Friday, August 17, 2018

Mourning Dove at My Birdbath

I have many dove families living in the spruce trees in front of my house. This one stayed in the same position for a very long time, seemingly hypnotized by the raindrops falling softly in the dish. Then he took a really long drink but didn't fly away. I think he must be a juvenile. Luckily, I was sitting at my laptop in my pantry looking out the window, wondering what I could post for my followers to see. Problem solved. xo


The Queen Vee said...

It was meant to be, sweet photo. Do the birds wake you up in the morning with all their chirping and chatter?

I would be hypnotized if it rained where I'm living, 3 months and we've only had an occasional drop. In another couple of weeks the temps will be in the 80s down from the 90s. I can't wait.

Lisa D. said...

What beautiful pictures. I used to see a lot more Mourning Doves in my back yard, but sadly, not anymore, and I'm not sure why. Maybe the warmer weather we've had in California, and surely the fires have had a negative impact on our wildlife. I used to leave out birdseed, but had to stop due to rodents! Regardless of how hard I've tried, I have NEVER found a rat-proof birdseed feeder.

jusaweecatnap said...

I'm always intrigued that mourning doves coo as they fly. It doesn't seem that any other birds do that routinely. They scatter as I walk through my yard and I always feel like they're scolding me for entering their space. But then they seem to sit quietly like this, and still, where other birds flutter about and call out constantly.

Kay G. said...

Love all the birds. The mourning dove is a good flier, did you know that it can fly at a speed up to 55MPH? Notice it when it takes off, it is fast!

Gail, northern California said...

What perfect camouflage. Not moving, you would swear he's part of the birdbath!

Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

Such a pretty picture of a pretty bird. I always hate to see just one dove as they are supposed to mate for life and are always together. One was in the road as we were leaving the house and he was slow to get out of the way. I'm hoping that he/she just hadn't found a mate yet..Happy Weekend..Judy

Fireblossom said...


Content in a Cottage said...

Fireblossom -- Thank you. I love my mourning doves. xo, Rosemary