Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Cats of Downton Tabby

Season 4 begins January 5th.
Downton Tabby, read more . . . 
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Living Room at My Cottage

I did some Tabitha-approved rearranging last week. She's having a hard time deciding which sofa cushion is her favorite. I got rid of my large coffee table full of books (and junk) and put some low tables in front of "my" sofa. I'm liking this mix a lot even though the low tables are mid-century modern. I put a high tea table between the sofas and I love the way the lamp light shines on my antiquarian books in the glass front case in the corner. The mid-century tables used to be there and the lamp was much lower. I can easily move the low tables out of the way now when I need more room. I really need to get back on a new routine with my hula hoop for the winter. 

This cushion seems to be winning.
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Monday, October 14, 2013

Another Great Bathroom

I like this bathroom a lot. I've always liked floating toilets because cleaning the floor would be a snap and this one doesn't have a tank so there's nothing to sweat when the a/c isn't on in the summer. How does it work? Beats me. The white floor with black diamonds is timeless. The shelves complete the picture. I'll take it. via
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A Found Bird's Nest with Eggs

This nest with two unhatched eggs was inside one of my Williamsburg Pottery Bird Bottles that I recently took down and cleaned out prior to having my cottage painted. It's like a little work of art, isn't it? I don't know why this nest was abandoned before the eggs hatched. The tiny birds used it constantly over the summer.
This photo is from Colonial Williamsburg where these bird bottles are still being sold. Order here. The house wrens love them. I put two on the front of my house on either end under the eaves. I still have one to hang on the back of the house near my bedroom window so I can wake up to their delightful singing from early spring and all summer long. Listen to them sing here. They raise multiple families and the parents are tireless workers. They love to perch on the wisteria and sing their little hearts out as they dart in and out of the bottle looking for insects to feed their young.
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Sunday, October 13, 2013

Another View of Dutch Door Kitchen

I found another view of the Spanish kitchen I blogged about several days ago. There is a second sink in the island. It seems the top of the dutch door will open almost completely against the hanging utensils. I think you could cook up a storm here, don't you? photo found here.
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My Outside Water Faucets are Still On

I guess you have to live here to know which spigot to turn on. Mine are a little more straight forward except for the one has both hot and cold water. We are still enjoying wonderful, mild October weather and it's supposed to continue next week. Oh, I hope I can get someone to put a new battery in my riding mower. I think I'll try to do it myself today and get a replacement at Sears. Wish me luck. photo source
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Saturday, October 12, 2013

Saturday Morning Sky at My Cottage

I have been sleeping more soundly lately now that all of my cottage workmen have come and gone but I am still waking up too early in the morning. This beautiful sunrise sky with Maxfield Parish clouds was my reward today. Would I rather be sleeping? Maybe. I'll let you know later. I mowed all of my front lawn and part of the back near the house with my walk behind power mower yesterday before the afternoon shower. I tried to start up my riding mower but she wouldn't turn over so I think I need a new battery. I hate to get one at the end of the season but I really have to cut once or twice more before winter sets in. It's always something, isn't it? Have a great weekend.
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Friday, October 11, 2013

Kitchen w/ Aga and Laundry Drying Rack

You know I love this kitchen!!! It has my favorite color scheme, a tiny Aga cooker and an overhead drying rack. The cabinetry is wonderful too. via
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Thursday, October 10, 2013

A Calm Life

I'm happy with mine!
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Kitchen with Dutch Door

I like the bifold shutter on the inside of this dutch door. The locks and latches don't look very secure to me so this home must be in a safe area. So is mine, but you can't be too careful, can you? There are a lot of things I like about this kitchen but I would need a window over the sink and I'm not wild about that tile over the cooking area and that mint green door would not work for me either. Don't you wish we could see more?
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Wednesday, October 9, 2013

A Beautiful Flower Photo

We haven't had a killing frost yet but it was pretty chilly when I woke up this morning. Tabitha is undecided about how long to stay outside so she has gone in and out several times since I got up. It's time to be thinking about bring in the few geraniums that are still outdoors. I love this beautiful lily and the composition behind the photograph. I'll see you later after my real estate showing. photo source
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Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Classy Pumpkin

I spent most of the day working inside cleaning and rearranging furniture. It always amazes me how things that were practically invisible look so fabulous when you change things around. I'll take some pictures when I finish. I love the equestrian pumpkin in the photo above. I haven't decorated for fall or Halloween outside yet. I do what I can on a daily basis and I have moved mountains in the past several weeks. photo source
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Mantis - Praying for My Cottage

This praying mantis has been on or near the new copper downspout near my balcony since Friday. Is he praying for my cottage or getting some minerals from the copper? I hope it's the former. If he's just admiring his own reflection, I hope he has an alternate plan for the winter!
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Monday, October 7, 2013

Delightful Writers' Cottage

It's time to see someone else's cottage.
I stumbled across this one in New York State designed by Crisp Architects.
All photos by Bob Karosis

It's fabulous, isn't it? More photos here.
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White on White Outbuilding

Here is another example of white on white that is beautiful. I wonder what's inside? My second cup of coffee is kicking in and I'm beginning to feel more alive and ready to continue with outside projects on a mild cloudy day with rain this afternoon. I've been chipping away at the thin skim coat of pigmented stucco that was covering my foundation in the front. Lots of it had already been damaged by the weed whacker and it was bothering me. The rest of the house is fine because it sticks out of the ground a lot more than my front. I think the masons were running out of product by the time they made their way there and put it on too thinly. Anyway, the original foundation is great except for some old whitewash/paint stains in white here and there. The rest looks like a giant slab of cut stone. My cottage was built in the late 1930s so it's probably just old concrete over block. I am going to doctor it up with some masonry paint or something I can find on the shelves in the basement. Most of the old skim coat came off pretty easily and there were spiders living behind it so its days were numbered before the rest fell off piece by piece. I filled up two grocery bags full of debris. Why do I do this to myself? Not sure. Guess I am a glutton for punishment, always eager to take on a hard task. image from Pinterest
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Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Red Leaves Have Arrived

We now have some red color in the woods here at the cottage. Hope you had a nice weekend. I certainly did. I'll tell you all about it tomorrow. Too tired to talk right now.
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Saturday, October 5, 2013

Two Beautiful Owls

These two night owls might be able to stay up all night but I cannot. I am getting ready to call it a day and watch a movie. I had another busy day outside and got more things on the laundry list done. It was a good day and I hope yours was too. See you tomorrow. Good night. image
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Duet with A Cat

I wish I could have been there to see this in person. Don't you absolutely love this vintage photo? I've been working outside all day ever since I got up tweeking things before I mow next week. We had rain during the night but the sun is out this afternoon. Hooray. Have a great weekend.
image source

Friday, October 4, 2013

Meet Lizzie, The Daredevil Chicken

There is no work shortage for chickens these days. Click here if you can't see the video below.

This chicken named Lizzie is the official spokes-hen for a certain camera phone. She is absolutely a.maz.ing. You really won't believe your eyes! Who knew chickens had so much to contribute to technology?

Cat Nap

The gutter guy is nice and I let him scratch my head before going inside for a nap on the old rope bed. This construction/painting project is really interfering with my daytime routine. Love, Tabitha
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Cat Chair for Tabitha

Tabitha found a new spot for grooming herself this morning. I was sitting on the opposing chair removing my boots and she hopped up on hers. This photo gives you a closer look at one of my light fixtures bringing in more color. Does that rust spot on the bluestone disturb me? Yes, it does but I'm way too busy to obsess over it the way I did about my paint color. I have to wash all of my outside windows starting today and through the weekend. The gutter guy is coming later this morning to run a long strip of bent copper under my roof shingles so my half round gutters won't overflow from behind and rot my cottage again. He is adding one more downspout to a long run in the back that becomes Niagara Falls during a downpour beside the sliding glass door to my mother's old bedroom and sitting room. Water is definitely the enemy of any house, right? I hope this is the solution I'm hoping for. See you later.
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Thursday, October 3, 2013

My Cottage Painting Project is Finished

Well, I had the window surround on the door and the muntins painted white. I think it makes a big difference. It's finally finished and I am very pleased. Don't forget, I have another little wing behind the picket fence on the left. I am going to run a hot bath with 2 cups of epsom salts added and soak my weary bones. I've been going full speed since before 8 this morning and it's 6:25 pm right now. This house painting/repair projected took 10 full working days and I couldn't be more pleased. The weather was fabulous with no humidity and not a drop of rain. I just heard the weatherman on the news say it hasn't rained here for 11 days. I cannot believe my good luck but I think I deserve it! My barn isn't this red but all of the other colors in this iPhone photo are true. 
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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Front Door Painted Yesterday

I decided to go with a neutral palate for my front door and shutters. This color scheme is throughout the interior of my cottage as well. White walls and Bennington Grey woodwork. I have worn a path going in and out to look at my front door to see if I like my choice and I do. The Shaker-style shutters were painted yesterday and they will be going up today. I was honestly tempted to leave them off but decided to put them up again after more agony and a sleepless night. They were custom made for my cottage with raised panels and they were expensive. They are still in great condition so up they go. Maybe I'll leave them off next go round since I was growing accustomed to the stark Shaker look. The company that made my shutters has a before and after gallery where you can see different houses with and without shutters by running your mouse over the images here. Once again, my fingers are in my ears and I can't hear you. When I want the stark look, I can just go around back where there are no shutters and the doors remain white. More pictures will be posted later. My outside paint/repair project is winding down. I have already started my winter list of inside jobs for these marvelous men to help me with over the winter. I'll be so sad to see them go. That's the thing about construction and I had almost forgotten how much I love it. There is real withdrawal when it's over. 
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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Wonderful Dining Nook

This is fabulous. I've never seen one with  table built around a single pedestal. "Mabel, Mabel, if you're able, keep your elbows off the table". Remember that rhyme from childhood? I guess the stability comes from the tabletop being attached to the wall at the end. Maybe Mabel can lean on her elbows after all. image source
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