Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Watercoloring with My iPhone

This "watercolor" was done with an iPhone App called Waterlogue.

This is the photo I used for the watercolor transformation. It's fun to play around while it's snowing outside today.
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Monday, January 20, 2014

DIY Organic Blended Strawberry Yogurt

This is the most delicious and economical way to eat all organic blended fruit yogurt if you don't mind mixing it yourself. My huge jar of Organic Strawberry Spread from Costco seems to be lasting forever. The Organic plain European Style yogurt from Trader Joe's contains 4 cups. My parfait glass holds about 3/4 cup so I get at least 5 servings of yogurt. I think it is $2.99. The cost for the strawberry spread is $6.59 and it really tastes homemade. It's a "loose" spread and blends easily. You can adjust the amount of flavoring to add according to your taste buds. One Tablespoon has 40 calories. I put a bigger blob than usual for this post. The amount I usually use probably has only 20 calories. I use a long handled iced tea spoon as my measure and mixing spoon. I eat the yogurt with it too and it's really delicious. This method is good for the environment too. The Kirkland product comes in a glass jar. One Trader Joe's tub equals quite a few individual yogurt cups. I like to make a small serving in a teacup if I just want a taste of something good.
PS--Regular strawberries are in the dirty dozen, the 12 most contaminated foods in the food chain. Yuck. Any time you can find organic strawberries, you should jump at the chance.

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Martin Luther King Quotes + Music Video

Click Here to Play this Inspiring Video
Created by @hrcultureclub on Instagram
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Sunday Night TV

This moving image is very hypnotic, isn't it? I stated awake last night for all of Sherlock but turned the TV off before watching all of the behind the scenes part. I loved it. I want to watch it again on my iPad or computer so I can read the text messages, notes on small scraps of paper, and the other "type" on the screen. My flatscreen in my bedroom isn't very big and I miss out on anything that has to be read. FYI, Watson's fiancé is Martin Freeman's real-life partner. How nice! I thought she looked familiar and just found out she played Isobel Brown, one of the bridesmaids in Doc Martin 2007. I like her and think she's a great addition to the cast, don't you?
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Sunday, January 19, 2014

Webster in the Morning Sun

Deep in thought, as usual. Webster is sacked out for the night right now and I am almost ready to settle down myself in my freshly-made clean bed and get ready for a great night of TV. Goodnight all. Enjoy your evening too.
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Preview of Tonight

Add a fire in the fireplace and this will be me tonight as I watch Sherlock. I am not a sports fan and I'm so happy PBS will not be interrupting the one program I've been waiting for so anxiously. Of course, I will be watching Downton Abbey before the new season of my favorite detectives. I HOPE I can stay awake until midnight for the 2-hour premier. Will your household be with me or the Super Bowl? 

Saturday, January 18, 2014

The Feeling You Get When You Travel

Here's another great quote about travel. via
The snow stopped this morning and it turned out to be a very nice day. Have a great weekend. See you tomorrow.
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Perfect Kitchen Window

I love it all, the window, the sink, the marble countertop and windowsill, the subway tile backsplash, the faucet, and the view. Did I forget anything? via
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Today's Snow Looks Serious

Wow. What a difference from yesterday. This snow could be a big problem if it continues to come down as fast and furiously as it is now. I got a few staples from the market yesterday so I don't care. The sky is getting brighter and it's very pretty swirling down. Snow Day at The Cottage.
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Friday, January 17, 2014

Morning Walk with Webster

Webster and I enjoyed some sun and mild temperatures this morning when we went for a walk. It was nice to see the sun, however briefly, because tomorrow might bring light snow. We'll see. Have a great long weekend if you have Monday off.
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Antiquarian Map of British Isles 1807

A large folio hand-colored map of the British Isles in my living room.

Published in London July 1, 1807 for John Cary, Engraver and Mapseller.

This view attempts to show the large size. I framed it myself. It's one of the first things I put on my walls when I moved in the cottage over 10 years ago and I still love it. There is a small inset map of the Shetland Isles. I have no idea why I love old maps so much because I have the worst internal compass ever. I love the GPS feature on my phone and use it all the time with turn by turn voice directions and I usually have to use it to find my way back home too. Are you a good map reader? 
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Thursday, January 16, 2014

Custom Screen Door

I love this custom screen door that matches the pattern of the paneled door. I would love to see it from the outside looking in with the solid door closed, wouldn't you? There's a porch too. Such a nice entrance hall! via
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Such a Handsome Dog

I'm so happy to have my handsome buddy back to normal. Webster is back to being his old self and isn't he handsome? I love his amber eyes. We just came in from our mid-afternoon walk on a gray day and it was fun for both of us. This was the last photo before going inside to warm up.
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People Watching on Vacation

Another quote I photographed from a travel diary.
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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Travel Quote - Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Getting yourself out of the house is hard, isn't it? I photographed this from a travel diary.
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Wonderful Original Video

This is guaranteed to make you smile. It's not scary at all. It's a very colorful spider dancing to YMCA by The Village People. You'll love it.

Click here if you can't see the video above. Original Video by Jurgen Otto
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This is what she does. She stares in the window until she gets my attention.
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Walk in the Rain at My Cottage

Webster and I enjoyed a nice walk in the rain several times yesterday. It never rained very hard and it was nice to be outside trying to photograph with one hand and hold the umbrella with the other. Today we have a very thick fog that will burn off later when the sun comes out.

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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Wonderful Pantry or Buttery

I remember seeing this photo in a book when I was designing the interior of my own pantry. I loved it then and still do. via
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Sewing A Happy Medium

I found this photo that I had saved but I don't know the source. I thought this was a great label.
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What A Lovely Iron Gate

I love this photo. via I woke up to a rainy morning and gray skies. Most of the snow has melted too. Webster is back to being his old self with a complete recovery from his hurt ankle. When he goes down, he goes down hard but he still has the ability to bounce back. I watched Downton Abbey last night and found the end to be very upsetting. That's all I'm going to say because I don't want to spoil it for anyone. I have an office meeting this morning and I have to say I'm still having a hard time getting back into the swing of things since the first of the new year. How about you?
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Monday, January 13, 2014

Garden, Tool, Wood Shed - Nice Paint

I photographed this woodshed on Sunday when I was out and about attending an Open House tour with a friend. Don't you love the paint colors?
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