Thursday, July 11, 2013

Cottage Makeover - Before and After

A cape cod in the deep south was renovated and completely transformed by a couple with New England roots without adding on.

Keep your eye on the porch off the kitchen in this before photo.

It's hard to believe the after photo, isn't it? The old porch became a butler's pantry to extend the kitchen.

The house had good bones as you can see from this before photo.

A new roof, shutters on the dormers, new paint, and fabulous new landscaping really transformed the exterior. See the floor plan and a total of 16 photos if you are still interested in seeing more HERE from Southern Living.
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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Maxfield Parrish Clouds at My Cottage

We've had some very nice sunset cloud formations lately here at my cottage. I ran outside to capture this one with my Nikon last week because it reminded me of a Maxfield Parrish illustration in a book of fairy tales. Agreed? Click photo to enlarge.
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Learning New Things

It makes me very happy when I learn something new and I try to expand my mind daily. I love this insightful quote by Michelangelo at age 87 -- "I am still learning." via
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Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Surround Yourself

This quote makes me miss my mother who was always my biggest supporter. via

Maze in the Morning Mist

This man appears to be yelling for help because he's lost. Isn't this an amazing maze? I want to know more. via
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Monday, July 8, 2013

Corgis with Long Stick

But it needs to be longer so all can participate in carrying it. via
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Follow Up on ENDEAVOUR on PBS Masterpiece Mystery

Shaun Evans is Endeavour Morse,
 a detective fond of puzzles and poetry.
Did you watch last night? I did and I kept falling asleep. I want to watch again to see if it was because it seemed slow and complicated or because I was tired. I emailed a friend in Massachusetts and she felt the same way even though we both loved the Pilot.

I found a great review in The New York Times. Here's part of it . . . "those who watch mysteries for the mystery — may lose patience as the episode’s overly complicated plot, involving a dead secretary, a doctor murdered in a public restroom, a series of post office robberies and a love child, is resolved haphazardly and implausibly." Now I feel better and I'll stick with the series even if I have to find a review the next day to explain it to me.

I missed out on DCI Banks when it first started so I plan to watch Season I online. I've seen bits and pieces of it when I was switching channels and it looks good too. Thank you, New York Times!

Two Shared Bathrooms

This one is very sweet. via

This one is very elegant. via

These two bathrooms with sinks opposite each other couldn't be more different, but I like them both.
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Sunday, July 7, 2013

How Much is that Kitty in the Window?

Tabitha is enjoying having all the windows open too. It's hot again but I don't even care. We will survive. After several days of being sealed inside with the the central air running, it feels good to be hot. I gave Webster a bath outside this afternoon to cool him off and he loved it. See you tomorrow.
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Endeavour Returns to PBS Tonight

I'm so excited that ENDEAVOUR is returning as a July series on PBS beginning tonight. The pilot premiered in 2012 and is still available to watch online here. If you can spare an hour/+22 minutes before tonight, you should watch it and fall in love with the young Inspector MORSE on his first days on the job in 1960s OXFORD. I promise you will love it too. Check your local listings for tonight's time and channel in your area. It's on at 9pm here at the cottage. Can't wait!!!!!!!! I watched the pilot again last night and I'm so glad I did. Let me know if you watch. You're welcome.
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Lovely Bicycles

I've never seen bikes with pick tires but I like them. It's much cooler this morning and I'm so happy. Now maybe my stiff neck from the air conditioning will go away. It feels better already since I turned the air off last night and slept with the windows open. Have a great Sunday. via
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Saturday, July 6, 2013

Gorgeous Green Draperies

Click photo to enlarge.
This beautiful living room by Hudson Interiors is a perfect summer room, isn't it? I love the moss/sage/lime green fabric that was chosen for the draperies. I had a room painted the color of these walls once in my life and the paint color was called Lemon Sage. Now I'm loving it all over again. To see more photos, choose Wellesley Estate when the website opens. I love the symmetry of this view and you know I am a huge fan of black lampshades. Very.Nice.Indeed.
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Wild Grape Vine Detail

     Photographed here at the cottage one day this week while on a nature walk with Webster. I love the shape, color and intricate design on wild grape leaves and this one is perfect. Stay cool in this heat wave. Ours is supposed to break on Sunday and I cannot wait. I am so tired of having the air conditioning on 24/7. It's okay during the day, but I really miss sleeping with my windows open.
     The big walk-in closet is empty downstairs. I cleaned it top to bottom yesterday and it looks so nice. I took a break for a few days but now I am moved to continue dealing with my mother's ground level dwelling. I have donated most of the clothes and am feeling good about that. She had the best taste in classic dresses and jumpers that never go out of style. I put aside a few of my favorites and I have them airing outside. Don't ask me why but one day I'll know the reason. 
     There was an interesting segment recently on NPR about "The Global Afterlife of Your Donated Clothes". I didn't know that 80% of all donated clothing ends up in the hands of textile recyclers. Anyway, it's better than having them end up in the landfill. Article and podcast here. Read it and weep.
     Have a great weekend and try to keep cool. I'll see you later.
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Friday, July 5, 2013

Wattle Arched Rose Arbor

I love it. What a fun project this would be. Buy here if you live in England.
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Happy Duck with A New Prosthetic Foot

After--the bright orange one is artificial.

Before--having a peg leg was no fun.

Works in water too. Happy Duck Face, forever after.

More photos here with pictures of the genius doctor who designed and made the new webbed foot for this lucky duck. There is no text but the pictures say it all. I adore human interest stories like this, don't you? 
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The Cat Did It

“Mischief – Cat and Workbox”
Newbold H. Trotter (1827-1898)
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, dated 1858
SOLD -- before the ink bottle was overturned.
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Thursday, July 4, 2013

Iron Sharpens Iron

Great typography. Great quote. via
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Childe Hassam Flags - July 4, 1916

Frederick Childe Hassam
Oil on canvas. 36" x 23.13
Private collection.

Childe Hassam - July 4, 1916

The Fourth of July, 1916. The Greatest Display of the American Flag Ever Seen in New York. This painting was inspired by the climax of the Preparedness Parade in May of that year. It must have been an inspiring sight to behold. Thankfully, we have this world-famous painting to document the historic World War I parade down Fifth Avenue.

Enjoy the Independence Day fireworks tonight. via
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Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Webster On The Move

Click photo to enlarge.

Webster and I just got back from a walk after a brief shower. It's so muggy out there you can hardly get your breath. My camera lens was fogging over after a minute or two but I did manage to get a decent picture of the Wonder Dog. Did I ever mention he's addicted to air conditioning? Last night was the first time this year I left it running all night long. I think I'll leave on tonight too. Good night all. Have a great July 4th.
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My Blog is 5 Years Old

My official blog birthday was yesterday but I forgot all about it because I was so busy. We are celebrating the occasion today, with post number 5,130.  Wow, it's so much easier now. When I first started, I used to hyperventilate because it was so stressful. I had to teach myself how to do everything and back then it was harder than it is now! Thank you, wonderful friends, for sticking with me. It's still a joy to share my life experiences here at the cottage with you in the form of beautiful images, brief text, and information I have personally found to be useful. Sharing these things is so rewarding.

Would you believe 5 in blog years is more like 40? Really! You can't imagine how much you have to know to keep a blog running smoothly. So far, so good. Webster is happy too. I usually give him 4 small dog biscuits each time we come in from a walk. Today he got 5. I think I'll make some lemon buttermilk popsicles to celebrate. Today I plan on using the juice of one lime instead of the usual lemon.
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A Daylily and A Cotswold Cottage

On my last walk with Webster yesterday I ventured into a very thick weed patch on the edge of the woods to photograph this daylily with my iPhone. I was wearing my wellies so I'm not worried about getting poison ivy.

I had a real estate closing yesterday so my July is getting off to a great start. Hope yours is too.

You can only imagine how thrilled I was to have found and sealed the deal on a wonderful Cotswold Cottage. Who knew there was an authentic piece of England so close to my own cottage and no passport was required? My buyers are thrilled.
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Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Stunning Hollyhock

This photo leaves me speechless. Isn't it stunning? via
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Raised Beds in a Kitchen Garden

These raised beds look very substantial and I like them very much. The copper edging is a nice touch. Found here (scroll down to last photo).
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