Sunday, December 31, 2017


My your new year be filled with nights full of stars, good health, and much happiness in 2018.

My New Roof (Side View) + A Good DVD

Not wishing to bore you, but here's another view of my cottage showing my bedroom wing so you can see my many different roof levels. My bedroom is small, but not as tiny as this wing suggests as the room extends into the next level. I have been recharging my battery with mindless things like watching DVDs and old movies ever since my roofing crew left on Friday afternoon.

The following is a recommendation or a 2-disc set I really enjoyed.

11.22.63 (DVD)

On November 22, 1963, three shots rang out in Dallas, President Kennedy was killed, and the world changed. What if you could change it back? Based upon the bestselling novel by Stephen King, 11.22.63 is an epic thriller from J.J. Abrams’ Bad Robot Prods. James Franco stars as Jake Epping, a high school English teacher who, encouraged by his ailing friend (Chris Cooper) travels back in time to prevent the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Delving into the darkness of the American dream, viewers are transported to the world of 1960s Texas as Jake explores the mystery surrounding the supposed gunman Lee Harvey Oswald, his family and associates. But Jake’s mission faces threats not only from Oswald, but from Sadie Dunhill, a beautiful librarian he falls in love with, and from the Past itself … which doesn’t want to be changed. And if the Past doesn’t want to be changed, it will push back…often violently.

Tonight I am looking forward to watching New Year's Eve Live on CNN with Anderson Cooper and Andy Cohen starting at 8:00. I love both of them and together they really are a great pair. I hope they survive the coldest year-end ever, since this celebration began at Times Square. 

Friday, December 29, 2017

New Roof for My Cottage

My roofers came on Wednesday in the bitter cold but it was their choice. I was skeptical at first but they work the year round so it was fine with me. They almost finished today and are coming back next week to complete the area where the man is working on the other side. I could not be more pleased. The crew was very hardworking and I like that. They came at 8:00 and left at 5:00 for three straight days. They did a first-class job too and I am so pleased. There is one section of my cottage to the left behind the picket fence that does not show the fifth level of my roofline. 
We had a bad wind and rain storm on the 5th anniversary of Superstorm Sandy in November and I had a leak in my roof that penetrated my plaster ceiling in the hallway outside my bedroom. My neighbor is a roofer and his men came over to try to locate the source. They had to come back a second time and told me my roof was in sorry condition due to improper installation. The guys that did it weren't roofers, but carpenters. I decided to replace it and agonized over roof shingles for about a month. I drove to see different jobs, went to new house open houses, watched YouTube videos, and finally made a decision. I am that way about almost everything. I do extensive homework first and am rarely disappointed with the final outcome. I am thrilled with the way my Certainteed, Grand Manor, Colonial Slate roof turned out. Click on the photo to enlarge. I am looking forward to the weekend to undecorate my house. See you tomorrow. xo

Early House with Porches in Snow

A simple house with fancy porch and balcony, so beautiful in the falling snow. via I don't have foundation plantings and this house doesn't either. They would certainly interfere with the windows so close to the ground.

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Asprey Campaign Photo: Old Westbury Gardens Long Island NY

Asprey Campaign, Old Westbury Gardens (New York) shot by Bruce Weber via Google Images. 
At first I thought this might be a very spoiled child's birthday present but it turned out to be a photo shoot for Asprey

Marie-France: Tour Her Parisian Home

Marie-France’s home in Paris is deeply rooted, and elegantly dressed, in old world charm. Today, she invites us and shares what turns a house into a home. See many more photos and read the article here.

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Americana Christmas Tree

I thought I would be anxious to start taking down my Christmas decorations now that Christmas has passed but I'm not. I think I'll wait until New Year's Day. This tree is nice. via Here's hoping all of your celebrations were as nice as the one I attended at a friend's new home.

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Meaning and Purpose

A very fitting quote for this time of year. via

Decorating with Snow

Pretty as a picture. via
Mother Nature is the best decorator.
It's raining today at my cottage and I'm thankful it isn't snowing. See you later. The countdown to Christmas is in full swing, isn't it? xo

Friday, December 22, 2017

The Milky Way

Is it just me, or can you see the faint outline of Santa and his sleight being pulled by reindeer in the Milky Way?

Ode to Joy To The World video

If this doesn't get you in the mood for Christmas, nothing will. Smile. It is a very beautiful and joyful presentation, isn't it? 

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Open Fire and A Christmas Tree

A simple old fashioned Christmas tree next to an open fire. So nice! via I hope this paneled room is a library.

Nature's Christmas Decorations

Mother Nature changes her tree-decorating mind daily. On this day, she decided on a combination of light snow and a heavy hoar frost. I like it! Photo by Christian A Schaffer

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Moving Christmas Tree Lights

This animated gif is very mesmerizing. I can't look away. via

Simplicity: Lovely Christmas Tabletop

So Lovely. I love the simplicity of this Christmas table. The initialed cookies instead of place cards are so imaginative. The sitters can take them home and hang them from their tree or eat them on the spot. I like the hanging ones overhead too, mobile style. via

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Wendy Watson Illustrations to love

I have never wondered what a fox family looks like but now I know.

They are fond of huge family gatherings with room for everyone around the table.

Father Fox's Pennyrhymes 
by Clyde Watson
Illustrated by Wendy Watson
Author Clyde Watson and her sister Wendy grew up in a 200 year old farmhouse in Putney, Vermont, part of a large family of siblings. "Our household was a very lively and noisy place. There were always about 99 things going on at once. In one corner there might be a child playing with a basket of kittens while another fed a baby goat from a bottle. A pet hen, Hepzibah, strolled in and out of the house as she pleased, occasionally laying an egg on the kitchen floor. There were always people in the kitchen making butter, baking bread or cookies, preparing or cleaning up after a meal. From the shop you might hear hammering and sawing, and there were usually two or three people busy sewing, reading, or drawing. Floating above the din created by all of this activity piano, violin, cello, or flute music could often be heard, for we were all expected to practice our instruments daily." The book is based on The Watson Family's real lives.
Read more about this fascinating family of illustrators here.

Eggnog Frosted Chai Snickerdoodle Snowmen Cookies

I love the peanut butter cup hats.

No rolling pin or cookie cutter needed. Yay!

Snickerdoodles have always been a favorite cookie and these are super special rolled in chai spiced sugar. Delightful blogpost and recipe here. Thankfully, you still have time to bake them too. xo

Monday, December 18, 2017

O Come, O Come, Emmanuel: Piano/Cello

A wonderful concert in a wonderful setting. Hauntingly beautiful.
Click here to watch on YouTube

Blueprint Wallpaper in Bathroom

Blueprint Wallpaper in Bathroom
I absolutely love this! Replacing the white wall switch with a black one is the only change I would make. Do you love it too? via

Sunday, December 17, 2017

My Christmas Tree 2017

I put my Christmas tree in the middle of my farm table this year. It is super hard to photograph without the solid backdrop of a wall. But anyway, here it is.

Here's another view.
I am sitting in my pantry office and a herd of deer just pranced by, crossed the street, and ran through the neighbor's snowy field. I'm glad I looked up when I did. Enjoy your Sunday evening. See you tomorrow. xo

Sweet Attic Bedroom

It looks very cozy, right?

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Snowy December at My Cottage

We have already had 3 snows in December. Nothing major yet and each one was easy to shovel and didn't require snowplowing the driveway. Yay! via

Easy Reindeer Cookies

These are all Rudolph cookies with his red nose. But you could do the other reindeer too using a raisin. They would be so cute left on Santa's plate as energy treats for the reindeer pulling his sleigh. via

Friday, December 15, 2017

A Living Christmas Card

This fabulous photo is perfect for adding your Christmas text in the snow. via

Greenwich Village 1827 Townhouse for Sale

Craft room with fireplace and dog bed in a Greenwich Village townhouse that is for sale. Before you get too excited and look at the other amazing rooms, be advised the price is in excess of eleven million dollars. See the listing here. It doesn't cost anything to look and you might get an idea or two for your own home.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Beautiful Hoar Frost

Is there anything more beautiful than a good hoar frost? I think not. via

Sheepish Sheep and Hard Boiled Eggs

They look a little startled. I wish I could read their minds. The two sets of twins are adorable, aren't they?

I should have posted a photo with chickens for those of you who have an abundance of fresh eggs. Do you ever complain about how hard they are to peel when you hard cook them for deviled eggs or egg salad? I know it's a big problem. I just got an Instant Pot electric pressure cooker and have been playing around with it. I had been thinking about getting one ever since I listened to a segment on NPR with Melissa Clark, the NY Times Food columnist and cookbook author. So far I have made soymilk yogurt and garbanzo beans, starting out with dried ones that I soaked overnight. Both turned out wonderfully. I am excited about my quest to get maximum nutrition without adding cans and cartons to the landfill. The link above is just to show you the model I purchased. If you cook for a big family, you might need the 8 quart model. I also got Melissa Clark's cookbook for this device and a glass lid to turn it into a slow cooker. This is not a sponsored post. You can purchase from any seller you want.

Watch this video and see how easily the eggs peel. You don't save any time in the cooking process but will in the peeling process. I can't wait to try this. You can cook as many eggs as you like by piling them in a pyramid. Do you already have an Instant Pot? How do you like it? xo

Here's the link in case you cannot see the video.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Bringing Home The Christmas Tree

What a Great Christmas animated gif. via

My Latest Christmas Find

I was out and about yesterday ducking in here and there and found this amazing old Mercury Glass Christmas tree on a tin base with a tin star at my favorite charity shop. I found the old glass votives there earlier this year. The Peace tray was a find at another shop last year. I put my feather tree in my kitchen this year and I'm liking it in the middle of my farm table but have yet to get a photo that does it justice. I'll keep trying and post one soon. My rosemary topiary is doing well as are all the cuttings from this mother plant that are getting quite mature. I love this type of indoor gardening for the winter. Today is the first really cold day and when I got up the thermometer was in the single digits. It has "warmed up" to 22° at 10:00 so I really can't complain. See you later. xo
I posted this on my Instagram yesterday if you want to take a peek at my feed.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

The Stockings Are Hung

These stocking hooks are adorable and the mantel looks wonderful. A fireplace in the kitchen or dining room is always a wonderful thing. via