Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Doc Martin Season 6 Episode 1 Tonight on PBS

In my area tonight is the premier of Doc Martin Season 6, Episode 1 at 9pm on one of the PBS stations. I would have missed it completely because it's not marked NEW. Luckily, my friend Victoria got it in Virginia last Saturday night and she told me the title of the new season's premier episode was SICKNESS AND HEALTH
Wedding bells are ringing for the Doc and Louisa. But will the marriage finally go ahead? The Doc is irritated by PC Penhale, who wrongly presumes he is best man, plus Louisa is late... The Reverend has his doubts as to whether she will turn up, putting Martin on edge. But she does, looking beautiful and at long last they tie the knot.
Sounds good, doesn't it? Can't wait!!! Here is the episode guide so you will know what to look for.
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My Snow Cottage

I took this photo of my cottage yesterday at dusk, about 5:30. Right now, there is snow plowed up and over my brick wall just beyond the cast iron rooster. I'm so lucky that the county does such a great job on my road and my driveway man lives about 7 houses away. I have done the front walk myself. As long as there is power, I am fine. I can see icicles on the lines but they aren't sagging. There is always the worry of a tree limb snapping but I think everything was trimmed pretty well after Sandy. I think I'll be fine. I'm going to catch up on all of my TV shows now. See you later. xo
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Deep Sleet at My Cottage

Yikes! This is what Webster and Tabitha had to plow through this morning. My walk was perfectly clean when I went to bed last night and boy was I shocked when I opened the front door. I thought it was just raining but it's a rain and sleet mix about 6" deep. I have to go out and knock it off the two giant boxwood at the end of the walk. This stuff is way too heavy for them. I hope none of their thick woody stems have split, fingers crossed.

Be safe and don't go out if you don't have to.
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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Webster Bids You Goodnight

The wonder dog and I had a very busy day and it's time to hit the hay. He's already sawing logs and I'm about ready to watch some TV in the bedroom. See you tomorrow. xo
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View from My BR Window This Morning

Here comes the sun. It's very cold (12°) and very pretty. The animals have been out alone for morning relief and Tabitha has had breakfast but Webster has not. He's napping on the sofa while the oatmeal is cooking. The road outside is black and I have done my personal cleanup. I still need to work on my car a little more. I cleaned it off in a big hurry yesterday when my man came to plow the driveway. I measured my front walk before I shoveled and there was 8 inches of snow. Today everyone can recover and get ready for the next snow tomorrow. We are having a REAL winter this year. I'm fine with it as long as I have power. Be safe and warm and I'll see you later. 

I call this one "Snow Angles" as in architecture. It won't be long before the snow on the railing melts.
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Monday, February 3, 2014

Snowday for Webster

We got at least 8" of snow today. We are both glad it finally stopped so we could get plowed out and shovel our walk. I'm always happy when the snow doesn't continue into the night. Today was a perfect snow day for Webster and me. Tabitha went out but didn't stay long. She isn't a fan.
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Life's Little Instruction Book | Volume II | Page 63

A few more suggestions, observations, and reminders on how to live a happy and rewarding life.

Yes to this whole page!
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I was really shocked to wake up to fierce snow that has already accumulated significantly. When the cat came in for the last time last night I could hear the gutters running and all of the snow on my roof was almost gone. Today's snow wasn't supposed to start until 8am but it's way ahead of schedule and I would say we already have about 3 inches. I am so lucky to live on a county road that is always plowed, salted and sanded. Stay safe and stay put if you can. See you later. I put this photo on Instagram this morning. See you later. I still have to watch the second half of Sherlock and I might do that this morning.
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Sunday, February 2, 2014

Neighboring House

Every house looks better in the snow, doesn't it? I wish that tree that hides the front door had been one of the trees Sandy took down. It's a grand looking house but I also wish it had been elevated to be higher than the front of the property when it was built in 1940 instead of being on a lower plane. Anyway, I love seeing it when I pull out of my driveway.
I went food shopping and now I'm ready for the snow tomorrow. As I've said in the past, I'm not a sports fan so I will be glued to PBS for Downton Abbey and Sherlock while the rest of the world watches Super Bowl 48. I am very glad we had such a nice day today weatherwise that continues into the night for the football game hosted in New Jersey. Enjoy your evening and I hope you house contains more than one TV so everyone will be happy tonight.
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More Snow is On the Way

Isn't this snow scene beautiful? via
We are supposed to get 4 to 7 inches of snow tomorrow. Guess I should go food shopping today because I honestly have no staples in the house. I think I'll give the refrigerator a quick cleaning first. I am going to shop carefully and try not to buy too much because I hate to throw out food. I often buy two of something in the fresh produce aisle because it's marked two for $5.00 or whatever when one is all I need.
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Saturday, February 1, 2014

Webster says Goodnight.

He has already turned in for the night. We both had a good day and hope you did too. Enjoy your Saturday night and the rest of the weekend. xo
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The Year of the Horse

The bookcase and horse painting are mine.
I didn't realize I was born in the year of the horse. Were you? Check here. I haven't finished reading the fascinating article....scroll down for the chart to find out your animal sign.
Here is the Waterlogue App watercolor version of the above photo. I am still loving this amazing app for my iPhone. Did you download it yet? Have a great weekend.
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Friday, January 31, 2014

Life's Little Instruction Book | Volume II | Page 62

A few more suggestions, observations, and reminders on how to live a happy and rewarding life.

I like all of these!
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Are you watching FLEMING on BBC America?

This 4-part mini-series is SO good. It's about the life of Ian Fleming.
I stumbled on it quite by accident this past Wednesday. I didn't realize it was a 4-week event. Part One is being repeated tonight at 11:00pm in my area. Here is the website. Check the schedule to see when it's on again in your area. 
I'm really upset that Sunday will be the finale of Sherlock. Didn't it just begin? BooHoo. I would have preferred 6 one hour episodes instead of 3 two hour episodes. How about you? At least I'll have Fleming to look forward to on Wednesday nights. Aren't you glad you have me to tell you what to watch?
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Farm Gate at My Cottage

The metal part of this gate was knocked down by a fallen tree during Hurricane Sandy. I pushed it back up as best I could and decided to let the wild roses, grape vines, and various other weeds take over. My plan is working. Can you see the cut remnants of the tree? They are only visible in the winter. I pushed them around so I still have a walking path but the tall weeds hide them in the summer. The blue skies have gone and are replaced by gray this morning. We are supposed to have rain tomorrow. Back to my coffee now; see you later. xo
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Thursday, January 30, 2014

Dark Blue Skies and Free Bird Seed at My Cottage

This was the dark blue cloudless sky over the cottage this morning. The rusty colored tall foliage that fringes my property is a wonderful food source for the birds in this frigid weather.

Bird tracks in the snow. My tall weeds are in this area and the birds are eating the seeds. I never thought of them as a food source until this year. When I went out with Webster after breakfast there was lots of birdsong in the air and it really sounded like spring even though it was very cold. There were birds hopping around everywhere foraging for seeds. I have an endless supply too. The tall weeds on the bank and all around my property provide good cover for the small birds so they can eat in peace and not worry about the hawks.
Enjoy your evening and I'll see you tomorrow. xo
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Antiquarian Books in an Old Library

Old Library at St John’s College, Cambridge England via
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The Shadow -- Continued

His collar and tags are forming a wolf mouth.

The wolf keeps following Webster.

He decided to run away from it.
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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Who's Afraid of The Big Bad Wolf?

Oops, sorry. It's just Webster. The shadow looks scary, doesn't it?
We are getting ready to take the last walk of the day. Enjoy your evening. Hope you are at home where it's safe and warm. I'm sure some of you have been through a tough ordeal. xo
PS...We just got back and the starry sky was beautiful!!!!!
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A Little Humor to Brighten the Day

He's taking his time so I guess nobody is home to scold this dog or clean up the mess before he's through eating it. I can see Webster doing this only he never would do anything bad when I'm not home. He does like to steal the cat food though. via
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Life's Little Instruction Book | Volume II | Page 61

A few more suggestions, observations, and reminders on how to live a happy and rewarding life.

719 is very important when you move. Meet your neighbors, don't wait for them to knock on your door with a chocolate cake.
720 is critical when someone gets sick.
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