Friday, March 15, 2013

Amazing Cottage Transformation


All I can say is WOW! See more photos here.

Overslept this Morning

I know exactly how Maddie the Coonhound feels. I got up at my her regular time to let the cat out and went back to bed. It was almost 9 o'clock when I got up again. I'm still adjusting to "fast" time. 

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Books as Art

Beautiful 1899 leather binding in an abstract Art Nouveau style by The Guild of Women Binders ... read more here.

The Hunt

Here is my GIF of the day. via

Lamb, Waiting for The Fleece to Grow

How long will it take, Mama? 
Image found on Pinterest

Happy Pi Day

Click here if the video box doesn't load for you.

The town of Princeton, NJ goes all out for Pi Day every year. It's for math geeks in celebration of the equation 3.14 and it's also today's date 3/14.

Sheep in The Morning

Sheep in the morning. The sun has burned off the mist where they are grazing but hasn't reached the valley behind them. via

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Chalkboard Wall in Dining Area

The shopping list on the wall made me laugh when I got to the last item. via

My Happy Dog

What? All for me?

Happiness is: A new supply of biscuits! A whole box fits perfectly in this old glass cheese preserver. I always buy the small treats because I can give the wonder dog 3 or 4 instead of only a single big one and there are no crumbs left on the floor. He can count, you know. 

Sweet Peas

Pretty soon it will be time to plant your lovely climbing sweet peas. via


Here is a nice big smile to start your morning.

Smiling cat by Masayo Nabeshima

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Red Poppies White Clouds and Blue Sky

Three of my favorite things combine to make red, white, and blue. via

Great Sandwich Shop

This looks like my kind of place! If I ever go to Austin Texas, I will definitely check it out. via

Dog in A Wheelbarrow

I'm posting this photo because it gave me such a good idea. I have a big contractor's wheelbarrow in the garage and the body is hideous orange plastic. I rarely use it and keep it hidden. The first nice day, I'm going to fill it up with warm water and give Webster a bath in it. One of my outside hose connections has hot and cold running water. He's pretty stinky at the moment and he will love it. via

Monday, March 11, 2013

Mad Men Season 6 Poster

I was just wondering when this was going to start up again and now I know. via

Incense Burner

I found this cute little clay teepee incense burner hiding in a drawer the other day and fired it up. It cleared the air for other smells. The cubes that came with it were supposed to smell like cinnamon but they just smelled like smoke to me. [my photo]

Crate Kitchen Cabinets

What a "crate" idea! via

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Two Otters Trained To Recycle Bottles

Two female North American River Otters at the Seneca Park Zoo in Rochester, New York - trained by zookeeper Catina Wright - take empty bottles and place them into recycling bins.
Picture: Annette Lein/AP

Marching Pigeons

Here's my gif of the day. You know you love it too. It's hard to stop watching, isn't it? via

Pile of Dalmatian Puppies

I love this pile of sleeping spotted pups. via