Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Throw Open the Windows

Isn't it joyous to be able to open the windows again? I have been sleeping with one in my bedroom open for about a week and I adore waking up to birdsong. I like what I can see in this country kitchen. The marble backsplash and marble windowsill are nice with the wooden countertop. I have always wanted windows that open like this but everything has a trade off. I would have to move all the stuff I have on my kitchen sill before I could open them. via

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Wild Violets + My Living Room

I need to do a third mowing but I don't have the heart to decapitate my wild violets. They are considered to be a broad leaf weed by some, but not me!!!!

I love both varieties. These are solid purple.

These are white with purple pansy-like faces.

Grape hyacinths, crowded out by long grass, but still gorgeous.

A view of my living room as seen from my kitchen. French doors on either side of the sofa lead to my balcony that was power washed on Saturday. I cannot believe how controlling I am when I hire outside help. The workers did a fabulous job at the house I am getting ready to list but they didn't bring those skills to my cottage. WHY? But in the end, my balcony floor looks much better and my red barn garage looks brand new. So all is well I suppose. I am actually so much happier doing things myself. I am a hard taskmaster when I hire things out and I can usually work circles around almost any worker. 
Now if I only had a chain saw and a power washer of my very own. 😂

Monday, April 22, 2019

My Favorite Gardening Tools

I probably own every gardening tool that was ever invented but I use these two the most. All of my tools are second hand purchases from garage sales or in the case of these two, side of the road finds.

Sunday, April 21, 2019


See all of my Easter posts over the years here. The weather at my cottage today is perfect. Wishing all of you a blessed Easter. xo

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Owl Hatches a Wood Duckling Egg

This is my "feel good post of the week". A wood duck moved her last egg to another nesting box because it had been raided and only one egg had survived. Oddly enough, a mother owl sat on the duck egg for over a month and the hatched duckling thinks he's an owl. Read the charming story here with lots more photos. Am I forgiven now for being missing for almost a week?

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Wonderful Eat-in Kitchen

A simple eating arrangement in a kitchen with amazing millwork. Wouldn't you love to have Easter breakfast, brunch, or dinner here?

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Charlotte Moss: Quiet Place to Sit

Design by Charlotte Moss 
A Quiet Spot to Sit
If you had to describe my garden, it's not so much about parterres and sweeping vistas as it is about intimate spaces, small rooms—gardens within gardens. We invited Gilles Guillot, the head gardener of the Prieuré Notre-Dame d'Orsan in Maisonnais, France, to re-create the same rondel-like windows into our hedging as he did at Orsan, and to weave similar willow benches, a gloriette, and frames for the espalier. Like rooms in a house, exterior rooms also want furnishings. Drawing your eye to a quiet corner, at the end of an allée, or under a tree, garden seating begs you to stay awhile, to sit and enjoy the view and the fruits of your labor. via