Wednesday, January 15, 2014


This is what she does. She stares in the window until she gets my attention.
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Walk in the Rain at My Cottage

Webster and I enjoyed a nice walk in the rain several times yesterday. It never rained very hard and it was nice to be outside trying to photograph with one hand and hold the umbrella with the other. Today we have a very thick fog that will burn off later when the sun comes out.

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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Wonderful Pantry or Buttery

I remember seeing this photo in a book when I was designing the interior of my own pantry. I loved it then and still do. via
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Sewing A Happy Medium

I found this photo that I had saved but I don't know the source. I thought this was a great label.
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What A Lovely Iron Gate

I love this photo. via I woke up to a rainy morning and gray skies. Most of the snow has melted too. Webster is back to being his old self with a complete recovery from his hurt ankle. When he goes down, he goes down hard but he still has the ability to bounce back. I watched Downton Abbey last night and found the end to be very upsetting. That's all I'm going to say because I don't want to spoil it for anyone. I have an office meeting this morning and I have to say I'm still having a hard time getting back into the swing of things since the first of the new year. How about you?
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Monday, January 13, 2014

Garden, Tool, Wood Shed - Nice Paint

I photographed this woodshed on Sunday when I was out and about attending an Open House tour with a friend. Don't you love the paint colors?
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Ice Igloo: Best Parent Project Ever!

An igloo constructed out of milk cartons filled with colored water and frozen. Snow is the mortar that holds the ice building blocks together. Isn't this the coolest thing you have ever seen? I guess you would have to start saving milk cartons way ahead of time. The colored ice blocks would freeze outside and wouldn't require a freezer. This would be something you would remember for the rest of your life. I want one too. The tunnel leading into the igloo is made of the ice blocks too. via
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I am Sherlocked. Are you?

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Sunday, January 12, 2014

The Wit of Winston Churchill

He had such a way with words, didn't he? I love this. via
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The Year for Firewood

This photo reminds me that I need to bring more firewood from the garage into the house. How is your supply holding out? There's no shortage around here thanks to all the trees we lost in superstorm Sandy. via
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Saturday, January 11, 2014

Nightcap, Shaken not Stirred

The Mixologist
He's mixing up HAIR OF THE DOG :)
Recipe here.
via I'm not much of a drinker but it's Saturday night and lots of you will be having cocktails. 
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Making Ice Cream

Fresh from the Cows. via
I was so happy when I got back from the post office a while ago. Webster was waiting for me at the door. He had a really good night last night. He came to the kitchen when he heard me mixing his breakfast kibble too. We can learn from our animals. Throw in the towel and take to the bed when you are ailing. Rest is the best medicine!
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Edward Hopper's Art Ledgers

A page from one of Edward Hopper’s art ledgers, a record his wife kept of paintings he made. (He’d sketch the finished painting, she’d write the notes.) This is such a good idea. It could be applied to many things, such as the books you've just read. via
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Friday, January 10, 2014

Snow, Rain, Fog Today

We had fast and furious snow this morning that stopped after a couple of hours and a couple of inches. I was able to sweep it away with a stiff broom. It has gotten warmer and now my bluestone walk is a sheet of ice. Yes, I'll be careful. It's supposed to rain tonight and tomorrow. The fog is starting to roll in and it's quite lovely; I've always loved fog as long as I'm not driving in it. Webster and I just got back from the longest walk he's been able to manage so far this week. He gets a little better every day and pretty soon he'll be back to his Wonder Dog status. He doesn't know how to pace himself and when he overdoes it, he pays the price. Poor guy. His nose is cold and he has a great appetite but I know he's not 100% yet. He's got a few more days to go. Have a great weekend.
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Webster Update.

He's much better and on the road to recovery. As I mentioned, his appetite is fabulous but he's still stiff when he first gets up. Aren't we all? Anyway, today was one of his best days this week. He ate with gusto, went outside in the new snow that is falling at about an inch every hour, and "went" right away. Webster is such an easy dog. Then he wanted to walk around and sniff for the fox. I think that's a good sign. He came in and got a long drink of water before settling down for a morning nap. Sweet dreams, my pet.

He's able to move around so much better now and change positions under the covers.

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Thursday, January 9, 2014

Primitive Cabin in The Snow

Let's go inside and light a big fire. I love the big windows. Have a nice evening and I'll see you tomorrow. Sleep tight when you turn out the light. via
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Cape Cod Remodel - Before and After

Before. An unimpressive cape cod home in a great location.

After. It pays to hire a great architect.
This house is near me on one of my favorite streets. I can hardly believe my eyes when I look at this transformation. Isn't it wonderful? Arturo Palumbo Architecture
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Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Claude Monet Snow Scene

So very lovely.
Claude Monet - The Magpie - 1869
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Dr. Webster is so smart.

The wisdom of my dog is absolutely amazing. Webster was limping a little this morning on his left paw and he knew exactly what to do.

He arranged his blue blanket and his stuffed zebra just right in a pile.

How did he know to elevate it? Anyway, ever since he fixed himself, he's been sleeping peacefully. Before that he would whimper almost inaudibly every once in a while.
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Polar Vortex Dog

Wake me when it's spring.
Webster has been a real trooper during this deep freeze but he's missing his long walks. Tabitha has been a little champ too. How are your animals holding up?
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