Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Tiny Beach Cottage

WOW. This looks like the perfect little beach cottage, doesn't it? found on Tumblr

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

The BEST Marble Bathroom

This bathroom is wonderful. I love the floor with the black marble continuing up the wall instead of a wooden baseboard. I think this must be an old house with a remodeled bathroom and isn't it wonderful? Even the pipes under the sink are gorgeous. I give this room two thumbs up, five stars and an A+. Maybe one day I'll find more photos of this house to share. xo

Monday, August 20, 2018

Country House w/ Garden Oxfordshire UK

Country House, Oxfordshire, England.
Photograph by Andrew Montgomery.
I wish I could see the whole landscape with the quads around the sundial. 

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Ali MacGraw Now

This is what 78 looks like and I love that Ali MacGraw is growing old so gracefully.

She's as beautiful as ever. She wrote a great article about how she has found inner peace.

Her clothing designs are beautiful and she wears them so well.
A fire burned her house down in ‘93 and took with it many of her designer treasures, including original Halstons. MacGraw has since stuck to a uniform: tees, black skinny jeans and ballet flats, plus accessories — just like what she’s wearing in the above photo — and, “one or two things a year that are hair-raisingly expensive but I know will last my lifetime.”

Friday, August 17, 2018

Mourning Dove at My Birdbath

I have many dove families living in the spruce trees in front of my house. This one stayed in the same position for a very long time, seemingly hypnotized by the raindrops falling softly in the dish. Then he took a really long drink but didn't fly away. I think he must be a juvenile. Luckily, I was sitting at my laptop in my pantry looking out the window, wondering what I could post for my followers to see. Problem solved. xo

Thursday, August 16, 2018

My Sewing Thread Jar

One of my friends gave me this glass jar with the rope handle last summer and I could never find the perfect use for it until I decided to use it for my huge collection of sewing thread. I put the jar next to my sewing machine for scale in this photo that I enhanced using the Snapseed App. The wall behind my sewing table really isn't grungy at all. Most of these spools are wooden and many contain silk thread. Somewhere along the way, I must have purchased someone's thread collection because I will never have a use for many of these colors. I had them all in a jumble in a large hat box and in a desk drawer when I was looking for a spool of white thread and it hit me that I should display them in my jar. It sits on the ledge below my three windows with the new blue and white checked curtains I made this month. I put this photo on Instagram yesterday and people are loving it. Do you have a lot of thread too? Why not display it in one of those large lidded cookie jars like Ina and Martha use for flour on their cooking shows? I pulled out the spools of white and black thread and the heavy thread you use for sewing on buttons and put them in a drawer. I know I'll have to dump the jar if I need a specific color that might be buried in the center of my stash but I don't mind. It makes me happy to look at it when I'm up in my attic sewing room. See you later, xo.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Seaside Vacation: Jill Barklem

I don't know this book but I love this seaside vacation scene. The children can play while the parents gather seagrass and make baskets. 
Sea Story: Primrose and Wilfred Sail to Sandy Bay (Brambly Hedge) The tale of Primrose and Wilfred's meeting with their seashore cousins.