Saturday, March 8, 2014

Spring is In The Air

via There's nothing blooming around me yet except for the skunk cabbage. There's no grass showing either but the thaw continues and my gutters are finally clear of ice. I hope your weekend is shaping up nicely, no matter what the weather. I have a zillion things to do so I'd better get started. xo
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Friday, March 7, 2014

Fun in the Snow

Two twigs in the snow saying -- Hi

Face in the snow. Seems to be yelling.

Snow heart around the trunk of this hollow tree.
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But still no eye contact.
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Thursday, March 6, 2014

They are Slowly Bonding

I told Webster to go get in his bed and with my assistance, he did. So far, so good.

This might work, she says, as long as he stays on the blanket part of the bed. They stayed that way for a while until Webster got too hot and found another spot. I'm so happy. It's never too late to become friends, is it? 
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Chicken Pecking Clover Blossoms

Could anything be sweeter? What a beautiful chicken! I love clover too. via
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Cat Burglar

This happened here at the cottage yesterday for the very first time. Tabitha stole Webster's bed and stayed there for the longest time. And guess what? She's there again this morning. But the poor wonder dog doesn't mind. Maybe one day they will share it together. That's my hope. Enjoy your day and I'll see you later. xo
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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Dark Staircase

I took this photo in that old house yesterday. I loved the patterns on the wall from the lantern glass. There was a grandmother clock underneath.
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Antique Stone House

I had the best time yesterday at a Broker Open House. The tour was in a 250 year old stone house on an amazing property with a barn and a pond. I knew the lady who restored it in the 1970s and she lived out her days there.
It's on the National Register and is for sale $1,599,000. on 12.5 acres. I'd love to show it to you. Here is the link to see the inside. For an appointment, email me at rosemary (dot) beck [at] gmail dot com
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