Wednesday, December 2, 2015

My First Cold in Years and Years

I've been so proud of myself for longer than I can remember, keeping the cold germs from penetrating my good health. All that went out the window on Sunday night when I started going hoarse and felt a tightening in my chest. The sore throat part started on Tuesday. It's sort of a backward cold and I am treating it with the Neti pot, various gargles wuth salt, Bragg's Cider Vinegar, and anything else I can think of, all to no avail. This was the best image I could find on Google to illustrate my condition. I even broke down and bought Nyquil yesterday and it wasn't all that effective but I do feel rested this morning. I am hoping for a whole day without having to leave the house on this rainy day. Cross your fingers for me. Not complaining, just explaining. I know it's been at least 6 years since my last cold, maybe longer. Darn!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Fabulous Early American Dining Room

This must be a wonderful room to feed and entertain family and friends before the open fire. Don't you love the beautiful stonework inside the firebox? I wish I could see more. via

More Natural Building Materials for a Wonderful Rustic House

Beauthaway House, North GA. Appalachian Antique Hardwoods. Home design by MossCreek. Photo by Erwin Loveland. Wow, I'm very impressed with this one! via

Monday, November 30, 2015

A Very Lovely Bedroom

I can't wait to jump in my own brass bed. It's been a long busy day and I'm pooped. I adore this bedroom with the big bolster propped against the headboard or maybe it's tied from behind. What a great idea for a brass bed. I love the bed clothes too and the table with the pretty lamp with a black shade (my favorite). It's all lovely. Night, night. Zzzzz via

Puppy, Out Cold

I've never had a dog that slept on its back.
This tired puppy is out cold.
The sound sleep of the very young is like no other.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Memories and Dreams

Wishing you sweet dreams tonight. via

The Beauty of Natural Building Materials

This takes my breath away. The art of the stone mason and fine woodworker. One simple hydrangea set between the stepping stones and moss. This house will stand the test of time. It's practically impossible to find such craftsmen these days. Awesome! via

Saturday, November 28, 2015

A Curious Cat Goes Crazy over Catnip

Click here if you cannot see the Simon's Cat video above. It's wonderful.

Webster After a Delicious Breakfast

Webster is already dreaming about his supper. He absolutely loves those cooked Yukon potato skins I boiled for him. They are the perfect topping for his kibble and a great way to recycle food scraps. He has a huge appetite and eats every meal as if he had never tasted anything so delicious. He usually follows me around begging for more but this combination puts him in a food coma. Happy at last.

Friday, November 27, 2015

Fog This Morning

Here is another fog photo from this morning with Webster rounding the bend. Today was very enjoyable with nothing pressing to do. Worked outside for a bit moving wood chips, trying to take advantage of the mild weather. Moving towards the bedroom now. 'Night. See you tomorrow.

Webster in This Morning's Fog

Hers's the Wonder Dog silhouetted in this morning's fog. We are having some very nice weather. I didn't even have on a coat when we went out early this morning to snap some fog photos. A flannel shirt and a scarf around my neck kept me cozy. I didn't even need gloves. It will be quite a shock when it finally gets cold for good, won't it? I had my gutters cleaned on Wednesday and I was so happy that the hose could still be used at the end after all the leaves were removed to wash them out and clear all the downspouts before winter sets in. The timing was perfect. Now I can turn off my outside faucets. 
I had a great Thanksgiving and hope you did too. See you later. xo

Thursday, November 26, 2015

A Norman Rockwell Old-Fashioned Thanksgiving

This is one of my favorite magazine covers and holidays. Hope yours is as much fun as this one. I made my raw cranberry relish and a Mashed Potato Casserole from the New York Times. I don't think I've ever peeled so many potatoes at one time. It looks delicious and I'm sure it will be a big hit at my gathering with friends. Have a great holiday. xo
I added this poem years ago and think it's perfect for the Norman Rockwell artwork.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Blue Striped Runners for Stairs and Hallway

Photos from Wendy Posard and Associates
I can't imagine a better choice of carpeting for this beautiful staircase.

The companion hall runner is perfect too. This new home is stunning.

Perfect Kitchen with An AGA Range

All this and an AGA too? WOW, this kitchen has it all. I'm sure there will be a lot of activity there today and tomorrow getting ready for Thanksgiving! I wish my kitchen were this uncluttered but it's not. I have to clear all the junk from my catch-all farm table today so I can do some serious cooking tomorrow. Have a good one! xo

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

How to Garden Like You Live in The Hamptons

Even if you're surrounded by woods, keep your lawn, boxwoods, privet and hedges meticulously manicured.

However, grant your flowers the freedom to grow wildly.
Read and view more tips and suggestions here. Photos from "The Big Book of The Hamptons" from Assouline.

Not A Care in The World

Restful sleep for this pile of pigs because everybody's buying and cooking turkey. via

Monday, November 23, 2015

White Kitchen Love

I love everything about this kitchen including the ebony floor and the wonderful stools. I think you could really cook up a storm in there, don't you? via

Lovely Early American Entrance Hall

I love this 18th century NJ farmhouse with the red dutch door. Aren't the wide board floors amazing? MLS#3214421 Let me know if you want to see it; I'd love to show it to you. My firm has the listing.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Cauliflower Melts are The New Grilled Cheese

Yum. Don't these look delicious? Wouldn't they be great toppers for any leftover Thanksgiving mashed potatoes you might have? Or over leftover stuffing?
Recipe found on epicurious

1/4 cup olive oil
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground pepper
Medium head of cauliflower, cut into 1/2-inch-thick slabs, possibly halved to make a total of 8 slabs
1/2 cup golden raisins
1/4 cup white wine (optional)
1/4 cup shelled pistachios
8 1/2-inch-thick slices sourdough bread
4 ounces Comte or Manchego cheese, cut into 8 slices
2 tablespoons chopped parsley

1. Preheat the oven to 350°F and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
2. In a medium bowl, combine the oil, garlic, salt, and pepper. Add the cauliflower slabs and toss to coat.
3. Arrange the cauliflower on the prepared baking sheet. Bake for 25 minutes, flip the slabs, and bake another 10 to 20 minutes, until softened and roasty. Set aside to cool but keep the oven on.
4. Meanwhile, in a small bowl, soak the raisins in wine or water for 10 minutes. Drain.
5. In a small pan over medium-high heat, toast the pistachios, dry or with a little oil. Let cool on a paper towel, then chop coarsely.
6. Lay the bread on the baking sheet and arrange the cauliflower on the bread, cutting it to fit as needed. Sprinkle with pistachios and raisins and top with the cheese.
7. Bake until the cheese melts, 7 to 10 minutes.
8. Top the toasts with chopped parsley and serve immediately.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Cozy Bedroom Nook with Fireplace

An Equestrian Estate Bedroom: Ronald F. DiMauro Architects, Jamestown, RI. Warren Jagger Photography. via That's one lucky dog, isn't it? 

Coffee Love

Another reason I like coffee so much. My first cup this morning tastes mighty good. via

Thursday, November 19, 2015

The Lamp in The Woods

I like this lamp reflection in the woods to add a bit of cheerful color on a gray rainy day here at my cottage.

Mistletoe Cottage

All decked out for the holidays. Simple and nice. via

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Small French Boy Trying to Understand the Paris Attack

I saw this on the evening news a day or two ago and was moved by this little boy and his dad.

Click here if you can't see the video above.

Maarssen, The Netherlands ~ Farmhouse

18th-Century farmhouse in Maarssen, The Netherlands. I love it! via

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Beautiful Holiday Pie Crusts

Almost too pretty to eat. Notice I said "almost". Yum. via

Webster, Inspecting My Fall Cleanup

Here's Webster with his scary shadow inspecting my mowing job yesterday from the balcony. He gave it a gold star after a long walk down and back.

Monday, November 16, 2015


I wish I were sitting in an easy chair before an open fire and someone was bringing me a pie. I think I deserve one too. I've been working outside almost full time for the past 3 days doing my fall cleanup. I mowed everything for the last time today and it's looking fabulous. So happy. Isn't this the sweetest room ever? I adore children's books with interior design by animals. via

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Peace for Paris by Jean Jullien

This viral image by French illustrator, Jean Jullien, was quickly designed around midnight after the attack on Paris. No words are necessary. This graphic design says it all. Read more...

Golden Grasses in the Woods

Golden grasses in my woods on an overcast day. The trees are bare thanks to the windy days we've had lately. I actually got out my giant shop vac yesterday and sucked up lots of leaves around the perimeter of my cottage and barn in the back. It was too cold in the shade to do the same thing in the front. I'm saving that task for tomorrow. Enjoy your Sunday. xo

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Ural Owl in The Forest

Ural owl, native to Europe and Northern Asia, 
He's looking cautiously around the corner from his forest lookout. This is a beautiful owl and a beautiful photograph. It's somehow comforting to look at this peaceful image as I watch the news this morning about the carnage in Paris.