Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Miss Fat

Here is another place Tabitha likes sit and watch the world go by. It's beside one of my cast iron roosters on top of a brick wall. The flagstones get nice and hot and she loves to bake. We are all getting ready to tuck in. Have a good evening. Good night. xo

Wild Daisy Here At My Cottage

This is my very first daisy this year. I took this photo yesterday when walking the Wonder Dog in the afternoon. There will be raindrops to capture on this dark, dreary day. It's very cool too and I'm happy about that part of the weather forecast. There has been tremendous interest in the old house I listed one week ago.

Click for a copy of the listingm MLS # 3146998

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Monday, June 9, 2014

Seaside Light

Isn't the light beautiful shining on this lovely shingle-style house. Nantucket? Martha's Vineyard? The Hamptons? Wherever it it, it's lovely. via

Taking the Day to Regroup

Ever since I got up this morning, I've been putting things back in their proper places. My kitchen table was starting to like the photo above. I'm making progress and am almost ready to vacuum. It's a dark and dreary rainy Monday, perfect for regrouping. My new real estate listing has taken all of my time lately with an Open House yesterday. It was great and hopefully we'll have a contract soon. See you later. xo

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Saturday, June 7, 2014

The Wonder Dog

Here is a new photo of Webster, the wonder dog taken out back after his evening meal. He loves going out after dinner when the sun is going down. It won't be completely dark for an hour and a half and we'll probably take another walk when the stars come out. We have wonderful night skies here at the cottage. Enjoy your Saturday night and the rest of the weekend. xo

Best Photo Ever

Isn't this wonderful? What a perfect way to spend a weekend at the beach with a friend! Read more about Sandy the elephant and Zoot the dog here.

Elevated Cat Feeding Station

With no ants.

Tabitha simply cannot bear to spend even a few minutes inside for meals now that the weather is nice so I feed her outside. This system is working beautifully and she's one happy kitty. Have a great weekend. 

Friday, June 6, 2014

Peonies and Clover Blossoms

My pink peonies are blooming now and they are so beautiful.

I have fields of blooming clover that are spectacular. I can't remember such a profuse first blooming cycle and I don't have the heart to mow over them. The bees are having a "field" day.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Sliding Barn Doors in A House Nearby

I am still fascinated by sliding barn doors inside a home.
The door with the handle slides open to reveal stairs up to the attic and a large storage area for suitcases. So nice!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

The Pink Peonies Turned White

They are fully opened now. The pale pink peonies that I have been showing you as they open are now in full flower and they are bright white now.
Miss Tabitha is dining in her chair.

Here is a closeup of a single flower.

Peony, Showing Her Beautiful Center

This peony will be fully opened soon!!!

Here it is after yesterday's hard rain. I love the pale shade of pink.

Dog and Cat Cutouts on Gate

These gates are on actress Reese Witherspoons Ojai, California home. See the cat and dog cutouts? I love this whimsical touch, don't you? via

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Love This Garden Path

Isn't this fabulous? I love this cut logs used as path pavers. I love the crowded plantings too in this small space. It all works beautifully! via

Peony Progress

I took these photos this morning. The peony bud I showed you last night is almost open.

Here's one that is letting me peek inside to see the center. I'm so happy!

Monday, June 2, 2014

My Peonies are About to Pop

How does your garden grow?
It won't be long now. I've been waiting patiently for at least one peony bud to bloom and there are three outside my front door that look like this. I hope the hard rain we are expecting doesn't do any damage. Fingers crossed! xo

Life's Little Instruction Book | Volume II | Page 79

I haven't posted a page from this delightful book recently.

Can you believe it's June already? I can't. The last tip on this page is worth a try the next time I'm trying to get a better price on an item.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

The Elephant Bridge

This takes my breath away.
The Elephant Soul Bridge
Digital Art by Thomas Herbrich

The Perfect Start to Any Day

I've always been amazed that there are people who can leave the house without even a sip of coffee. I am not one of them! Having coffee at home is one of my favorite parts of the day. Enjoy this lovely Sunday. xo

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Almost Twins

Brother from another Mother.
I adore this photo of these unlikely friends with identical markings. via

Ferns and a Nap Outside

I love the ferns on the edge of the woods here at my cottage.

Webster is loving this cool, breezy Saturday and a nap on the the balcony.

Peony Promise

I have three different varieties of peonies planted together.
For some reason, my favorite one has no buds this year. It's the white one with the yellow center that is flat like a salad plate. I guess it didn't like being buried under the snow all winter. My lilies of the valley didn't bloom either :( this year. They did spread quite a bit so hopefully they will bloom next year. My two remaining peony bushes are loaded with buds (and ants) as you can see from this photo. Have a great weekend and I'll see you later. xo

Friday, May 30, 2014

Multiflora is Blooming

It's hard to be mad at this thorny wild rose that is slowly taking over my woods when it blooms. The flowers are lovely and the scent is heavenly. I especially like the tiny pink rose buds. Every since Super Storm Sandy, when so many trees came down and allowed more sunlight into the woodlands, these bushes are becoming Science Fiction Movie Material. Nothing can penetrate them! And I'm too tired to even try. :-)
Have a great weekend. xo

DIY Miniature Conservatory

Designed by Randolph Scott Keller and constructed by Jennie Hammill, this miniature conservatory incorporates 43 recycled glass windows and doors.
This is wonderful, isn't it? Found on Pinterest.

A Peek into My Pantry

My pantry was once a screened-in porch.
Now it's one of my favorite "rooms" in the cottage.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Dog Mug

Don't you love my dog mug? It was an unexpected present from my friend Stacey of Stacey Snacks. She has the best taste! I love it. There's nothing on TV these days but I'm hopeful there's something on my DVR to put me to sleep. xo

Walk-Out Window to Porch

Wow. I love this idea. Why have I never seen this before? This is so much better than French doors. DO WANT!!! I love the porch railing too. LOVE. via

Beautiful Photo

What a beautiful sight to start your day.