Monday, August 4, 2014

Summer Rolls with Sunflower Seed Pate

These rolls are part sushi, part taco, and part spring roll, but all in all they are 100% delish! It's a good idea to have a big batch of the sunflower pate on hand so that you can whip out a roll whenever the urge hits.

Dinner - Summer Rolls with Curried Pate

Recipe: (makes 8)

3/4 Cup Sunflower Seeds, soaked overnight and drained
1 tsp. Apple Cider Vinegar
1 tsp. Liquid Sweetener (I would omit this)
1 tsp. Curry Powder
1 tsp. Turmeric
1 Clove Garlic
1/4 tsp. Sea Salt
A Pinch of Chili Powder

8 or so Chard Leaves (I will use Romaine Leaves)
1/2 Mango, cut into match sticks
1/2 Bell Pepper, cut into match sticks
1 Beet, grated
1 Carrot, cut into match sticks
1 Avocado, sliced
Handful of Sprouts (I used sunflower)

1. Begin the right before by soaking the sunflower seeds. The next day drain them and puree along with the spices, garlic, and sweetener until the mixture resembles pate.
2. Arrange a small log of pate on each chard leave and top with assorted veggies. Roll up like a burrito. 

Electrical outlets in baseboards.

I wish I had my outlets down low like this. I think they are an eyesore no matter where they are placed, especially if you have paneled walls. I honestly didn't think of putting them down low when my house was being rewired. I anxiously await the day when all lamps are wireless, just as they appear in interior design magazines where they have been photoshopped. Wouldn't that be nice? photo source

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Beautiful Chickens

I love the colors and patterns of their feathers! via

An amazing courtyard.

The following text is translated from the original Spanish -- "In the trellis attached to the wall in this area dwarf orange trees were planted and, with them, a cypress. The lemon in the foreground inhabited the house before reconstruction. Simple iron furniture works well on the brick patio." via
I'm impressed with how nicely this wall grid system works instead of the customary stretched wires usually used for espalier fruit trees.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Manners and Paint by Numbers Art

I like this illustrated quote. via

This takes me back. I got a paint by numbers kit every Christmas for as long as I can remember when I was a kid. I like this one. People collect these now, you know. via

The vintage paint by numbers artwork looks perfect here, doesn't it? via

DIY Weed Spray

I got this in my email this morning from a friend who lives nearby. I think she's trying to tell me something in a nice way. I have seen all sorts of recipes for homemade weed spray but never this one. I sprayed RoundUp on my driveway twice last year and worried about what I might be doing to my health the whole time. I was covered head to toe and had a bandana over my nose and mouth. I honestly don't think it's worthwhile because the weeds came back. This recipe has nothing harmful in it so I shall make it and let you know if it works. I have all of the ingredients on hand too, though I might have to buy more vinegar. I am so excited!

1 Gallon Vinegar
2 Cups Epson Salts
1/4 Cut Dawn Dish Soap (the Blue Original)

It will kill anything you spray it on. Just mix and spray in the morning after the dew has evaporated. Walk away. Go back after dinner and the weeds are all gone!

This sounds too good to be true but it's worth a try. Have a great weekend everybody. xo

Friday, August 1, 2014

The Wisdom of Shakespeare

I love the graphic that illustrates this quote by William Shakespeare. Everything went well at my Certificate of Occupancy inspection today and the carpenter bee treatment. We had some fierce blowing rain late this afternoon and I had quite a time cleaning up my wet floors and windowsills. I had open windows all over the house and couldn't close them quickly enough. It really cooled things off for my after supper walk with the Wonder Dog. 

I found a photo of the bedroom in the house where my new love seats once lived. I'm still over the moon with joy over them. Webster is still being a perfect gentleman and is respecting them too. 

My tall brass lamps were once in the dining room of this lovely house.

Here are the furnishings in my cottage for those of you who missed my previous posts.
I think everything looks perfectly cozy at my house, don't you? Enjoy your Friday evening. I'll be stretching out on the love seat by the window pretty soon, watching my small television. I changed the artwork to the right of the window. See photo here. See you tomorrow. xo

Stately Fern

I took this photo of a lone fern standing against leaves of a darker green a couple of days ago. I loved the way it stood out with its lighter shade of green. Ferns are my among my favorite wild plants. I have a busy day this morning with another inspection and a carpenter bee treatment at the early blue house. See you later. xo

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Country Kitchen in Summer

Nothing says summer better than watermelon and peaches, right? via

Life's Little Instruction Book | Volume II | Page 80

This makes me want to finish my weeding. I never did finish the front. We are supposed to have rain for the weekend and I've been waiting for a rainy day to loosen them. xo

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

For Sale: Renée Zellweger’s Old House in Connecticut

Click here for slideshow from Architectural Digest.
The clapboard exterior of Renée Zellweger’s 18th century Connecticut retreat.

The primarily white kitchen has butcher-block countertops. I wouldn't want this half-wall looking into the formal dining room. I wouldn't want to look at the hanging pot rack in the kitchen from the dining room. 

The Quinebaug River runs through the property.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

A Gerdener's Perfection

I would never be able to have anything this perfect without a full-time gardener. Real gardeners are hard to find that can work alone without supervision. via

Webster is still playing nice.

I still can't believe my good luck with Webster and Tabitha and the new furniture in my living room. I have stopped putting barricades in front of the sofas at night because Webster knows his place in the world of new furnishings. I'm not sure how Tabitha is going to behave this winter but we'll see. For now, when I bring her inside she's happy on a blanket on my bed. It was very chilly last night and she slept there all night and went out first thing this morning. We are having delightful weather and the high today is supposed to be only 79° and it feels like the beginning of fall instead of the end of July! Having all the windows wide open is my idea of heaven. See you later. xo

Monday, July 28, 2014

I finished my lawn trimming.

I had a very busy day on Saturday and finished trimming with my electric weed whacker in both the front and the back. Tabitha watched. I'm happy to say I'm all caught up on my mowing and trimming but still have to hand weed the wood-chipped area on the other side of the front walk. It rained last night so the crab grass will be easy to hack out. There's no end to yard work, is there? 

Love this Kitchen

I love the floor. It looks like cork tiles which I love because they are so easy on the feet, legs, and back when standing for long periods. This is a great layout and I wouldn't change much. I would want a sink the width of the window even though there's another in the island. I would probably skip that one for a deep double sink under the window. Wish I could see the rest of the room. via

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Wonderful Period Interior

So understated and simple. Love the colors. via

About Time - A Delightful Movie

Click here if you can't see video below.

I woke up way too early this morning and treated myself to a movie on my iPad. I wasn't at all sure I was going to like it, but ended up loving it. It was a long one too, a little over two hours and that was a huge plus since I didn't want it to end. It takes place in Cornwall, England and London. Here's the review on Rotten Tomatoes. I loved the English family and their delightful house and property. Bill Nighy plays the father. Watch it if you can. Trust me, you'll love it. xo

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Corn on the Cob for Two

Have you had any good corn this year? via

Have a Restful Weekend

This looks like an ideal place to wile away the weekend with a good book. I just finished Every Last One by Anna Quindlen and loved it. In a nutshell - it's a novel about facing every last one of the things we fear the most, about finding ways to navigate a road we never intended to travel. photo credit

Friday, July 25, 2014

Great Cabin Cottages

I can hear the porch swing creaking now. I'll bet it's wonderfully cool inside with all that shade. It's nice being able to sit in the front too. via

This cabin porch in Charlottesville is perfect, isn't it? It's like being inside and outside at the same time. via

Abandoned Cottage

This looks like a fun project. I wonder how long it has been unloved? via

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Enjoying the cut grass.

I mowed for over 6 hours today and it's starting to look pretty good around here. It was a perfect day to cut tall grass on my riding mower. This is only the third or fourth cutting this year. I only cut about once a month. I know that's not often enough but I can always find an excuse for putting it off. Too hot, too wet, no gas, no oil, too late, etc. Actually, I have to be in the mood to mow and today I was! I did use my last drop of SAE 30 small engine motor oil and the empty container is on the kitchen table to remind me to pick up more. I almost always use my walk behind mulching mower for the front so grass doesn't get blown against the house. It was so long I did run my Snapper over it going in only one direction. Tomorrow I will go over it again with the power push mower so I won't have so much hand trimming. Webster and Tabitha like what I've done so far. Webster has decided to join me in the living room on one of his beds. He's over his pout, I guess. Enjoy the evening. I'm sure I hope I won't mow in my sleep tonight. I feel like I still have my roller skates on, if you know what I mean. xo

Best Eye Liner

His name is Sherlock. Mother Nature gave him the most wonderful eye liner, didn't she? We had a storm late yesterday that cooled things off nicely. I had the windows open last night and threw a light blanket on top of my bed spread because Miss Tabitha decided to sleep with me. She woke me up early and wanted to go outside and I went right back to sleep, thankfully. Webster has decided to punish me by spending most of his time upstairs. He has a nice bed in front of an eyebrow window in the attic and I guess that's his preferred substitute for his spot on the old sofa. I'm still babying him to help him get over his hurt leg before it gets to be chronic. We've had three good days in a row and I'm very pleased. I think he views his two dog beds in the living room as "sick" beds. Let's hope he doesn't need them again anytime soon. xo

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Fresh Eggs from Happy Chickens

Great sign in a very interesting kitchen. via

Truly Wonderful Farmhouse

I like the stepped roofline of this white farmhouse. The brick walkway is pretty nice too and the Versailles planter boxes are on my want list. via

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Beautiful Rice Fields

Small reflection on rice field by Yongyot_Therdthai Larger version of this incredible photo here.

Sweet Shingled Cottage

It's getting harder and harder for me to find inspiring photos of real cottages that aren't wings of much larger homes. This appears to be a stand-alone dwelling and I love it. via

Winking Coffee Face

I wonder what Mr. Coffee is trying to say? Isn't this a fun way to start your Tuesday morning? 

Monday, July 21, 2014

Wonderful Pantry Cupboard

At first glance, I thought this was a corner cupboard, but it's not. It tapers back slightly, but it's flat across the back. I love it, don't you? The floor to ceiling glazed double doors are fabulous. via

Oatmeal Pancakes, Gluten Free

This is supposed to be the most popular recipe among the contestants on The Biggest Loser.
3 eggs
1 cup rolled oats, dry
1 cup cottage cheese
2 teaspoons sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon vanilla

Put all the ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth and that's your batter! Cook 'em up like you would any other pancake! They taste like a delightful cross between pancakes and French toast. Butter on top of mine, please.
I am definitely going to make these. The original recipe calls for 6 egg whites. I changed it to 3 whole eggs. Seems a shame to throw away the yolks, doesn't it? You choose. Here's a list of all the recipes from the show. I've never watched it. Since I started eating unrefined whole foods and stopped eating sugar, bread, and cheese, I've lost 15 pounds since Easter. My favorite snack is a large bowl of popcorn -- 1/3 cup popped in coconut oil or avocado oil. I eat the whole thing too with fine sea salt. I put the salt in with the oil in my stovetop popper. It is the only snack on the list of unrefined carbs

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Prayer of the Woods

Prayer of the Woods. Sign in the Great Swamp in the Morris County portion. In the spirit of Henry David Thoreau.

Dining Room Table Piled High with Books

I think we are all running out of horizontal surfaces for our books and treasures, so why not use the dining room table? via I love these green leather chairs with nailhead trim.