Friday, January 25, 2013

California Giant Redwood Trees - 1915

Each morning since Hurricane Sandy I wake up to the sound of chain saws and wood chippers. The trees in my area were hit hard and the cleanup continues. I never fail to be impressed by photos of lumberjacks working by hand a century ago.

The photos are part of the Ericson Collection, a series of pictures from northwest California from the 1880s through the 1920s by Swedish photographer A. W. Ericson. Read more about this exhibition here

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Amazing Elephant Portrait

What a beautiful animal. I never tire of looking at elephants, and this photograph is my favorite. via

Gorgeous Bedroom

I think it's perfect in every respect, don't you? The headboard is beautiful and the chosen linens are wonderful on this bed. I'm quite sure the rest of the room is amazing too, just by looking at the windows. via

More Sliding Barn Doors

I love the lemon yellow sliding barn doors on this pavilion/breezeway. This area is perfect in any kind of weather. It's fun to be inside and outside at the same time, isn't it? via

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Nothing Warms Like an Open Fire

Click Photo to Enlarge
I haven't been able to get really warm all day. About an hour ago I lit a fire and now I'm toasty. Why did I wait so long? Webster has been fed and walked in the 18 degree temperature and my soup is warming on the stove. All's right with our world. Tabitha has one of the sofa cushions properly squished and she's fast asleep in her nest. We are watching a repeat of last night's edition of Charlie Rose. It comes on at 5pm on PBS and that's what I usually watch until the nightly news. 

Budget DIY Sliding Barn Doors

Do you love inside sliding barn doors but hate the cost of the hardware? This clever young lady in North Carolina substituted plumbing pipes overhead and put rolling casters on the bottoms of this pair of recycled doors. Total cost including the doors was $78.00. Genius. Slideshow from Country Living.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Sundial at My Cottage

I took this photo of the sundial near my front door recently. The snow had melted into a puddle on the top and I liked the reflections. I was in and out all day in this frigid weather and don't look forward to going out twice more with the wonder dog. He's looking at me right now sending me messages that he wants his dinner. So off to the kitchen I must go. 

It's Cold Outside

Brrrr! It is really cold for the first time in over 2 years according to the weather people. I know they must be right because the animals don't stay out very long. It's cozy inside the cottage, so that's where we will stay! via

Monday, January 21, 2013

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Fabulous Architecture in Connecticut

This new construction in Connecticut is fabulous. I love this small outbuilding with the wonderful entrance. Robert Courturier photography
Enjoy watching Downton Abbey tonight. I can't wait!

Webster Loves Sunday Mornings

My breakfast sandwich is almost ready. The egg and the Canadian bacon are waiting for the Ciabatta roll to toast in the skillet.

Webster has been waiting patiently for the sandwich to be assembled.

So he can lick the pan. He pronounced it to be delicious. And it was!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Perfect Entrance Hall

I love the use of the library table full of antiquarian books. Black lampshades on brass bases are my favorite lamps. Love the artwork, the plants, the artwork, the antiques, the oriental runner, and the sisal carpet on the stairs. There staircase is monumental. Absolute perfection on all counts.
Tabitha has really settled into being my cat. She's really more like a dog in many respects. She knows exactly how to tell me what she wants and her wish is my command. She was relaxing on top of a loose sofa cushion this morning when I snapped this photo. Darkness has descended on the cottage and she just led me to the door to let her out for a before-dinner walk. Webster just finished dinner and I'll be walking him in a few. Have a good weekend. See you tomorrow.

Paul and Linda McCartney

This is a delight - a photo shoot with Linda photographing Paul singing. She harmonizes a little too. It's a very intimate glimpse into what they had together as a couple.

Click here if you are unable to see this charming video or if you want a larger view. She was so beautiful. Have a great weekend.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Country Kitchens with AGA Cookers

Delightful kitchen by Blackstone Edge Studios. via

Here is another Aga from a real life kitchen complete with dog in a basket. via

Friday Morning Sunrise at My Cottage

Click photo to enlarge.
Wow. I looked up just a few minutes ago and this is what I saw. You have to be quick to capture the early morning colors. They are gone in an instant. I used my Nikon for this beautiful sky. 

Thursday, January 17, 2013

HaHa - Good One!

Château de Vaux le Vicomte

Did you know that the Château de Vaux le Vicomte, to the east of Paris, was one of the main sources of inspiration for the Château de Versailles? It is surrounded by the most elegant and geometrically harmonious of all high Baroque gardens. Have you been? via

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Mini Ice Storm at My Cottage

Everything is covered with a thin glaze of ice and it's a very gray day. Nothing has melted even though it doesn't seem that cold when I'm out in it with Webster. I took these photos mid morning and now it's mid afternoon. The salt trucks were out this morning so the roads are black. I took the first two photos with my iPhone while I was outside and the second two with my Nikon from inside the house.

Great Outdoor Shower Head

I have to restore my outdoor shower this year....for sure. I have a big shower head but not this big. Love the vine too. via

Black and White Kitchen

Here is a delightful kitchen and butler's pantry all decked out in black and white. I love the collection of Staffordshire dogs on the windowsill over the sink and the fabulous basket on wheels next to island. Actually, I can't find one single thing I don't like. It's absolutely perfect. I woke up to a surprise dusting of snow this morning with small icicles hanging everywhere. The animals weren't wild about putting their warm, toasty paws on the front walk and they didn't stay out very long either. via

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

How Not To Write A Novel

This is hilarious!

SO YOU WANT TO WRITE A NOVEL - Click here if you can't view this video. Originally discovered here. So funny! I love the computer generated voices.

Red and White Checks

I am partial to blue and white but decided to give some equal time to red and white checks on a kitchen floor and on cabin beds.

I prefer black and white or gray and white on floors, but this looks nice for a change.

I usually prefer blue and white checks in a bedroom but I have to admit these bunk beds look wonderful in red and white. Sorry I don't have source links. I'll try to add them later.

Wonderful Cottage with House Plans


House plans available from Southern Living. This sweet cottage is called Deer Run. The size is 973 square feet of heated space. Looks perfect, doesn't it? The stone foundation is a nice touch.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Amazing Colonial with Snow

This antique colonial is amazing in its simplicity isn't it? The grounds look wonderful too. Wish I could see more. I had a very busy day today after a pretty lazy weekend. Click on the photo to see it full size for the greatest wow factor. via

Goodnight from the Qoukka

This animal is called a Quokka and it is the happiest thing on the planet. It smiles 24/7. Such a sweet looking animal. Two more photos here. It's from Australia and is about the size of a domestic cat.

The Eyes Have It.

Whooooo is looking at you?
Have you ever seen such an amazing grouping of owl eyes? I haven't. What a nice family portrait! The parents have very long moustaches and beards that completely hide their beaks. Wonder why? via

Small Cooking Space

This is a very well thought out small kitchen. I love the charcoal wall and the stainless steel island. Very nice indeed! via

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Foggy Morning Walk @ My Cottage

The pea soup fog is getting worse as the day progresses because the air temperature is so much warmer than the ground. There are still some patches of snow here and there where people had it plowed but none here. It was fun going out with Webster the wonder dog. Are you having a nice weekend? I'm looking forward to the Golden Globes tonight before switching to Downton Abbey. 

Waving to all of you before going inside.

Forget Someday

Can A Basement Laundry Room Be Beautiful?

This transformed laundry room is in Norway and the website is in Norwegian. Thank goodness for Google Translate! 

The original basement laundry was dark and dreary. It had the only the washer and dryer but no storage or work space. The room did not have a sink with running running water for hand washing sweaters and such. It does look pretty dismal doesn't it? The couple kept the original cement floor and painted it with a checker board design.

Don't you love the hand-made linen closet? Instead of spending a lot of money on new furniture, the owners chose to invest in recycling. Two old doors they found in a thrift store for building materials were the starting point for the custom linen cupboard. The hull was made of particle board and moldings were used for trim. The large cabinet holds a lot and is one of the things the owners are most satisfied with in their laundry room. More photos and text here. It's amazing, isn't it?