Friday, April 5, 2013

Cutest puppy mix.

His name is Bosco and he's 10 weeks old. He is half black lab and half springer spaniel. Look at his paws! Isn't he adorable? What a great mix---he's got the best of both breeds. via

Having my coffee now

This is just exactly what I am having at this very moment. I slept late this morning and it was wonderful. I always add hot soy milk to my morning coffee and it mixes itself just like this gif. See you later, friends. via

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Black Pansies

Where the Calla Lilies Grow

Jhuzihhu Taiwan -- I've never seen calla lilies growing en masse, have you? How does a person even get in there to cut them without doing damage? Stunning photo. via

Great Kitchen -- Before and After

I decided to post the after photo first so you wouldn't get depressed by the before photo if you haven't had your coffee yet. 

See what I mean? It's an amazing transformation, isn't it? Hop on over to Hooked on Houses to see more views of this 1980s kitchen, before and after.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Baby Goose

This little gosling looks so cozy tucked under mother's wing. I'm getting ready to tuck myself between the sheets to enjoy some TV time on the flat screen in my bedroom. Goodnight all. See you in the morning. via

Pub Kitchen

This kitchen looks like an English Pub, doesn't it? I love decorating with antiques. via

Foxglove in a Williamsburg Garden

Could anything be lovelier on a frigid April morning with the temperatures in the teens? I think not. This garden in Williamsburg is gorgeous. via

Monday, April 1, 2013

Perfect Tea Party

Everyone appears to be on their best behavior for this formal tea party. I love to peek into early childhood playtime through vintage photos. via

The Urge to Garden

The urge to garden is starting to raise its head, isn't it? via

Beautiful Wildflowers for April

This beautiful wildflower looks like columbine to me. Mother Nature certainly picked a lovely spot to plant the seeds, didn't she. No floral arranger could match this arrangement. Hello April. Today is Webster's 11th birthday. He has already had several dog biscuits with peanut butter spread on them for his special day. We had rain overnight and will have more today so the April showers are right on schedule. See you later. via
Correction....these flowers are Oxalis acetosella, submitted by a reader (Cathy in Idaho). Thanks, Cathy.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

My Mom, Easter 2012

It is hard to believe my beautiful mother is no longer with me. She looked so beautiful a year ago and 8 months later she was gone. I miss her every day. We all miss you here at the cottage, Anna. This morning Tabitha made a rare visit to my bed in the wee small hours before dawn instead of meowing to be fed and let out. She was my mother's cat and I think she was missing her too. Webster and Tabitha always go with me when I go downstairs to do laundry and they always hope she will magically appear in her home on the lower lever. But she's never there so we don't stay long. I really need to start dealing with her things but I'm waiting for the nice weather so I can open all the windows and doors and sort things outside. I'm still peaceful about her passing but that doesn't stop me from missing her. 
I've been busy in the kitchen making two dishes to take to Easter Ham Dinner with friends this afternoon. I am making my old standby (cranberry holiday salad from a book called 'Favorite Recipes from Quilters') and something new, a baked pineapple casserole that sounds delicious. I'll let you know. Have a Happy Easter Day! xo

Easter Duckling

Happy Easter, Everyone!
I never knew ducks could smile but this one definitely can. Click photo to enlarge for maximum enjoyment.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Awkward Baby Bird

This Bittern nestling is unusual looking to say the least. The wonderful photo by Alex Lavashkin appeared in Popular Photography 3/28/13. The mother made a beautifully woven nest for her babies, didn't she? 

Faux Bois Garden Set

Nothing could be more perfect. Are you entertaining outside for Easter? via

Waiting for His Walk

The question is, "Who will be walking whom?" Isn't this the perfect use for a window seat? via

Easter Greetings

Isn't this how the pyramids were built? Those two bunnies are very smart, knowing exactly how to move a giant egg. Happy Easter! via

Don't even think about getting close to the Easter chick. It's MINE to love and protect. Look closely, baby chick is under cat's nose. Found on Google images.

Horace, The Housebroken Irish Hare


You will enjoy the vintage photos from and old Life Magazine featuring Horace, the housebroken hare. He was the pet of Cecil S. Webb, Director of the Dublin Zoo in 1956. What a character! Click to read the entire article with MANY MORE PHOTOS.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Allegri's Miserere performed by The Tallis Scholars

Sorry. The link for this post is no longer available.

Allegri's masterpiece was written sometime before 1638 for the annual celebration of the matins during Holy Week (the Easter celebration).

Geese on a Road Trip

HaHa. Wonder where they are going? photo found on Tumblr

Free Range Chickens with Daffodils

My daffodils are just barely in the bud stage. Can't wait for the flowers. Don't you know these chickens produce delicious eggs?!! via

Quinoa Pancakes

Martha Stewart has the recipe here. Be sure to read the comments for tweeking hints from people who have actually made them. Thanks, Martha.

Upstairs hallway reading nook.

This use of space at the top of the stairs is very nice, isn't it? via

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Summer Cottage on Gibson Island

Summer House by Thorsen Construction Company of Virginia. View more photos of this wonderful home.

Natural Egg Dyeing

image from Martha Stewart
Read the article on how to get these great colors from things like onion skins, blueberries, grape juice, spinach leaves, dill seeds and more.
via two men and a little farm

Bunny Eating Snowdrops

Is this little bunny powering up for the Easter weekend? My snowdrops have been in constant bloom since February thanks to our cold spring weather. I love these sweet harbingers of spring. via

Bathtime for Birdie

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Can You Smell the Lilacs?

Lilacs are my favorite flowering shrub. Can you smell that delightful fragrance in your mind? This is an especially lovely arrangement. via


Recipe here.
Simple and easy using Chow Mein noodles, butterscotch chips, and Cadbury Mini eggs.