Sunday, September 14, 2014

Mesmerizing Stream

This animated gif is absolutely hypnotic. I can't stop looking, can you? See you later. xo

Friday, September 12, 2014

Thornton Hall circa 1695, Simply Elegant

Thornton Hall in Britain. This is late 17th century home is lovely beyond words. via
The windows pictured have segmental pediments and there is an open segmental pediment to the door.

Beautiful Entrance to A Secret Garden

Such a lovely door to a private garden surrounded by hedges. Oh, how I love the Chippendale panels and pediment. via

Thursday, September 11, 2014

A Watercolor of Henry, The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

It's been a long time since I played around with the Waterlogue iPhone App. Henry was the perfect subject, wasn't he? He's very responsive to having his picture taken and his cuteness translates well into a watercolor.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Saw a Beautiful Bathroom Today

On today's open house tour.
To the left is the shower in the photo below.

Isn't this tile work beautiful? I love the windows too. My photos.

A Beautiful Forest Floor

This is gorgeous. I love the ground cover. Mother Nature isn't so neat in my neck of the woods. One of my neighbors saw a bear on our street a couple of weeks ago and I found evidence that he was on my property too. Bear Poo! Exciting and scary. I hope I never see the bear up close. I'm happy all of my wild raspberries are gone. I'm sure he was just passing through looking for something to eat. via

Monday, September 8, 2014

The Peacock House of Furlow Gatewood

His houses are follies—each has been an excuse to indulge his passions for vernacular Southern architecture, collecting antiques, and interior design. Peacock House is a typical Gatewood creation: He assembled a motley but sublime collection of architectural fragments, designed the house around them, and had a wondrously understanding builder bring it to life. Max Kim-Bee photo for Veranda Click on the link for more photos of this delightful sophisticated Georgia Cottage.

Such A Lovely Library and Print Room

This is fabulous. Teleport me there now! I think I will need a more comfortable chair, please, if it's not too much trouble. via

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Webster and Henry Hanging Out after Sunday Supper

Karen in VA requested pictures of Henry, our visiting dog. His mom is picking him up tomorrow and Webster will miss him. The only reason I have the little one on a leash is so he won't terrorize the cat. Tabitha hasn't set foot in the house since he came on Wednesday morning. If he sees her and he's not on a leash, he will chase her. He loves cats but Tabitha barely tolerates Webster so she wants nothing to do with Henry.

They have been fed, walked and watered so they are all set for the evening. I might take them out one more time before I bed down for Breathless on PBS. I can't believe it will be over after only three episodes. They really have a lot of territory to cover for tonight's finale. See you tomorrow. xo

Vintage Tartan Plaid Clothes Pin Apron from Scotland

Here is another item I'm selling on ebay. I got this cute little handmade apron from an elderly lady who had me help her clean out the house while it was on the market. More photos here. Thanks for looking! xo

Breathless Finale Tonight

Episode 3 is tonight and it's the finale as well. Maybe the mystery of Cyprus will be revealed. I certainly hope so. You can watch the first two episodes online if you missed them. The critics are saying it's a cross between Mad Men and Call the Midwife. PBS Masterpiece Mystery: Breathless

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Rockville Presbyterian Church Wadmalaw Island, SC

This is suh a beautiful church, isn't it? via
It's still hot and humid but we are supposed to have some storms to cool things off but they haven't arrived yet. If they come at all, they are supposed to end by midnight. I sort of hope they blow over so I won't have to get up and close my windows. See you tomorrow. xo

Gentrified Mud Room

No matter how refined the decor, everybody needs a mud room.  This looks like real life and I love it, don't you?  via

Friday, September 5, 2014

Seaside Cottages at Dusk

It's time for me to walk the boys for the last time before it gets completely dark. I love it when the lights first go on in my cottage to welcome the night. I had a busy day and had some fun too. Have a great weekend. xo via

Eggs for Breakfast

How do you like your eggs? I like mine with a firm yoke so I've never used this vintage chicken-shaped egg topper. This is one of the photos I put on my ebay listing to sell it. Not that getting rid of this small item will make even a small dent in my hoarding (smile). You know what I mean, don't you? I've been cleaning out drawers like mad lately and it feels good to see things leave the house in the way of donations and mailed packages. Little by little, I'm making progress and it feels great. This morning is overcast and rather gloomy and rain is on the way. See you later. xo

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Sophisticated Fall Decor

Summer is back but fall is just around the corner.
This arrangement looks so beautiful. via

Watch the Butterflies

Don't you love this animated gif made from an antiquarian natural history print? The butterflies are all moving, but at different times. This is so clever. via

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Webster Has a Friend

We have Henry until Monday morning.
I had to put Henry in his crate when I went out to mow at noon. Webster stayed nearby to keep him company. I'm sure they both slept because they had already been on 3 walks. I finished all except the trimming which I'll do tomorrow. It was a perfect day--the long grass was nice and dry and it was fun riding around in different patterns. I'm tired but happy. It was a good day. xo

Webster and The Thistles

i'm sorry Webster's head is hidden behind a thistle. I picked one for my windowsill the other day but I wasn't wearing my leather gardening gloves. Ouch. They are the prickliest weed on my property. I must cut this one down before the pods explode and reseed. I hope to get some mowing in this afternoon now that it's a little cooler. See you later. xo

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Folk Art Bust of George Washington

I love stories like this.
Early folk art carved bust of George Washington. Found as a finial on the top of a staircase in an old farmhouse in Sneedville, Tennessee. via

Life's Little Instruction Book | Volume II | Page 82

More fatherly advice. The author sent his son off to college with a handwritten notebook full of these hints long ago. Due to their popularity in the dorm, books were born.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Will Scotland Secede from the UK?

I took this photo today with my iPhone. I was working on an ebay listing of an apron from Scotland for holding clothes pins or pegs as they say across the pond. I found a thistle in bloom to put in the tiny embroidered pocket.

Will Scotland go Independent? The vote is coming up on September 18th so we don't have long to wait and find out. I am obsessed with Scotland since I started watching Outlander on Starz. The costumes and sets are wonderful. I haven't read the book but I'm enjoying the series.
There is an article from NPR and a podcast too in case you want to know more about why Scotland would want to break away from the United Kingdom and become an independent country. I got the cupcakes photo there too. Click here to read and or listen.
I hope you had a nice Labor Day. xo

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Masterpiece Mystery -- Breathless

photo source
It's time for me to climb into my bed for Part 2 of Breathless on Masterpiece Mystery. Are you watching it too? xo
Here is a synopsis of Episode 1 for those of you who have already watched it. Yes, it's complicated.

Potato Pancakes Cooked in Waffle Iron

Don't have a waffle iron? If you have one, use your panini press and that will work just as well. I know because I make dog treats for Webster in my press all the time.

Recipe Source
Yield: 6-8 Servings
4 cups cold mashed potatoes
3 tablespoons chopped green onions
3 tablespoons diced red peppers
1/3 cup cheddar cheese
1/4 cup finely grated parmesan cheese
4 tablespoons canola oil
1 egg, lightly beaten

Preparation: Heat waffle iron and cover with oil. I will just spray mine with Pam. Place four tablespoons of flour onto a pie pan or a shallow plate. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl. Use an ice cream scooper to dump potato pancake onto plate with flour. Flatten scoop into a round disc. Place potato pancake into a waffle iron and cook until golden brown.
Don't they look and sound good? Yum.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Sit and Say Goodbye to August

This looks like the perfect place to sit and discuss what happened to summer this year. Was it because there wasn't that much really hot weather or because we were too busy to notice it whizzing by? For me, it was a combination of the two. I had a real estate listing that went on the MLS on June 3rd and it closed on Thursday, 8/28. That's how I spent my summer vacation. It was a challenge, but it all worked out in the end and I'm so relieved. Enjoy the long Labor Day Weekend and be safe. xo via

Friday, August 29, 2014

Last Flowers of Summer

Enjoy the last flowers of the summer. Don't you love this lone hollyhock? I think we are going to have an early fall. I had a very busy day and it's time for me to tuck myself in bed and look for a movie to watch. xo via

Have A Happy Weekend

Isn't this the happiest dog face ever?

I wonder what Webster would do at this pool party? I named him because of his webbed feet and I thought he would be a water dog, but he isn't. Doesn't this look like a fun pool party for these water lovers? via

Enjoy the long weekend. xo