Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Monday, January 9, 2017

Amazing Library

That decorative plasterwork!
Those fine bindings and antique furnishings.
Love it all!

Old Tools are The Best Tools

I buy all my tools at garage sales and estate sales. They are almost always American made and reasonably priced. Used but not abused! 
via google images

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Snow Cat

Yes, it's safe to come out now. It snowed all day long at my house yesterday and somehow amounted to nothing. I would say I have 2 inches of powder this morning. I was able to sweep my walk when it quit last night with a stiff broom. I cleaned off my car too. I know most of you were not this lucky and I hope you have the same cloudless blue sky that I have to dig yourself out Sunday morning. xo
google images

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Unseen Corner of My Pantry Office

This is the corner to the left of my Dutch door going into the home office in my pantry. The back window overlooks my red barn garage. I found the little cork board before Christmas and the window with the bicycle was blank and the glass had become dislodged behind the cork. I added the bicycle graphic that I had always loved and was already printed and ready to go. I organized my favorite things and several appointments on both boards yesterday. I am going to deal with little things like this that I have been sweeping under the rug. So Happy. We have light snow this morning and I need to go out before it gets any worse. Have a great weekend. Stay warm and good luck with the snow at your house. xo

Friday, January 6, 2017

Staffordshire Lamp: Thrift Shop Find

This delightful pair of Royals wearing Prince of Wales Feathers in their hats were waiting for me yesterday when I popped into a thrift shop to drop off some donations. I put this photo on Instagram yesterday.

It amuses me that my iPhone tried to do face recognition on the man. Don't you love the little dog the girl is holding? So happy. I bought a pair of blue silk shades ages ago at a house sale and finally found the proper base for one. The proportions are absolutely perfect too.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

1929 Two Story Brick House from Sears with Floor Plans

I like this 1929 brick two story house too, back when the family room and the living room were one and the same. It appears, there is only one bathroom and it's upstairs. That is considered to be a huge drawback when trying to sell a house with this drawback nowadays. But people managed back then and I think families were closer. via