Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Gibson Island MD -- Skippers Row

This Gibson Island property was designed and built by noted architect, Edward Palmer as his personal residence. It affords panoramic views of both the harbor and the Chesapeake Bay. This French Normandy beach house is wonderful, isn't it? via
I have real estate on the brain. It's been all I could do lately to keep up with the showings of my new listing and keep my head above water around my own cottage. I mowed the back yesterday and the day before. I still have to do the front---it looks like a jungle and I don't even care. It all gets done in due time. Plus it's hot again and the air conditioning feels very good! I'm off to watch an episode of Father Brown I recorded last night. xo

Monday, June 16, 2014

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Nighty Night

This owl makes me sleepy so off to bed I go. Webster is already tucked in and I have to grab Tabitha from outside. I honestly think she would spend all night out there if I would let her. Hope you have a nice weekend. I certainly did! xo

Rye and Marmalade Pinwheel Cookies

I just loved looking at these moving animations and thought you would too.
Once in a while you need a treat.
I think a clever cook could put something savory in the center with herbed cheese instead of sugar and marmalade. Cheese and rye are such a good combination. Or you could do half savory and half sweet. Let me know if you try.

Spinning Pinwheels.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Sunroom / Potting Room in a Craftsman Bungalow

Morningside bungalow potting/sunroom, Minneapolis. Meriwether Inc.
This 1919 bungalow was lovingly taken care of but just needed a few things to make it complete. The owner, an avid gardener wanted someplace to bring in plants during the winter months. This small addition accomplishes many things in one small footprint. This potting room, just off the dining room, doubles as a mudroom. Design by Meriwether Felt, Photo by Susan Gilmore
More photos of this delightful bungalow HERE.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Butter + Unrefined Carbs = Perfect Together

image source and another great article about good fats HERE (the article also contains a link to the recent article about good fats in the Wall Street Journal).

I watched a video on NBC related to the EAT BUTTER cover on Time Magazine. The doctor said to put butter on unrefined carbohydrates and you'll be fine. The danger of butter she said was putting it on unrefined carbohydrates like white bread. She said eating butter and other saturated fats like coconuts and coconut oil, butter, marbled meat, and chicken skin (yuk) will actually raise the good HDL (Good) Cholesterol but the opposite happens when those fats are combined with refined carbs. Then the LDL (bad) Cholesterol goes up.

If you put butter on a baked potato, this is a good thing.
If you put butter on a biscuit, that is a bad thing.

I was very happy to find T H E  L I S T below. Now I know the butter I love to put on my morning oatmeal is a good thing. Popcorn too. I am so happy!!! There's nothing better than a baked potato with butter either.

Un-refined Carbohydrates

Fresh veggies
Fresh fruits
Sweet potatoes/yams/potatoes
Beans and legumes
Whole grains
Brown or wild rice
Basmati rice
Raw milk and yogurt (unsweetened)

Refined (Processed) Carbohydrates

White sugar
Foods containing corn syrup, HFCS
Sugary drinks
(this includes sweetened fruit juice and tea)
Alcohol (beer and wine)
Canned fruits / veggies containing added sugar
Sweetened applesauce
White flour and anything made with white flour; bread, muffins, bagels, cakes, cookies, pasta, biscuits, donuts, etc.
Potato chips/pretzels
White rice
Boxed puddings
Store bought cooked meats/cold cuts (when they have added sugars and additives)
Sausages/hot dog frankfurters (when they contain carb fillers, additives, or sugar)

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Time Magazine Cover: Eat Butter

Wow. I can't wait to read this article. Scientists labeled fat the enemy. Why they were wrong.
This is a screen shot I took with my iPhone on Instagram from Time Magazine's feed. Don't you love one of the 561 comments? REJOICE. 
Tucking in now. Good night. xo

A Delightful Spot

I love this corner bookcase, the table and chairs and the window seat. Such a cozy corner. Found on Pinterest. Have a great day. xo