Monday, October 19, 2015

Such A Lovely Sunrise

This misty morning sunrise is spectacular, isn't it? I have tall trees in front of my rising sun so the sun's pretty high in the sky before I can see it. When the trees are bare in the winter, I have more misty mornings. via

Sunday, October 18, 2015

West Indies Meets Low Country: Nice!

The wooden counter tops are great, aren't they? The ceiling treatment is wonderful too.

I love the triple double-hung windows over the sink. Most builders try to convince you to put casement windows in this location because they are easier to open and close. Nope! I don't like the screens inside and those cranks always break. I have a special stick with a rubber tip for opening mine. Closing them is no problem.
Tour the rest of this amazing home on a coastal island in South Carolina here

Wonderful Small Garden and Shed

Actually, the garden isn't that small if you consider both sides of the wide path. I would want that shed to be at least twice as large to accommodate all my stuff. A window or two would also be nice. via

I have been working outside non-stop this week. I got my riding mower back from the shop on Thursday and mowed my entire property. It's never looked better and I am thrilled. There's nothing like a good blade sharpening to make me happy beyond words. For the past couple of years I have had my tune-up just before the last few Fall mowings before putting my Snapper to bed for the winter and that has worked out very well. This way, it's ready for spring needing nothing but new gasoline.

I woke up to 30° temps this morning. I covered my few potted plants with old white towels last night and they look like Halloween ghosts. Enjoy your Sunday. xo

Friday, October 16, 2015

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Sussex UK Farmhouse Interior Photographs

Interior Design by Nicholas Haslam. View all interiors of this charming Sussex Farmhouse here.

Fall Foliage In Back of My Cottage

As you can see, the trees are still mostly green. The field grass has also recovered from the lack of rain over the summer. From my front windows I can see more color in the sugar maples diagonally across the street. Gas prices are very low too and that pleases me since I've been driving much more than usual showing houses. Enjoy this beautiful day. xo

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Woody The Trailer - Cool DIY Project

A young couple on the move built a small home that will go wherever life takes them. They designed this beauty and built it themselves on a very tight budget. It's amazing!

I love reading inspiring stories about smart young couples who beat the system with a very unique home on wheels now permanently parked. Read more here with more photos too. xo

A Friend's Walk-In Closet

She says it's like going shopping every day when she's getting ready for work. 

Her home is for sale. 
Chester Township NJ - MLS # 3253972

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Monday, October 12, 2015

My Cottage Garden Weeded

I am going to spread some more wood chips today. I have almost depleted my pile that has been sitting and simmering for about three years. They have decomposed enough that they have a rich brown color, almost like topsoil without the expense. The peonies have been chopped down to the ground and the boxwood have been trimmed with my "new" electric hedge clippers scored at the Firehouse Sale several weeks ago. I like putting gardens to sleep in preparation for the winter. Fall is such a great time to be outside. Have a great Columbus Day. xo

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Sussex UK Farmhouse Garden

I worked on my front garden for about 5 hours today and it looks loved again. Not like this one though.What is it about England? I've never seen a weed patch there, have you? Have a great Columbus Day Weekend. xo photo source

Friday, October 9, 2015

Wonderful Outdoor Fireplace

I love the vines covering the cast stone. I see palm trees so this is in a tropical location which probably ensures year-round outdoor life. Hopefully, there is a pool near this beautiful fireplace which is perfect for warming up after a swim. So nice! via

Fancy Alphabet circa 1650

Like what you see so far?
Want to see the rest?
Click here. This alphabets falls under the works which have now fallen into the public domain, that vast commons of out-of-copyright material that everyone is free to enjoy, share, and build upon without restriction. Enjoy!

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Beautiful Fall Day

There are many more acorns this year than last. I hope that's a sign. Hoping for plenty of nice winter weather instead of plenty of snow.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Ancestors, Antiques, and Architecture

Wonderful double-hung windows too. I wish I could see them with the triple set of inside shutters closed. So many wonderful things to feast your eyes on in one photo! via

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Quote for Autumn

Good advice. Smell roses in the summer and watch the leaves turn in the fall.

Almost One Year Ago

This photo of my property is three weeks shy of being one year old. It's a very gray and wet Saturday here at my cottage and Webster is in a food coma after kibble and oatmeal. Thankfully, Joaquin isn't going to be terrible in my area, just rain and wind. I have been very busy with real estate and finally have a strong contract on the old house in town. I'm happy to report it will be loved again after being vacant for over a decade. The house was holding out for a family and it won! Yay. Have a safe weekend and I hope you don't lose power and the storm isn't bad in your area either. See you later. xo

Friday, October 2, 2015

A Wonderful Children's Room

I had an opportunity to climb up some stairs like this recently and they were fun. I love the clever under the stairs cubbys for books and toys and even a desk. The loft is amazing and I hope it's a favorite spot for these fortunate children. Love it all. 
So far, all we have is rain. Have a great safe weekend. xo

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Prince Charles Sees A Big Bird

Charles and Camilla don't think much of our American Eagle, do they? This made me smile. The original caption was "How Europe sees America." via

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Mr. Toad Visits My Cottage

He's trying his best to blend in with the new wood chips, but I spotted him anyway.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

My Newly Weeded Gardening Spot

I took this photo this morning. My grass is in dire need of reseeding, but that's a task for another day. I'm anxious to plant something in this bed that was nothing but giant Canadian Thistle a few days ago. We are supposed to have rain coming up from the south for 4 straight days and we really need it. See you later - I'm off to an office meeting and then must deal with some real estate paperwork.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Greenhouse Envy

With my Sunday helper we pulled a whole flower bed full of Canadian thistle, the worst weed you'll ever have. I decided to kill them for good by smothering the seeds. I had a big leftover piece of carpeting in the garage that was almost the perfect size. I had to use tar paper for the small space that wasn't covered. Then my helper brought me loads and loads of woodchips that were from a pile that was at least 3 years old. It's almost like soil and I love the look. Will take a picture soon, maybe tomorrow morning. Getting a new bed makes me want to garden again. Wouldn't it be nice to have a small greenhouse? Good night. xo

Sunday, September 27, 2015

British Colonialism: Indian Summers on PBS tonight

Sorry I've been away from the computer for several days. I've been having fun and working hard. I hired someone to help me outside and today we worked together from 9am until late afternoon. I am pooped. I hope I can stay awake for Indian Summers. It looks like my kind of program, set in India, Season I begins in 1932. Here's a review from the Los Angeles Times. The premier is tonight from 9:00PM - 10:30PM in the New York metropolitan area. Enjoy.

Watch the trailer here if you can't see the video above. Enjoy!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Old Dogs

Thank you BarbV for sending me this link.

My Webster. He's 13-1/2 and he's still going strong. 
He should be in the book Old Dogs: Are The Best Dogs