Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Hide and Seek with Chickens

Shhhhh. They will never find us in here. via
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Nurturing the Milkweed

It's raining again as you can see.

I have a little stand of milkweed in the rear portion of my property. Every day I weed around the 14 plants. I grew up loving them and I hope they will stay. I used to make things and stuff them with the milkweed floss from the big pods after they popped open. Weeding the weeds -- crazy? I think not. Kids used to gather milkweed for the WWII effort -- read more here. It was used to stuff life preservers. my iPhone photos

Ants on Peonies

I've always wondered why ants like peonies but I don't know the answer. They just do. I took this photo just a few minutes ago on this cool Tuesday morning that feels like a Monday. I have to get this show on the road pretty soon because I have to go to an office meeting. See you later. my iPhone photo

Monday, May 27, 2013

In Flander's Field by John McCrae

In Flander's Field by John McCrae

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

"In Flander's Field" is a memorable poem that was written by Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae in a cemetery in the Flanders region of Belgium on May 3, 1915, the day after the death of his young friend, Lieutenant Alexis Helmer.

Perhaps the most famous poem written during World War I, these simple but powerful fifteen lines, and the poppies they immortalize, have come to symbolize fallen soldiers. I think this is the perfect remembrance for Memorial Day and I post it every year.

Image: Painting by Willy Werner
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Memorial Day 2013

Today is a day for patriotism. This large white wall is perfect for displaying the American flag. Don't forget to honor our veterans and soldiers and go to a parade if you can. Have a great Memorial Day. via
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Sunday, May 26, 2013

Amazing Space for Outdoor Entertaining

Wow. This is too wonderful, isn't it? I wouldn't know where to sit. I think the guests would end up playing musical chairs in order to enjoy all the views in every direction. Enjoy your Memorial Day festivities tomorrow. via

Ralph Waldo Emerson quote about Walking

Peace Defined

My wish for you today and every day. via

Benjamin Morrow House with Plans

This lovely New England colonial with breezeway and garage barn has 1,989 square feet. Doesn't it look as if it has a lot more? The floor plan is wonderful. I am finding in my real estate business that many families today want a first floor master bedroom and one could easily be added here. I love this home, don't you? From CONNOR HOMES. They have been building new old homes since 1969.

Duck Paddle

In case you've ever wondered, this is how it's done. This little duckling looks pretty pleased with himself for having mastered the duck paddle, doesn't he? via

'Walk Like an Egyptian' Bird

He has it down pat even without hands, doesn't he?  We have blue skies and bright sun this morning. Yay! Just in time for a great Memorial Day weekend. Have a good long weekend.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

1902 Bookplate Ex Libris Robert Hall

Bookplate, 1902. Robert Hall, an avid collector of Kemscott Press books. via

On the library table are Kelmscott works, including William Morris’s The Glittering Plain and his 1895 translation of Beowulf. All the books are clearly bound in the distinctive Kelmscott full limp vellum tied with silk ribbons. The Wood Beyond the World is open to show a Morris-designed woodcut border and frontispiece. Leaning against the bookcase is a copy of the 1896 edition of Chaucer. Click here to see this wonderful bookplate enlarged.

Have a great long weekend. I'm anxiously awaiting the next episode of Orphan Black on BBC America. I missed the first 6 episodes and had to watch them online. When I was up to date I began watching on Saturday nights at 9pm. This will be my third week of watching on the TV set. It is really GOOD. It has been renewed for a second season too. Will you be watching?

Spring Lambs on Spring Grass

Bluebird Spotting Today at My Cottage

Any day that starts with a bluebird spotting is a good one in my book. This one was pretty far away and I'm thankful my Nikon with the big telephoto lens was near the window. 

Welcoming Entrance + A Wonderful Gate

This is a wonderful entrance, isn't it? Don't you want to open the gate to see what's on the other side? I certainly do. via

Friday, May 24, 2013

Trinity College Library, Dublin Ireland

The views of this Dublin library are breathtaking. Could anyone ever take it for granted? I'm sure everyone speaks in whispers there out of respect for the past. via

First Daisies 2013

I took this photo on a late walk with Webster this morning. It is a very cool 60° and breezy on this overcast day. So far, no more rain has fallen and that's a good thing. My back field that has not been cut in over a month is full of wildflowers with the daisies being my favorite. I love the clovers too. I have both red and white. I've heard the white clover is best for the bees since their tongues aren't long enough to get the nectar from the red variety. It's raining again, but very softly. I was doing some hand trimming in the front and had to stop. I am determined to finish in between showers today. my iPhone photo

Maury Island Kitchen with 15" Wide Floor Boards

Look at the width of those old floor boards. WOW. I love this walk-thru galley kitchen. There is a pass through over the kitchen sink too. I want to see the rest of this house. Seek and ye shall find...I found an amazing tour of this Maury Island lake house in Washington State designed by Bosworth Hoedemaker. After you open the link, put your mouse cursor on the first image and a next button will appear. Enjoy. You're welcome. The description of the project is very interesting too. The floor boards are 15" wide and were recycled from an old gymnasium.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Best Deer Fence Ever

This spectacular deer fence is in Southampton, Long Island. It surrounds a 112 x 72 foot garden owned by landscape designer Lisa Bynon. Read the article and view more photos here. WOW.

Mowing and Watching

Webster doesn't like to be outside when I'm riding around on my mower. I think he must have been hit in the past by a flying rock or wood chip. So I always put him inside and let him supervise from the balcony. It was very overcast this morning and there is no sun in the forecast until SUNday. I hope I'll be able to do a little more field mowing later because Friday and Saturday are supposed to be solid rain. I can at least do lots of hand trimming. Oops, it just started raining. Now the sun is out. It has rained on and off all day. I think it will be just handwork outside today. I should have gotten an earlier start yesterday. I mowed all of the small area in the far rear and got a nice wide path leading down there so I don't have to walk through the knee high grasses when I walk the Wonder Dog. I put two of my adirondack chairs down there for resting and contemplating nature. my photos-click to enlarge

Scary Tabitha

This is what she does when she sees or hears something out of the window in her room. She turns into Scary Tabitha, the Halloween Cat. A big clap of thunder caused her to arch her back this time. Now it's raining. my photo - click to enlarge

Corgi in a Swing

He looks as if he doesn't have a care in the world, doesn't he? I never tire of the interaction between humans and their pets. This little guy is clearly loved. via

I found a video of this adorable Corgi too. His name is Twinky.  

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Nice Paint Colors on Cottage-Style Home

Traditional Exterior by Bethesda Design. Photograph by Morgan Howarth. It's time to say good night. I mowed for almost 3 hours and still have lots to do. I haven't cranked up my riding mower for 3 weeks and the grass was l-o-n-g. See you tomorrow. Sweet dreams.


This beautiful photograph of fresh radishes in an antique yellowware bowl looks like a painting. by raewillow on Flickr.

The Many Views of Selling A House

This is how the seller sees the house.

This is how the potential buyer see the house.

This is how the lender sees the house.

This is how the appraiser sees the house.

This is how the county tax assessor sees the house.

What the buyers are thinking.
I wish there were a picture showing how hard the realtor has to work to get it sold.

Wonderful Quote About BOOKS

Yes! I know the feeling well. I also posted this on Pinterest.

Abraham Crowley: Garden, Home and Books


I'm quite sure we would have been friends if I had been born in London in 1618. via

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Shakespeare Quote from King Lear

Great advice from William Shakespeare, the bard of Avon.

Yellow Jacket at Work

This is the third paper nest this year I've had to knock down. I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw this one going up at the top of the door jamb between my living room and the balcony. That's a little too close to home for me. Doesn't he look positively wicked? The yellow jackets make the gray paper themselves by chewing on slivers of wood. The young are hatched and food is stored in the nest’s center or "core" of hexagonal cells. That's today's science lesson from the cottage. my Nikon photo