Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Another Frozen Snow Photo

Click photo to enlarge.
This is a reblog of a photo I took looking outside by guest room window of a snow swag suspended in mid air. This phenomenon was captured January 28, 2011. You can see that I took the photo through a window screen. Thankfully, I took all the screens off my windows when my house was painted in September and never put them back in. I had no idea this winter was going to be so brutal and that I would be leaning out my windows so much to show you what was going on here at the cottage. I hope you will be able to find some beauty in the weather that's enveloping the South and is headed this way. The news is showing all of the horror. Be safe, stay home, and keep warm. Fingers crossed that you don't lose power. xo
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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Good Night Bloggerville

Webster is sleeping in this watercolor and in real life too. I have all my nightly chores finished and I'm just about ready to jump in bed to watch Father Brown followed by Scott & Bailey on PBS. Now that's what I call a perfect weekday evening. See you tomorrow. xo
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Another view of the Snow People in Chairs

This is the view of the chairs taken from my bedroom window which is on the second floor from the back since I have a walk-out lower level. Can you see the two eyes and a nose buried in the snow behind them? This photo was on my Instagram.
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Snow People

The snow arm on the right started to melt but froze before it could break off and fall to the ground. That's how cold it is!! I went out the back door with Webster after he ate his supper yesterday and waited while he walked all the way to the rear of the property and back for the first time in weeks. I still can't go with him because of the ice layer that caves in and makes walking so difficult. I was finally able to get close to these chairs for a head-on shot instead of a photo from my upstairs window. Be safe. Stay warm. I'm off to an office meeting this morning. xo
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Monday, February 10, 2014

Recent Deer Sighting Here at The Cottage

A family of four deer took a shortcut through the rear of my property but I only captured two of them with my camera. I don't see nearly as many deer as in previous years. It's always thrilling to see a buck with a big rack.
Oh, by the way, here's another PBS TV show I like. It comes on up here right after Father Brown. It's called Scott and Bailey....two modern day lady detectives in London Manchester. I've only seen one episode and I liked it. I told a friend about it and she saw the episode she missed on YouTube. Look it up and see if you like it too. xo
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Life's Little Instruction Book | Volume II | Page 66

A few more suggestions, observations, and reminders on how to live a happy and rewarding life.

Volunteer to help a few hours a month working in a soup kitchen. Best one on this page!
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Webster's Watercolor

Here he is again this morning, in watercolor form. Someone requested a portrait and I loved the photo I used for this transformation with the Waterlogue App. He had a big hot breakfast of kibble with some hot cubed potatoes left over from my homemade soup. I cooked more than I needed so he could have a good human treat over his Trader Joe's Kibble. He LOVED it. The kitchen was still cold as the heat hadn't yet kicked in, and his bowl was really steaming. I have my coffee, so we are both content in our cottage. Tabitha too. xo
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Sunday, February 9, 2014

Webster, The Depressed Dog

Picture this very scene with darkness and a fine snow falling pretty hard. It just started about an hour ago and we already have an inch or so. It's slippery too as Webster and I both found out when we went out for his last bathroom run until tomorrow. Doesn't he look depressed as he walks past our snow fort? I took a big clean blanket out of the dryer for him and that did the trick. He and his zebra are drifting off the dreamland and he looks very content. I have my TV shows all lined up for the night and the DVR has been set.
One more thing. One of my PBS stations started airing FATHER BROWN, Season One last Wednesday Tuesday. Episode One has something about The Hammer in the title. It's being repeated after midnight tonight -- this is Monday morning 2/10 from 1:00am - 2:00am. It's very good. It takes place in the Cotswolds in the 1950s. A Catholic priest who wears a big brimmed hat and rides a bicycle solves the crimes of the village. Take a look and see if you can find it in your area. You'll like it, I'm sure! Have a Good Downton Evening. xo
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MacDonald Clan and Tartan Scotland

Per Special Request from Heather. Click to enlarge photos.


Motto: By sea and by land.
Crest: Out of coronet a hand in armour fessways, holding by its point a cross crosslet fitchy, gules.

Cover and Back of my small book.
ISBN 0-00-458958-0
First published 1986, Second Edition 1991
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Sunday morning coffee

Here's what I'm drinking at the moment, hot coffee in my favorite cup with soy milk. I'm still loving the Waterlogue App for transforming my photos into watercolors. I'll see you a little later with the cover of the Clans and Tartans book and the pages for MacDonald per special request from Heather. What a perfect Scottish name! xo
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Saturday, February 8, 2014

Good Night, Webster

He is ready to go to bed, but he's fighting it. He is really missing our long walks but they are virtually impossible unless we walk on the road. I don't want to do that because of all the salt. Hopefully we will be able to trudge to the "way back" really soon! Have a good Saturday night. xo
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1825 Mississippi Farmhouse Restoration Before and After

This is the before picture of a circa 1825 Mississippi home.

Here's the stunning after photo of the Mississippi home, following a three-year gut renovation.

Old stairs.

Stairs AFTER.
View all 15 before and after photos and read the inspiring story here in Country Living Magazine.
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Kerr - Clan and Tartan

There is no rhyme or reason to the pages I will feature from this little book of mine. I just like this particular tartan this sunny Saturday morning.

The Crest Badge is nice too -- The sun in his splendour. Motto: Late but in earnest. Oh dear, but at least the Kerrs have an excuse for always being late. Question -- Do report cards still have a section for tardiness these days, as mine did? Have a great weekend.
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Friday, February 7, 2014

Webster Has Tucked In

Our boy Webster has already thrown in the towel and called it a night. He dealt with the ice covered snow a lot better today. He mastered going into the woods.
Have a great weekend and we'll see you tomorrow. 
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Life's Little Instruction Book | Volume II | Page 65

A few more suggestions, observations, and reminders on how to live a happy and rewarding life.

Yes! All good ones on this page.
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Erddig, Welsh Country House on Instagram

What are you waiting for? This is what you are missing by not being on Instagram. Read the description below...sounds like Downton Abbey, doesn't it? I'd love to see the portraits of the servants.
I am following the National Trust on Instagram. Don't you love this photo they posted? I made a screen shot of the entire post below on my phone to share with you. I have never heard of this historic house in Wales but it's now on my bucket list. See, Instagram is not a waste of time. It's educational too!!!!!!!! Even if you never post one picture, you can follow amazing members and see the pictures they post. 

Follow National Trust on Instagram here.
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Thursday, February 6, 2014

Buried in The White Stuff

The ice on top of the snow is so strong you can walk on it and it won't cave in. Webster is completely freaked out by it because he slips and slides and can't find a place to "go". Tabitha has her claws so she's fine. Extreme caution is in order for everyone. My driveway is like the luge without going to Sochi.
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Good Morning fresh From My Camera

This is practically live. Only moments from my iPhone to you. We survived the wrath of mother nature and are bracing for more. I actually heard one of the weather reporters talking about 3 feet of snow and 2 converging storms coming up. Guess I should start sharpening my snow shovels. They almost never get it right, so I'm not worried. See you later.
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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Life's Little Instruction Book | Volume II | Page 64

A few more suggestions, observations, and reminders on how to live a happy and rewarding life.

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Doc Martin Season 6 Episode 1 Tonight on PBS

In my area tonight is the premier of Doc Martin Season 6, Episode 1 at 9pm on one of the PBS stations. I would have missed it completely because it's not marked NEW. Luckily, my friend Victoria got it in Virginia last Saturday night and she told me the title of the new season's premier episode was SICKNESS AND HEALTH
Wedding bells are ringing for the Doc and Louisa. But will the marriage finally go ahead? The Doc is irritated by PC Penhale, who wrongly presumes he is best man, plus Louisa is late... The Reverend has his doubts as to whether she will turn up, putting Martin on edge. But she does, looking beautiful and at long last they tie the knot.
Sounds good, doesn't it? Can't wait!!! Here is the episode guide so you will know what to look for.
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