Friday, February 26, 2010

Architecture At Dusk

I love to see homes at night when the all the lights are on. It is supposed to be good feng shui too. No bad Karma can hide in the dark nooks and crannies.

I like these modern interiors too. You know I love the bookcases in the upper one and the amazing view in the last one.

modern_ranch (first photo)

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Two Photos | Eight Minutes Apart

The clock in my camera is not accurate. I must fiddle around with it to see if I can reset the time. Anyway...these photos were taken 8 minutes apart and now about 10 minutes after the last one was snapped there is not a single patch of blue in the sky. We've had every kind of weather today except rain.

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Logging Before Chain Saws

I love old photos like this. Can you believe the size of those logs? All cut by hand in the era before power equipment. True man power! It must have been very dangerous too. How did they tie down the logs? How did they get such perfect measurements?
"Chop your own wood and it will warm you twice." Henry Ford


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I had a small window of opportunity shortly before noon to go outside and shovel the walk, clean off my car, walk Webster and add a few seeds to the bird feeder. The sun came out for a few minutes too. The short-lived opportunity quickly turned into another whiteout. Now there's sun. Mother nature really can't make up her mind. The icicles were just beginning to form on my copper gutters in this photo taken from inside the cottage. Be back later, Rosemary

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1937 Lincoln Zephyr Automobile

Now that's what I call a car. I love everything about it. Wonder how it would handle in the snow? It is probably quite heavy since there are no plastic parts. It would look fabulous parked outside my cottage on a sunny day. The car and my cottage were both built in 1937.

via Pixdaus

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Enjoy Your Coffee

I'll second this motion. I require two large cups of coffee in the morning to get me through the day.
"Life is short, enjoy your coffee."


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Feed The Birds Today Please

Don't forget to feed the birds today. They really need your help.


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An Amazing Tiny Cottage

Nantucket? Don't you love this amazing tiny cottage with roses climbing on the roof? I'd love to peek inside but I'd probably never want to leave. Totally charming. I can almost smell the sea air.

Happy Friday. Hope you are safe and warm wherever you are. I'll be doing Olympic shoveling throughout the day. See you later, Rosemary.

Update: I found an article in an old Architectural Digest about this very cottage. Read more...


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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Owl In The Snow

This wise owl would be right at home in snowy New Jersey at the moment. I love the way owls stare right at you and never blink or look away. Guess they don't give a hoot.

I just returned from walking Webster the Wonder Dog for the last time and it has gotten much colder. The wind is howling too. I'm turning off the computer now and pulling the covers over my head until tomorrow. I'll be peeking out to watch some prime TV as well. Over and out, Rosemary

via Pixdaus

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An English Squirrel

The squirrels in England are very different from those in America. Look at those ears. Wonderful photo.


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Amazing English Home And Garden

Swoon. From Country Living UK via

Sometimes I think it would be nice to have a gardener. I think you'd need one to maintain a garden like this, don't you? image via Trouvais

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Scherenschnitte: Winter Wonderland Papercut

This image is actually a Scherenschnitte or papercutting. It is absolutely amazing and so accurately describes the view outside my window today. Birds fed, finished my movie, more later. Rosemary

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Boo | Did This Face Scare You?

Oh my goodness, isn't this great? Found in Libraryland.

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Thursday Morning Snow

The view from my computer desk. I took this photo 3 minutes ago and since that time it has become a whiteout. Should I get dressed and fill up the bird feeder? I think I should. I made them a treat too...a jar of chunky peanut butter mixed with some raw grits. That should give them some fat to keep them warm. I am putting it in one of those red mesh bags used to package loose onions. Be back later, Rosemary.

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A Cute Pup To Make You Smile

Honestly, this is one of the cutest puppies ever. Agreed? I love the multicolored tennis ball too. I can remember those sharp little teeth on Webster. Ouch.

It's snowing like mad at my house right now but no wind yet. I'm going back to bed to finish watching The Jane Austen Book Club that was on Lifetime last night. The part I watched was good. See you later, Rosemary.

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