Monday, November 19, 2018

Plantation Drive, Woodruff SC: Historic Home

Be still my heart. 120 Plantation Drive Woodruff, South Carolina $664,900 Read all about it here and tour the home inside and out. 

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Nursery Tales by Katharine Pyle 1918

Frontispiece: Goldilocks and the Three Bears
I love this sweet illustration by Katharine Pyle

1918 Book Cover

Title Page

This entire 1918 book has been uploaded as an ebook that you can read on a computer or mobile device. The Project Gutenberg EBook of Mother's Nursery Tales, by Katharine Pyle. Click HERE to get started reading this delightful book. I adore the illustrations. You're welcome. xo

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Friday, November 16, 2018

Newborn Lamb Transport in Italy

Donkey nannies in Italy.
Each year in Italy, grazing animals are moved from high pastures down to the plains. Newborn lambs are unable to make this journey on their own. Instead, they ride in the pouches of a specially made saddle on the back of a donkey or a mule nanny. They are taken down at rest stops and returned to their mothers for a bite to eat and a bit of nuzzling.
Photo: medeamoon

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Suffragette on A Scooter 1916

c. 1916 Lady Norman on her scooter.
IMAGE: PAUL THOMPSON/FPG/ARCHIVE PHOTOS/GETTY IMAGES click here for more photos of early scooters of all kinds.

Yes, she is a suffragette, and yes, that is her scooter. English socialite and activist Florence Priscilla, Lady Norman, CBE was given this Autoped as a birthday present by her husband, Sir Henry Norman. She used it to travel to her office in central London. Florence was following in her mother's footsteps in her active support for women's suffrage. Her CBE (Commander of the British Empire) came when she ran a hospital in France during World War I.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Snow Bunny

A Nor'easter is coming tomorrow around lunch time with snow and sleet and then rain on Friday. I am not at all excited, but seeing a cute snow bunny like this would soften the blow. via

Tuesday, November 13, 2018