Thursday, August 3, 2017

Nicest Canopy Over Doorway, Ever

This is the best design I have seen for adding some protection from the weather over a doorway without building an addition. Found here on Instagram from the firm in England that made it and the zinc planter also.

Monday, July 31, 2017

Hello, August

August 1939
Good Housekeeping Magazine
I photographed this in a used book shop.
My photo.

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Turn Your Life Into A Story

I like this quote very much.
Don't forget, tonight is the finale of Grantchester on PBS, Sniff. Sniff. Here is a preview. 

Friday, July 28, 2017

A True Rocking Chair Porch

This could possibly be the front porch at an Inn or a Bed and Breakfast and it's lovely. via

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Small House Big Gardens

I love the brick paths leading to the porch and gardens. The yard, surrounded by hedges, divides the lawn from the cutting garden. How very nice. Love! via The house looks nice too and very manageable.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Ivy Covered Estate with Pool

Swim anyone? This looks very refreshing on a hot, humid day. If it were mine, I would prefer the pool farther away from the house so it wouldn't be an eyesore in the winter.
Most towns require a fence anyway.
The mature landscaping is perfect.
This luxury estate is very lovely, isn't it?

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Home Office Entrance

This must be an extraordinary home office. I wonder if these plaid chairs are in the conference room or the home dining room? via

Monday, July 24, 2017

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Nasturtiums in my Garden

I sowed nasturtium seeds in a large outdoor planter this year and I am really enjoying them. The edible flowers are often described as "peppery" but mine are easily as strong as horseradish.  Wow, talk about clearing your sinuses. I love the lilypad leaves too. I am going to save the seeds for planting next year. They are such cheerful flowers! Enjoy your Sunday. xo

Friday, July 21, 2017

My Baby Robin and A Pot of Corriander

I had a robin's nest with 5 baby robins under my balcony on top of one of the brick pillars.
This is the only fledgling who is keeping in touch. Don't you love those eyebrows?

I planted organic coriander seeds in this pot and am enjoying my harvest.

A larger view of the baby bird visit yesterday.
You can see more of him on my Instagram.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Dahlias in Asheville

Originally cultivated by the Aztecs, dahlias are perennial mountain flowers that survive until frost.
The Technicolor whorls of a Café au Lait dahlia.

Read the article about this Asheville NC Dahlia Farm: FOR THE LOVE OF DAHLIAS

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

“Cosy Corner”. Carl Larsson, 1894

“Cosy Corner”. Carl Larsson, 1894. This rendering still looks very timely except for the pipe. via

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Cottage Near Me with Hollyhocks

I've been meaning to stop and photograph this sweet cottage I pass when going to the Post Office to pick up my mail and today I pulled over. There were a few cars behind me and I waved for them to go around me so I could get a decent photo. The cottage is close to the road so I cropped out the asphalt. I love the old-fashioned flower garden with beautiful hollyhocks, don't you? Click on photo to enlarge.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Cutest Farm Cottage

Very nice, indeed.
It's awfully close to another dwelling though.
But I like it.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

The Perfect Summer House

The Blue Awnings and Blue Shutters are perfect for this house. I love the simple plantings and the window boxes too. The Chippendale railings are pretty as well. Have a great weekend. via

Friday, July 14, 2017

Wonderful Paintings

This is an absolutely lovely room. I could easily live with and love every single item I see. via
It belongs to Bunny Williams.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Wonderful Home Office

This home office is spectacular.
There is no window for daydreaming so you could really get a lot of work done there. I once converted a walk-in closet to an office and I loved it. via

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

New Home in Williamsburg

The Simpson House
Yes, please. I love this new reproduction home in Colonial Williamsburg. Want to see more? A lot more? Click here. It's much larger than it looks. Wait until you see the back view. Love!!!!

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Historic Farmhouse

A Southern California couple bought a 1700s stone farmhouse in the Hudson Valley in upstate New York and have slowly been restoring the interiors ever since. Filling the space with vintage and antique finds sourced locally, there are plenty of nods to the history of the area. 

The structure is wonderful. The link to the tour is no longer available.

Monday, July 10, 2017

Cat with her Mini Me

Two of a kind. Really! Love this photo. via 
The link says their names are Floof and Floof, Jr.

Milkweed Seed Pods

I have one volunteer milkweed plant growing in the bed next to my Limelight Hydrangea. I can't wait for the seed pods to form and take me back to my childhood when we lived in a house with fields full of these plants the Monarch butterflies love. via

Sunday, July 9, 2017

A Very Welcoming Home

I like what I see here, don't you?
The architectural detailing is wonderful.
The rest of the house is probably amazing.
Enjoy your Sunday Evening. I'm planning to spend it with PBS.

Friday, July 7, 2017

Library at Top of Stairs

This is a nice glimpse into someone's home deor and I like what they've done. The landing at the top of the stairs is especially nice since it has great bookshelves and walls of artwork. found on Google Images.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Blueberry Cake Photo YUM

I wish I could tell you I had the recipe for this particular delicious-looking cake but sadly, I do not! I found another one that looks similar -- recipe here. I am finding I can decrease the amount of sugar called for in all recipes, and the taste is still fine and not overly sweet. Enjoy. xo

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

A Porch with Two Swings

Read about this 660 square foot cottage here. When the page opens, scroll down immediately to get rid of an annoying banner that won't go away.

Monday, July 3, 2017

English Decoration: the book

I know how much most of you love authentic English decor with rooms that have evolved over the years. Tour 18 quintessentially English homes in this new book here. You will love what you see. Have a great July 4th. xo