Friday, July 12, 2019

Dog Photos to Warm Your Heart

This one is my favorite! What a wonderful idea. View 27 more photos with stories here. I am sorry I have been away from my blog for so long. My life is no longer my own since being a real estate sales associate is more like being a property manager if you have an expensive listing that needs to be presented perfectly. Thankfully, I am the perfect person for the job but it's taking a lot of my time. xo

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Female Hare with Daisies

This famale hare is lovely. Found on Instagram. I don't believe I've ever seen a wild hare, only rabbits. I tried Google to see if there are wild hare in New Jersey and all that came up was a beauty shop called Wild Hair😂😂😂

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Delightful Cat Painting at Christie's

Noted for her paintings of cats and dogs, artist Henriette Ronner-Knip lived surrounded by her favourite subjects who played and watched on as she worked.⠀
Henriette Ronner-Knip (1821-1909), 'Kittens at Play' (detail). Estimate: £12,000-18,000.
British & European Art: European Art – 11 July at Christie's London.

I love the colorful needlework on the stool mama cat is curled upon, keeping watch on her little ones. The geranium in the clay pot is pretty wonderful too. Found on Instagram.⠀

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Black Sheep: So Beautiful

How in the world did black sheep get a bad name as in "the black sheep in the family" being a negative thing? This one is a beauty and he looks very proud of his black woolen fleece. xo

Friday, July 5, 2019

OCD Wrens at My Cottage

This new Wren family in the penthouse apartment on my balcony have a bad case of OCD. Every morning the pile of nest debris under their house is in a different spot and it gets smaller every day too. This is not because of the wind, it's definitely the birds. See original pile of nest building supplies here. They are a very odd couple, not at all like the earlier inhabitants. She won't let him inside very often and he sits on the railing and sings his little heart out.

Singing and waiting.

I am thinking of changing my name to Wren Cottage. This one lives in a bird bottle under the eaves of my front bedroom/dressing room. I have 4 nesting wren families in total.

This is my Friday morning barn/garage, field, and sky view with thunderstorms in the weather forecast. Enjoy your long July 4th weekend. xo

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Have a Safe July 4th Holiday

Have a safe trip if you are going to be on the road for any distance, or a nice picnic if it's a short trip. I am going across town for a cookout with friends. Happy July 4th!!!

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

July Home Maintenance Checklist

I found this article to be informative with great photos. I especially like this all white colonial home below with the partial wraparound porch. I have to do my grocery shopping early today to beat the heat and buy the items I'm preparing and taking to an outing tomorrow. Happy July 4th. Sorry, this list isn't on the internet anymore.