Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Inverness Scotland - Culloden House - Grand Country Estate

Culloden House, Inverness, Scotland via click on link for more pics.

Marble Countertops: Yes or No?

I have marble countertops in my kitchen and bathroom. I have blogged about them in the past, complaining about the way anything and everything can leave an etched mark, even a glass of water that's wet on the bottom. Would I put them in again? Yes. Over time they get a great patina.
Read this article if you are considering them too.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Great Garden Entrance

I love this fence and garden gate. Do want to see the rest, don't you? via

Working on A New Listing

I'm sorry about not posting as much as usual but I've been busy getting this new listing together. The lower wing you see in this photo was built in 1763. The second, much larger portion was built in 1793. There is a family room that was added in 1976. This home has had only 5 owners in 250 years. I have almost finished my paperwork and it will be active any day now. Wish me luck! xo

Monday, May 26, 2014

Great Outside Shower

Outdoor showers are already in full swing in certain areas. Memorial Day weekend heralds the beginning of the summer season. This is a really nice one, isn't it? xo via Enjoy your holiday.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Dog's Birthday Party - Too Funny.

Isn't this the happiest dog face ever? via

Golden Fields of Canola Flowers

The Rape Seed fields in England are in full flower ready to be harvested for Canola Oil. What a lovely sight. via

I wouldn't mind getting stuck in this sort of traffic jam. via Enjoy your Sunday. xo

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Violet Memories

It's almost time for me to mow the front yard again and I miss my violets. They were so nice to have in the house. The buttercups are starting to come in as another favorite wildflower. Enjoy the rest of the weekend. xo

Moving Furniture Around in My Cottage

When my desk came back from the restorer after I snapped off the lid (yes, I did!), I decided to put it in the living room instead of its old location in the kitchen and I like it. The guys did a wonderful job repairing the lid and they fixed all of the drawer runners in the case so I can now open and close them with ease. I'm so happy! Have a great weekend. xo

Friday, May 23, 2014

Today, After the Rain

I took these photos this morning on my first walk with Webster. We are in for a muggy weekend. See you later. xo

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Adventures with Cats

Russian photographer Andy Prokh has documented his daughter, Katherine, as she grows up alongside two handsome felines. Such an adorable story. More photos here.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Goat Friends

After an open house yesterday I drove by some goats and pulled over.

This was the only one with a beard. I call him Billy Goat Gruff.

They were an active group and quite friendly. Some of them looked like milkers. What a fun way to end my day. See you tomorrow. xo

The Merry Widow in Shanghai

The former residence of Maurice Frederic Armand in Shanghai. He died suspiciously, something about the opium trade. His wife inherited a great fortune and was called "The merry widow". via

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

A Peek into My Kitchen

The house was dark last night when I remembered Tabitha was still outside. When I clicked on the kitchen light I decided to take a photo. I love the way it turned out. Good night. See you in the morning. xo

Antique Metal Leaves from Germany

I saw these on John Derian's Instagram. What a wonderful find. Don't they look real? Not sure what I would do with them but I would love to own them! Available in his shop.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Front Yard Mowed Today

My walk behind power mower started on the second pull after being in the garage all winter. I was so happy. I trimmed along the brick wall after I took this photo so I am officially finished front and back. Today was a beautiful cool sunny day, perfect for working outside and drying laundry there too. I am looking forward to tucking in early to watch some recorded TV shows. xo

Cottage Rose Garden

Planted with Eden Roses. Aren't they pretty? They are supposed to be easy to grow too! This variety was voted the world's best rose in 2006. How does your garden grow? via

Sunday, May 18, 2014

My Front Yard is Overgrown

And Miss Tabitha is the Queen of the Jungle. She loves it just the way it is but I think I'll try to tackle it in the next couple of days. It has been very cool and perfect for doing hard work outside. Hope you had a nice weekend. I'm off to watch Call The Midwife. Love that show. xo

Watch the seasons change

OK. I am really into spring going into summer now that I have finally finished the entire back of my property including cleaning up all the debris from fall and winter. It looks fabulous too. Winter is now just a faint memory! I can't believe next weekend will commemorate Memorial Day. Where did May go? via
I got up way too early this morning when the sun was shining on the tree tops. This is the view from my bathroom window. Enjoy what's left of the weekend. xo
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Saturday, May 17, 2014

Pink Dogwood Blossoms

I took this photo on Thursday while on a real estate appointment in a customer's front yard. Don't you adore pink dogwood trees. It's cool and sunny after a day of rain yesterday. I have SO much to do outside. Have a great weekend. xo
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Friday, May 16, 2014

First Mowing at My Cottage

I mowed yesterday and the day before to beat the storms today. I still have to deal with the bare spots where three trees came down. The stumps have been ground down, thankfully. The bare spot closest to the house is where there was an underground hornets nest. I think I'll get some pieces of sod instead of planting grass seed. We'll see.

Just in the nick of time too! It rained all day. Have a great weekend.
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Girl Feeding Chickens

Another image to celebrate Children's Book Week. via
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Thursday, May 15, 2014

Globes and Libraries = Perfect Together

I am a terrible map reader and am so thankful for the GPS turn by turn voice directions on my phone. For some reason I've always loved globes and old maps. They look so nice in a library. via
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Dame Trot and Her Cat by Anonymous

Dame Trot and Her Cat: Read the entire ebook and all the delightful rhymes digitized by Project Gutenberg HERE.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Wonderful Small Kitchen

Don't you love it? I think it's in Sweden. View the other rooms here.
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Yet Another Green Barn/Garage with Loft

Very easy on the eyes from the dining balcony.

Fabulous loft above.

Views of the sheep farm in the distance.
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Tuesday, May 13, 2014