Saturday, November 18, 2017

Vintage Gas Stove: A Chambers

This functioning 1910 Champion gas stove is simply wonderful. . .love it so much. via

Friday, November 17, 2017

Coziest Dogs Ever

At first look, I didn't realize there were TWO dogs on the bed, warming themselves before the fire. via

A Man Called Ove -- Great Book

I was thrilled to finally find this book at the library after hearing people rave about it for a very long time. I loved it and devoured it in a single day. Read the book, skip the movie would be my advice after watching the trailer. Men will like it too, especially those who know a lot about home construction, Saab automobiles, and motors in general. Click on the link above to read a review from Good Reads. xo my photo

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Charming Clapboard Cottage

I looked and looked but could not find a link for getting inside this charmer. It looks lived in and loved with perfectly imperfect landscaping. I would get rid of the shrubs across the front foundation that are hiding the house. If the foundation is unattractive, I would plant something lower. Maybe these can be severely trimmed, but boxwood would be better. Enjoy this lovely Wednesday. xo via
My readers are wonderful. Read the comments. Interior photos found and they are wonderful. HERE

Monday, November 13, 2017

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Winter Table in Living Room

I was out pretty early on Saturday with a dental appointment and a real estate showing afterward. On my way home I passed a nice house with "free" stuff in the yard. One was a wonderful metal table base with great patina and definition and I grabbed it. There was a glass top too but I couldn't lift it. I thought I had an old storm shutter in original blue paint in the garage and it turned out to be the perfect size.

As you can see the top turned out to be perfect! It really looks made to measure.

It's nice for my potted plants and various pretties i already had. You really can't see the table base in these photos,

Here is a repeat of the first photo with less contrast so you can see the table base better. I had a tea table in that spot before but like the lower table so much better. The nesting has begun.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Flags All Over Town for Veterans Day

Madison, NJ
Veterans Day 2017

Every lamp post has a flag. It looks deserted but the town folk were gathering for a parade. My photos. The trees are bare and today was our first really cold day but the sky was blue and the sun was out. Later in the day, it warmed up a bit. It was a lovely Saturday to be out and about. xo

Friday, November 10, 2017

Turn Off Your Outdoor Faucet

Don't forget to turn off the water for your outdoor faucets and drain the line. It's going down to 19° at my house tonight. I winterized all my faucets a couple of days ago. We've been blessed with mild weather and today was a real shock to my system. Nesting season has arrived. google images

View from a Covered Bridge

Looking at this photo is almost like being there, isn't it? Simply gorgeous. via

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Watercolors and A Butterfly

This animated butterfly gif is so mesmerizing it almost puts me to sleep. via

Needle Felted Grey Hare / Rabbit

So charming. This was made from a kit.
No, I am not going to make one but I love this.
From Etsy.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

More Generator and A/C Photos

After taking these photos of my 14 year old air conditioning unit, I put a cover on it for the winter. As you all know, I don't use it daily in the summer, just on very hot days. But I'm glad I have it on those days. I love to sleep with my windows open whenever possible.

Here's the generator after some pruning and raking a couple of days ago. The black pipe above the gray piping is the new gas line.

More beautiful piping.
Now it looks like rain and I can take a breather before the four days of bright sunshine that start tomorrow. Sorry to have bored you with home maintenance photos but that's been my life lately. I went to an open house this morning but it wasn't worthy of any photos to show you. I see an afternoon movie in my future. xo

My New Guardian

My new 9KW Generac Guardian Generator.
This is an old photo when the work just got started and I had not done any outside work myself. I will post photos inside the fence to show you the neatness of my contractors later. Yesterday I took the grill off the top my air conditioning unit and cleaned out all the debris (old rotten leaves) with my shop vac and cleaned the "green stuff" off the fan blades and gave it a true fall cleaning. I never thought I could do this myself but it was very easy and I am so pleased. Now I have to get my day going and vote for a new New Jersey governor and some local officials too. See you later. xo

Monday, November 6, 2017

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Most Gorgeous Living/Family Room

This formal yet casual cozy large living/family room is fabulous. What a great seating arrangement for conversing with family and friends. I like the rag rug too and the wallpaper is subtle and interesting. I see it was in Architectural Digest and would love to find it online but haven't yet. via

My tired bones are looking forward to PBS tonight with The Durrells and The Collection. I raked tons of leaves and did quite a lot of outside work. I got a 9KW Generac Generator and it was installed on Friday. The plumber is coming tomorrow to connect the gas line and the plumbing inspection is on Thursday. It will be turned on and tested when the electrical inspector comes. It looks gorgeous and made my picket fence and the north side of my cottage look shabby so I washed everything down with Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day multi-surface spray and the shingles, my air-conditioning unit, all the panel boxes and pipes and especially the picket fence look almost new. I got rid of that green algae or whatever it is that likes to get on surfaces where there is no direct sun. It wasn't that hard since there was the nicest very soft rain that wet down everything for me so my spray cleaner could get right to work. I didn't have to scrub with any brushes, just a 3M thin pad and some old rags. I did a lot of raking and pruning earlier in the day before the rain. Will post pics later. Enjoy your Sunday night. xo

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Vintage Gas Prices -- Remember When?

I must admit, this photo stopped me in my tracks. The least expensive gas I have seen lately in my travels locally was $2.49 a gallon. I don't even know if that includes tax, must look. Have a great weekend. via

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Wonderful Hallway / Art and Antiques

I was so happy to find this photo to share with you today. I know these antique dealers/interior designers personally from my days as an antiques dealer and this gorgeous home is in my neighborhood. See more gorgeous photos here. You are in for a real treat! Enjoy. xo

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Tiny Vintage Stove

I am always attracted to tiny vintage gas stoves for some reason and this one is no exception. I could manage nicely with this arrangement. I have a very small counter to the right of my sink with the stove to the right so this would feel backward and awkward for a while. I think there's probably a larger counter to the right of this sink in the photo. I have a window beside my stove and a window over my sink. via Can you believe it's November already?

Andrew Wyeth Watercolor of a Cottage

Andrew Wyeth
Dimensions: 24 X 19.5 in (60.96 X 49.53 cm)
Medium: watercolor and pencil on paper
Creation Date: 1994
I like that he included the electric meter and the other meter. Maybe it's gas but I doubt it. The sky at my cottage today looks just like this. Happy November first. xo

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Very Cozy Room

I like this cozy, casual living room and all that surrounds it. via I hope you had a spooktacular Halloween.

Monday, October 30, 2017

Wonderful Cabin Bedroom

I would love waking up here on a cold morning, But at night I need to have a TV at the foot of the bed. Of course, I could always watch something on my iPad should I be lucky enough to get to sleep here. Dog could stay too. via

Whole House Renovation in Clawson, Michigan

See more photos here.
Looks nice, doesn't it?

Sunday, October 29, 2017

City Dwellers Love Pumpkins Too

These three stoops are in Boston. They are all taking fall decor to the next level that easily transitions into Halloween. via It is raining like crazy at my cottage as I await watching 60 Minutes on CBS and The Durrells in Corfu and The Collection on PBS. Enjoy your Sunday evening too.

Enchanting Home

Use your imagination to envision Halloween decorations here. I want to see this lovely shingled home when the leaves are off the tree hiding the upper stories. That's what I love about fall and winter with bare trees. It really is the perfect time to house hunt so you can really see what you're buying. See you later. xo via