Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Galley Kitchen Love

In my opinion, the size of a kitchen doesn't matter as long as there is a window. This one would make me very happy and I love the arrangement. Can you believe they have a gallery wall instead of cupboards behind the sink? How wonderful! 
I had a change of plans yesterday and ended up tearing up one room and spring cleaning it from top to bottom. I surprised myself and I hope to repeat the process in another room today. My grandmother always spent one whole week in each room of her home on spring and fall cleaning. It was a real ritual that required lots of help moving furniture. I emulated her by moving everything out of the room except the bed and it really wasn't that hard. I hope I can keep up the momentum. xo

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Lovely Spring Things

My snowdrops are up but the grape hyacinths haven't popped yet. I don't think I've ever seen a blue and white platter with this spring bulb in the pattern. It looks hand painted rather than transferware. 

Today's Plan

I've had my morning coffee, it's raining, and I am not planning on leaving the house today. That's my plan and I hope it works.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Confused Chicken

"If they don't mind, neither do I. These children have too many legs but I love them anyway."

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Almost Time to Move Outside

All yellow things are getting ready to pop. I love the industrial doors on either side of the dining room. Do they make thermopane versions for the northeast? I would love a couple to replace my french doors.

Easter Blessings

Have a ducky day.

Remembering my dear Mother shown here on Easter Sunday, 2012. She's one of the angels now and I miss her every day but she continues to live in my heart. I found this photo when I was scrolling through some of my old Easter posts here.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Needle Felted Easter Rabbit

I think this needle felted Easter rabbit is so beautiful. Isn't his coat simply fabulous? Created by Di Summit. Wishing a Happy Easter to one and all.

Nice Entrance Hall

I like the black hardware against the bright white paint on the doors. The trim work is beautiful and I like the plank ceiling with the acorn pendants.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Easter Bunny Pancakes

This is such a great idea. via
You don't need any instructions either. This Easter breakfast looks delicious and easy.
Have a very Happy Easter. xo

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Great Window with A Nice View

I opened some of my windows today to let in some fresh air. It was so nice, though a bit chilly. I like the way these windows open without a crank. This way makes so much more sense. No crank to get stripped. The gardens and garden house look beautiful. xo

Such A Lovely Bedroom

This room is perfect. The architectural elements are beautiful and the room doesn't need much decoration. These choices are just wonderful. Love it all!!! Don't you love a pile of good magazines just waiting to be read? xo

Wonderful Cottage with A Green Roof

Oh, I love this, don't you? I've never seen a pastel green roof but I love it. It's a perfect topper for this cottage. It has everything: great windows with architectural detailing, window boxes, wisteria, a box-bay window, beautiful landscaping and more. What a great place for an Easter egg hunt. Swoon.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

I Understand This All Too Well

Attic Balcony Lookout

This is too good to be true, isn't it? Can you imagine having your morning coffee there? I woke up to more snow this morning and that's not an April Fool joke. It is just a dusting that covered the grass but not the walkway. Today is Webster's 13th birthday and I'm going to make him some special treats later. He had brown rice on his kibble so he's happy. xo

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Yes, please. This is so lovely and inviting with all the lights on. You know that's one of my favorite things. This has to be as perfect inside as it is on the outside. LOVE.

Cottage at Road's End

What a beautiful building site. Don't you love this cottage by the sea? 

Easter Bunny Getting Ready

He's powering up for Sunday.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Mansion in England with a Moat

An original photo via
Moated Tudor Mansion, Baddesley Clinton, England.
I guess there must be a draw bridge somewhere. I don't like water anywhere near my house, so I'll have to pass on this one. 

Prince Phillip Playing with Young Prince Charles and Princess Anne

This is animated gif is so fabulous. A young Prince Phillip is riding tricycles with Princess Anne while Prince Charles follows on a pedal tractor with a plow on the front. Great royal family fun!

Green Kitchen

This is a wonderful kitchen and I really like this color. The green really sets off the wonderful collection of copper cookware. The two black farm sinks and the black countertops carry out the dark theme. The only white is the ceramic knobs and the dishes, not counting the flour and sugar. 

Sunday, March 29, 2015

First Leap

Follow the leader! So cute. via

Beautiful Rocking Chair Porch

I love the brickwork on the house and the porch floor. There's nothing like a front porch without the upkeep of painted wooden boards. The sky blue ceiling is nice and would be cheerful, even on a rainy day. Enjoy your Sunday. xo

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Fabulous Modern Farmhouse in Denver

Click here for more pictures. It's really nice, isn't it? Blueline Architects.

Perfect Easter Gift Wrap

Wonder what's inside? I think it's probably a book, the perfect gift for any occasion. Don't you love the rabbit paper? via

Friday, March 27, 2015

Asian Brown Wood Owl

Oh.My.Goodness. Isn't this the most beautiful owl ever? For some reason, I'm drawn to owls today. via

Serious Owl on A Branch

I love this little guy. He looks as if he's having a stare down and I'm pretty sure he will win. via

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Stairway: Just My Style

I love everything I see. It's all perfect and just my style. via

Tabitha Enjoying a Cat Nap in the Sun

We have cloudy skies and a light rain this morning but Tabitha chases the sun's rays whenever she can. She's very happy that she can stay outside for longer and longer periods now that winter is on its way out. She has discovered some delicious patches of grass to eat that have been buried under deep snow for months and a little nibble is the perfect way to start her day. (my photo)

Now if she just had this lookout, her life would indeed be perfect. via