Monday, January 6, 2014

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Goodnight. Only 1/2 Hour until Downton.

I'm all set for bed and I know I can stay awake until 11pm. Enjoy...see you tomorrow.
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Webster wants to get in the act.

I was minding my own business having fun with my iPhone camera this morning. I have a pair of bronze dogs picked up at Brimfield years ago that I love. Keep an eye on the upper left hand corner of the table and you'll see a little brown fur in the third picture and then the photo bomber will appear.

Whatcha doin' up there?

Don't mind me.

I'll just wait here until it's time for our walk.

His wish was granted.
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Life's Little Instruction Book | Volume II | Page 58

A few more suggestions, observations, and reminders on how to live a happy and rewarding life.

I'm not sure I can comply with #712 on the very day all of my favorite TV shows are coming back! I like #713 though. I've been a bargain hunter all my life and I don't have a history of ever paying too much for anything. It's just part of my chemical makeup and I like being this way. 
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Saturday, January 4, 2014

221B Baker Street

Two weeks from tomorrow is the premier of Sherlock, Season 3 on PBS. I'm really looking forward to another season. I can't believe all of my favorite shows are on the same night. Sunday = Downton Abbey, Sherlock, The Good Wife and Revenge. And those are just the network shows. Thank goodness for full episodes online! via

I found this blog that posts about Sherlock every day! I'm almost afraid to look at it for fear there will be spoiler alerts. It's from Engand and they got the new series on January 1st from BBC.
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My Cottage Fireplace

I have a fire ready to go later. All I have to do is strike the match. Tonight I will sit by the open fire and watch a movie on my my iPad. This is an experiment. I uploaded this photo of my fireplace here at the cottage from my iPhone. I want to see how and if Mobile Blogger works!

An earlier fire on a cold winter's night.
I saved the photo and the text above as a draft. I did a little more editing from my laptop. Mobile Blogger does work to a point and this is good to know if I want to blog something without coming home. I think it would be best for something short and sweet, on the fly. 
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Tabitha misses her grass.

Eating grass every morning is a big part of Tabitha's routine and there's not a blade to be seen anywhere. However the sun is out and that's a big plus in spite of the reading on the thermometer. When we first got up this morning around 7am it was -2°. Now it's a balmy 5° and rising. Tomorrow it's supposed to get up to 39° so there will be melting! Maybe she will be able to graze again soon. Stay warm. We are all very cozy in the cottage. xo
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Friday, January 3, 2014

What a difference a day makes.

I took this photo of my picket fence yesterday. Don't ask me why but I'm glad I did.

This is what it looked like from my bedroom window when I first woke up this morning. I shoveled my walk, dug out my car, and moved it so I'm all set for the deep freeze. It's 10° right now and it's supposed to get down to -6° overnight. Webster and I just got back from his after dinner walk and it didn't seem that cold to me. We went on our regular long walk with no shortcuts too. Tabitha was waiting at the door to get back in the house when we got back. I'm always glad when the animals have been fed, watered, and walked so I can relax for the rest of the evening. Hope you can too.
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Snow Day

I put this photo on instagram this morning. Photographed when I first got up from my bedroom window. Not too bad at all here. The animals went out, have been fed, and are back in bed. My driveway has been plowed but my car is another story. I'll deal with it and my front walk later. My road has been plowed and salted - I'm so lucky to live on a county road!

I watch the premier of the 8-part miniseries "THE ASSETS" last night and it was very intriguing. I must watch it again on my iPad so I can see the typing on the screen. The flatscreen TV in my bedroom isn't very big and I can never read stuff on it from my bed. Here's a review of the show....I'm sure it will be repeated on ABC so look for it or watch it online or on demand. One of the stars of the show played the mother on Broadchurch and she's wonderful. The show reminds me a little of The Bletchley Circle too. It's a spy thriller based on the Cold War. Here is the NYTimes review. Aren't you glad you have me to tell you what to watch? 

I'm off to eat my oatmeal now. xo
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Thursday, January 2, 2014

Keep Calm and Drink Tea

Watch the weather and drink tea, isn't that what you're doing? It started snowing a little over an hour ago and it's too dark to see it coming down without the spotlights on. So I'll just have a cup of tea, go to bed and cover my head, and hope for the best in the morning. via
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Countdown to Downton Abbey

Only 3 more days.
Anna fishes for a toy duck as little Sybbie and daddy Tom Branson look on. I have already set my DVR for Sunday's 2-hour premier of Season 4. Can't wait! I just looked at the countdown clock and it's 3 days, 7 hours, 47 minutes exactly. moving image found here

Life's Little Instruction Book | Volume II | Page 57

I'm glad I started these Instruction Book pages up again, especially in the morning when I'm still half asleep. The winter storm watch is on in my area. Today isn't supposed to be too bad but the hours between sundown and sunup are supposed to be pretty bad. I hope my snow plow man won't come until it's all finished in the daylight hours. Be safe wherever you are today and tomorrow.

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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A Vintage New Year's Greeting

The sentiment on this vintage card still works. Wishing you all good things.
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January 1, 2014

Happy New Year everyone from my cottage to yours. Mine is off to a good start with everything neat and tidy hoping to be able to maintain this all year long. It seems to take every fiber of my being to "keep house" as it is not my strong suit. It's really not that hard if you put things away as you use them but I have a tendency towards messiness. They say it takes 28 days to start a habit so we'll see how January goes. I already have one new habit that is a healthy one. I started eating a raw green salad everyday back in November and have successfully carried it through December. Sometimes I wilt the greens and eat them hot. I am also eating grated raw beets and loving them. After all, your health is your wealth. Those are my New Year's resolutions -- be neater and eat healthy. Good luck with yours. I liked the two vintage postcards shown above found on Google Images. xo
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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year 2014

I love a good fireworks display, don't you? I posted this exploding ball on July 4th and it's perfect for New Year's Eve too. Have a lovely last night of 2013.
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The Morning of New Year's Eve

I went food shopping yesterday after I cleaned out my refrigerator and forgot to buy black-eyed peas to eat on New Year's Day with cornbread and greens. Do you have a tradition of eating anything special on the first day of the year? My meal is very Southern - history here.
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Monday, December 30, 2013

An Irish Blessing

I had a pretty busy day and am getting ready to climb into bed for some TV viewing. I thought this Irish Blessing was perfect day's end. See you tomorrow. 
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Life's Little Instruction Book | Volume II | Page 56

More fatherly advice.

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Melting Evergreen

Almost all of the snow has melted around here except for a little bit here and there that's waiting for more later in the week. I want to clean out my refrigerator and get all new food for the new year. Doesn't that sound like a good idea? Webster is almost out of kibble so he will get a new bag for 2014. Wow, that's the first time I have typed next year's date and it's right around the corner too. I don't have snow on my spruce trees today -- I took this photo a while back. See you later.
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