage bins
  • Corral small items into baskets


  • Empty the refrigerator and throw out expired food. Wash drawers and shelving with warm, soapy water
  • Purge the pantry and clean all shelves and drawers. Forgotten crumbs can attract unwelcome visitors like ants and pantry moths
  • Remove all appliances from counter and clean behind each one
  • Remove build-up on kitchen cabinets – try Parker & Bailey Cabinet Cream or something similar
  • Polish stainless steel appliances – always with the grain
  • Deep clean microwave and dishwasher; be sure there is no trapped food
  • Check countertops to see if they are in need of sealer (stone) or catalytic finish (wood)

Living room and dining area

  • Deep clean rugs and upholstered seating
  • Remove all books and displays from shelving and clean
  • Polish silver
  • Add fresh flowers to dining table


  • Purge closets of winter clothes, shoes and accessories – consider donating items not worn by family members
  • Remove heavy winter blankets from bed and change to lighter linens
  • Flip all mattresses


  • Change shower curtains
  • Purge worn towels or bath mats
  • Organize vanity – dispose of expired medications and cosmetics
  • Clean tiled areas and check grout for discoloration
  • Clean mirror thoroughly

Are you exhausted yet? I found these detailed instructions by a Boston/Martha's Vineyard Architect with photographs here. Enjoy your weekend. xo

Friday, April 5, 2019

Robert Frost Quote about April

This quote describes an April Day perfectly. via

Yesterday afternoon I did a first mowing of a large portion of my rear property. I did not do a fall cleanup and my walk-behind mower did a fine job of cleaning up the overgrowth and crunching the leaves the wind didn't blow away. When my Robins return, they will love it. The deer are mad at me and are staying way back where the high field growth is and more long shoots of spring grasses. This is fine with me! It felt good to be outside and the weather was ideal for just a fleece. Today it cold again and rather gloomy with showers coming later. I wanted to do the front today but I need more gasoline and I am too lazy to rush out and refill my cans before the rain starts. It will just have to wait for the next nice day. I want to go over the front before the wild violets come up.
Happy Friday -- have a great weekend. xo

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Bluebirds Building in A Nest Box

This photo brings joy to my heart. I fear I won't have bluebirds in my box since the wrens took over two years running. So far, it's empty and cleaned out so I still have hope. Photo and a story found here. The females do all the interior decorating!

I have had this bluebird photo saved to my desktop for a long time because it's so lovely. I cannot remember where I found it but will post the source when I find it.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Duck and Ducklings

This proud mama's babies have hatched and are already almost too big to wrap her wings around. I hope I will be able to photograph some wild turkey chicks on my property this spring. Duck photo found here.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Duplex Bird House

I guess the black-capped chickadee likes privacy and the mother robin doesn't. Robins build messy nests like this one on a ledge below my balcony and I do believe this chickadee is judging it. Can you see a look of disgust on her little face too? via