Thursday, November 24, 2016

White Oak Tea Tavern - Wonderful Log Building

I love this log cabin. It's the White Oak Tea Tavern in Troutville VA. Don't you think this should be a destination stop for anyone driving through Virginia? It's near Roanoke I think. 

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Vintage Thanksgiving Magazine Covers

Abraham Lincoln issued the first Thanksgiving turkey pardon as a gesture to help unify a divided nation at the end of the Civil War. 

I like them all. My family was quite taken with TV in the early days, so this one is my favorite even though I am not a sports fan. Have a great holiday. xo 
via Google Images

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Monday, November 21, 2016

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Sliding Barn Door in A Kitchen

I would like to see the rest of this lart if the room, wouldn't you.

I don't think this sliding door is closed very much. The adjoining room seems to be a butler's pantry. Maybe the door is closed if the kitchen is a mess which is probably never. via

To Serve Them All My Days DVD set

To Serve Them All My Days You can thank me later for this DVD recommendation. It was first broadcast by the BBC over 13 episodes in 1980 and 1981, and in 1982 by PBS in the United States as part of their Masterpiece Theatre anthology series. I don't remember watching it back then. It's timeless and I promise you will enjoy it too.
Sorry about the stickers on the cover. It's from the Madison NJ public library. Each disc contains multiple chapters. I can hardly bear to tear myself away since I am about to begin the last DVD in the set. If you liked Goodbye Mr. Chips with Peter O'Toole, you will love this and it's much longer! Based on the novel by R. F. Delderfield for those of you who prefer to read. The acting is superb. I absolutely cannot wait to hear from you after you watch the whole thing.

My library allows a two-week period for long videos like this but once I get started, I can usually whiz thru in a weekend.

If you can't find the DVD set at your library, you can watch the entire series on YouTube. Chapter One is featured here. You will have to hunt around to find the other chapters. Look in the Right Side bar as a guide. To Serve Them All My Days Episode 1 Part 1 click on this link to go directly to YouTube so you can watch it full screen. Enjoy!!! xo

Friday, November 18, 2016

Secret Door in a Paneled Library

The only books I would be attracted to in this library are all fake. I hope no real books died in the process. When the sliding pocket door is closed it would be impossible to detect that this panel hides a secret passage. Via

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Sweet Farmhouse Cottage

OK, I love this sweet cottage. If it's half as charming inside as it is on the outside, I'll take it. Of course, I am happy in mine and I'm not interested in building another home, but if I were, I'd seriously consider this design. Isn't it wonderful? via pinterest

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Lattice Pie Crust and Lattice Hedges

I'm impressed with both of these lattice masterpieces. I could easily master the pie but never these wonderful topiary boxwood. Aren't they amazing? Both images from Pinterest. xo

Monday, November 14, 2016

Harry Potter Wisdom

I have never read a Harry Potter book or watched any of the movies but I like this quote. via

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Dawn, Sunday Morning

Good Sunday Morning from My Cottage. The sunrise was beautiful. I'm looking forward to the Super Moon tonight, known as The Beaver Moon. The largest one since 1948 and there won't be another one until 2036 so I'd better catch this one!!!

Friday, November 11, 2016

New Views of My Kitchen

New view of my kitchen. I've been shuffling things around a bit. Do you ever feel that you are completely settled? I have friends who never move anything. Everything has a final resting place. I move things around all the time. I started doing this at home when I was young and have never stopped. Happy Veterans Day. Have a great weekend. xo

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Hillside Manor House -- Buckhead -- Atlanta, GA

So Nice.
I love everything I see in this photo.

Sweet Country Kitchen

Looks like a happy place, doesn't it? It bothers me a that the sink isn't centered below the window but there must be a reason. I think those two things to the left are dishwashers that slide out. So I would have put in a larger sink, maybe a double. Otherwise it's very sweet. Wish I could see the whole room. I'm sure they made use of all the space to suit their needs rather than my need for symmetry. I like the nook above the window. via

Monday, November 7, 2016

My most Recent Instagram posts

For those of you that aren't on Instagram, this is a screen shot of my most recent posts. All of the photos were taken with my iphone around the cottage or on walks nearby or at realtor open houses. Enjoy this last day before the election and be sure to vote tomorrow. xo

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Million Dollar Owl Painting found in an Attic

William James Webbe (fl.1853-1878), The White Owl, ‘Alone and warming his five wits, The white owl in the belfry sits,’ signed with monogram and dated ‘1856’ (lower left), oil on board, 17¾ x 10 3/8 in. (45 x 26.3 cm.) © Christie’s Images Limited 2012

Alone and warming his five wits, 
The white owl in the belfry sits.

I can't believe this wonderful story. I also cannot believe I am able to find such interesting news and articles on Instagram. This story will have you running to your attic to rummage around if yours is packed and you have no idea what's up there. That's what happened when a lady had to move things for a plumber in hers.
"Everyone dreams of finding that one priceless item hiding in the corners of a dust-ridden attic. One UK teacher recently experienced the joy of rescuing such a forgotten antique, all thanks to an old owl painting that turned out to be worth nearly a million dollars."
Read the entire story on The Huffington Post. Enjoy this beautiful November Saturday as I shall. xo

Friday, November 4, 2016

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Cozy Antique Room

What a nice peek into a period room with period antiques and an open fire. Perfect for fall and the upcoming winter. via

Fried Apple Rings

I haven't had breakfast yet. These apple rings dipped in a yogurt batter and fried made my mouth water. Great donut alternative. See more photos and get the recipe here. xo

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Traditional Home with Greenhouse

This Baker Greenhouse backs up to a 100 acre nature preserve.

Front view of the gorgeous greenhouse with standard hydrangeas in pots. Read the article and see photos of the beautiful traditional home, inside and out, in Atlanta Homes. Enjoy!

Monday, October 31, 2016

BEST Owl Photo

Owls and Halloween go together, don't they? This is the best barn owl photo I have ever seen. via
HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Hope it's spooktacular!

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Sliding Interior Shutters

Is this a perfect room, or what? Love the comfy chair and ottoman with a little table beside and a reading lamp behind. And the view!!! I can't imagine a better one, can you. Now the icing on the cake is the interior sliding louvered shutters.  Look carefully, the valance going across the top of the window hides the track. Genius! Such a clever way to block the sun when it gets too bright but allow air to get in. LOVE! via
It was very warm today, almost hot. I zipped through the grocery store this afternoon and almost everybody was wearing shorts and flip flops. It's a little cooler now and raining. Some of the trees are completely bare, some are still green with all their leaves, and others have their fall colors and half their leaves. It's still too early for my final gutter cleaning. I want ALL the leaves on the ground first. xo

Double Decker Sliding Barn Doors

I still like this sliding barn door trend, especially on this converted barn/home. via
I woke up early after a half day of mowing yesterday and I'm almost finished with my fall cleanup. I was shocked into getting it finished after I saw photos of an early dusting of snow in Connecticut and upstate New York this week. It is unusually warm today and that's good for the trick or treaters. Happy Halloween. xo

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Lovely Conservatory

YES, Yes, and yes to everything I see in this photo. The conservatory is especially nice. via

Simple Top Crust Pie Decor

Isn't this fork decoration beautiful? What a great and super-simple idea! I will definitely copy it when I make a chicken pot pie in the near future. The apple pie above is going to be beautiful. via

Friday, October 28, 2016

Cutest Little Black Lamb

This could possibly be the cutest lamb I have ever seen. via Have a great Halloween weekend.