Friday, December 13, 2013

Time for an Aspirin Facial

Spa Day at the cottage. I decided to give myself an aspirin facial.

I have blogged about this beauty routine before here. First you crush 3 aspirin and then stir in an acid. I used a blob of plain yogurt. You can use milk, buttermilk, soy milk, lemon juice, or just plain water if you wish. I washed my face and dried it. Then I rubbed all of my potion on my face and neck. It feels grainy and good, like a deep scrubbing. I left it on for 30 minutes or more and then jumped in the shower. I got some new shampoo yesterday so I washed my hair too. I hadn't even combed it in the photos above while I was still in my pajamas. I should take an "after" photo but I'm too lazy. I usually use plain, uncoated regular big round aspirin but they are so hard to find. I bought a new bottle yesterday while I was at the grocery store and they have a very light coating that was easy to crush. I used a mortar and pestle but you can use the back side of a spoon. Actually, if you have time they will even dissolve by themselves in your preferred mixing agent. Enjoy your glowing skin if you decide to give yourself one too. I just looked at my old blog post where I used 5 aspirin. Today's recipe using only 3 was fine and I used much less yogurt so I had nothing left over. Have fun.
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May I have cream too?

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Wouldn't this be nice every morning? I've already had my two cups of coffee but I had to pour them myself. See you later. via

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Amazing Bathroom

It's pretty wonderful, isn't it? This timeless bathroom will never look dated. via
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Father Fox Hunting at My Cottage

These photos are right out of my Nikon with the big telephoto lens and are huge if you care to enlarge. One of my girlfriends doesn't believe that I have a fox family living on my property. I have a den of three living in the "way back" and this must be the father. I watched him for a long time and he went home without catching anything for his mate and child kit. I included a photo of my bird bath to prove the photos are mine. Just kidding Karen.
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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

English Robin

This delightful English Robin is getting ready for winter perched on a wooden shovel handle. I love his red breast in the shape of an inverted heart. via The American Robin heads south for the winter.
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Sheep in the Snow

We have bright sun this morning and there will be icicles as the snow melts and freezes at the same time. It's very beautiful from the inside looking out. I am wearing a double layer of fleece and the radiators are hot so I'm cozy. Fleece pajamas with a long fleece robe on top comprise my double layer. Webster is dozing on the sofa waiting for his breakfast and Tabitha is on my bed. They have both been out and neither stayed very long. When I venture out today, I'm going to see if the flock of sheep around the corner like the snow as much as the one above. See you later. 
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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

End of Snow.Day Today

Click to enlarge.

See the sliver of the moon in the sky? I took this when the setting sun was shining in the tree tops. Things should be back to normal tomorrow. We just got back from our after the evening news walk and I guess we got about 4 inches. Not too bad at all. Have a great evening. 
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December, defined + Being an Introvert.

It's getting brighter outside and the intensity of the falling snow has diminished greatly. The accumulation on top of the balcony railing has disappeared because it's 34° outside. I still haven't been able to force myself to go out and get my snow shovels. I will postpone it as long as I can and then I'll clean off my car too. For now, we are all enjoying a cozy cottage feeling.
I read this article and have determined that I am an introvert. I've always preferred listening to talking and now I know why.
23 Signs You're Secretly an Introvert

This article in Time Magazine by Susan Cain explains the difference between shy and introverted.

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Snow is Falling

I'm glad I went out yesterday to do some essential things related to a real estate contract. I'll be able to stay home today and shovel snow once I get my equipment out of the bunker.

What a difference a day makes.
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Monday, December 9, 2013

Unlikely Friendship: Wild Fox and Dog

It's a real life story of the fox and the hound.
Snifer the wild fox and Tinni the domestic dog met by chance one day in the woods of Norway and their very unlikely friendship blossomed. Read the enchanting story and see many more photos captured by Tinni's owner, photographer Torgeir Berge, here.
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Ice Over Snow at My Cottage

We got about 1/2 inch of snow late yesterday and then it stopped and turned to rain.

Webster crunched around and wasn't interested in staying out very long. Tabitha stayed out a little longer than he did but now she's in a tight ball on my bed. The salt trucks have been out and the roads are black but my car looks like an igloo. It's a good day to stay inside. Be safe.
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Sunday, December 8, 2013

Two dollars and sixty-nine cents worth of happiness

I have needed a new sink stopper for years. My old one was over 10 years old and the top had deteriorated to the point there was no place to connect the chain ring. My new one cost $2.69 at Sears and it makes me so happy. Of course it required two trips because the first one I brought home was too small. Luckily, the strip mall with the Sears Hardware is close to the place with the cheapest gas in the area, so I'm over that way quite often. It doesn't take much to make me happy, does it? 
The visiting dog went home and Tabitha is happy. She has walked through the living room several times to the water dish and back to the bedroom. The first snow flakes are starting to fly but we don't care. I got two new tires on Friday so I'm ready. It's not supposed to amount to much and I hope it's just a dusting. We are cozy and warm here at the cottage and hope you are too.
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Tabitha is NOT a fan.

Henry is going home today and you-know-who will be so happy. She barely tolerates Webster after all these years and Henry loves cats. Not a good combination in this household. I have to put my hands over her eyes when I carry her from the vestibule where she eats into the bedroom where she spends all of her indoor time when he's here. His noontime pickup can't come too soon.
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Saturday, December 7, 2013

Charles Dickens' 'A Christmas Carol

I added the text to this illustration by Jessie Willcox Smith. 

Bluebirds are Back at My Cottage Again

It rained all day yesterday and most of the night so all of my bird baths are full. Today the bluebirds can drink and pose for me. I love the mirror image and the blue sky reflecting in the water.
Click photos to enlarge.

My photos. Have a great weekend.
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Apple Pie in Progress

I hope there is pie in my weekend and yours too!
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Friday, December 6, 2013

Webster has a Weekend Guest

Webster's friend Henry is spending the weekend with us and the Wonder Dog is thrilled to have some company. Webster is a great host who doesn't mind sharing. It rained most of the day but we managed to get in several walks. We'll take the last one in the dark after the evening news. Have a great weekend.
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The Cycle of Life

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Give Credit where Credit is Due

I couldn't wait until Easter to post this.
The disgruntled Easter Chicken via
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