Saturday, November 26, 2011

Antique Bird Prints

I love this mixed media image I scanned from an old copy of Town and Country magazine. I have always admired these antiquarian prints from The Natural History of Birds, by Eleazar Albin, published between 1731 and 1738. These large scale hand-colored antique bird prints are favored by decoupage artist John Derian. When reproduced and laser printed they make wonderful trays

Friday, November 25, 2011

Ralph Waldo Emerson House with Friends Quote

There must be lots of happy houses this weekend. I scanned this image from an old address book and added the type. I was honored by being a guest at a lovely Thanksgiving dinner last night in a happy home. 

Life's Little Instruction Book | Volume II, page 49

More great fatherly advice from H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Lauren Bush weds David Lauren = Lauren Lauren

The bride wears a dress, designed by the father of the groom (also in Ralph Lauren), of antique tulle hand-embroidered with Swarovski Elements, beads, and pearls.

Hair, Julien Farel for Julien Farel Group; makeup, Bobbi Brown.
Photographed by Norman Jean Roy

Read the article and see the slideshow at

Be Safe if You Travel Today and Tomorrow

We have rain on the east coast. Be careful on the wet roads if you are traveling home for Thanksgiving. Think pleasant thoughts about those anxiously waiting for you to arrive safely -- humans and pets alike. via

Beautiful Cat

I couldn't resist this beautiful animal. I don't think I've ever seen a more stunning photo of a cat. Those yellow-orange eyes forced me to do it. via

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Butterscotch Shortbread Cookies [Recipe]

Lee's Butterscotch Shortbread
Recipe adapted from Lee Schiring and an ancient Jane Austen Society of Puget Sound Newsletter
yields: 2-4 dozen, depending on size
keeps: 3 weeks or longer, in an airtight tin

The only slightly tricky bit to these is judging doneness, as the dough is already brown from the sugar. There's quite a time range given, below, as I'm terribly uneven in rolling my dough. A few tips, then, to aid: note the sight and scent cues below to determine doneness. Also, note that the oven temp is unusually low, giving you more wiggle room than most cookies—if in doubt, give them a few more minutes. Finally, these biscuits are best slightly overdone than underdone: the end result should be crisp, not yielding. And if, after cooling, they're still tender in the center, a return to the oven (5-10 minutes) will correct that, spit-spot.

1 cup salted butter
1/2 cup dark brown sugar
1/4 cup granulated sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 1/4 cups unbleached, all-purpose flour

Heat oven to 300°. Cream butter, both sugars and salt, then add vanilla to combine. Scrape sides, then add flour, mixing just to combine.

Dust a clean surface lightly with flour, and roll dough 1/4" thick. Cut with desired cutters, and place on parchment-lined baking sheets, 1/2" apart (these cookies spread very little).

Bake 20-30 minutes, until cookies are fragrant, edges and bottoms are slightly darkened, and tops have lost their glossy look and taken on a matte finish. Cool cookies on sheet 15-20 minutes, then remove to rack to finish cooling. Cookies will firm up while cooking, and not be fully crisp until an hour or so after baking.

Recipe found @ remedialeating with lots of photos of children rolling and cutting these delightful cookies.

Hermès Bag may top $80,000 at Dallas Auction

DALLAS – An Hermès Diamond Birkin, with Diamond and White Gold hardware – a beautiful example of one of the most exceptional handbags made – is expected to bring $80,000+ when it comes across the block on Dec. 6, as part of Heritage Auctions’ Handbags and Luxury Accessories Signature® Auction at the auction company’s Design District Annex, 1518 Slocum St. ~ Read more~

Happy Thanksgiving

I scanned this graphic from my antiquarian book of crests and added the type. This is my Thanksgiving card to all of you.

Gratitude is the sign of noble souls. ~ Aesop

Thanksgiving dinners take eighteen hours to prepare. They are consumed in twelve minutes. Half-times take twelve minutes. This is not coincidence.~Erma Bombeck
image #3 here and #2 here

Monday, November 21, 2011

Red Barn in Need of Repair

Red Barn in Wood County Ohio by dbthayer
I hope someone saves it soon.

Webster is Already Down for A Nap

Now this is what I call the end to a perfect morning for any dog. Webster really knows how to relax.

All About Dogs in A Nutshell

They never talk about themselves but listen to you while you talk about yourself, and keep up an appearance of being interested in the conversation.

~Jerome K. Jerome

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Tower Castle of Chatillon-en-Bazois in Burgundy

The garden at Château de Chatillon, Bourgogne
© collection Jean-Baptiste Leroux 
Absolute perfection.

Extraordinary Giraffe Photo

I hope you are having an equally lovely time today enjoying the scenery. via

Durable Outdoor Furniture

I love outdoor furniture like this that you can leave out all year long. It would look great covered with snow. That faux bois table is amazing and would be a great place to sprinkle bird seed for winter bird watching. via

Saturday, November 19, 2011

I have officially finished the fall cleanup in the back. These two pictures were taken when I started this afternoon. It was too dark to show you the finished product. I ran the tractor around after doing all my hand raking. I put all the leaves back in the woods where they came from and Webster supervised. It's supposed to rain on Wednesday and my goal was to get trench cleaned out beforehand. The line of leaves and debris where the wonder dog is walking came out of the trench after the tall grass and weeds were whacked down by the worker yesterday. It looks nice again and I'm so happy.

Deep in a Beautiful Forest

I adore this photo by Ivan Shishkin found here.
Doesn't it look like a painting?

Deserted Cottage in Oregon

This cottage in Madras, Oregon appears to be thriving on neglect. Found here. Photographed with a Hasselblad by colerise.

Have a great weekend...see you later.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Birdbath Reflection

I didn't have any time today to play with my camera. I got my haircut before lunch and when I got home there was a message that my worker would be dropped off to trim weeds with a metal blade. I was glad but not really prepared to work outside until late afternoon. My chin-length bob and I changed into work clothes and bit the bullet. I was excited about cleaning out the area with my trench for the rain water. We worked from 1:00-4:15 without stopping. I was in charge of the rake. It looks so good and I am glad I worked along with the hired hand. I think you always get a better job if you work as hard as they do. And I firmly believe they worker harder if they see you aren't afraid to get your hands dirty.
I took the iPhone photo of the birdbath yesterday. Tomorrow I'll pick up my trail of leaves after I take a picture to show you. Have a great weekend.

1639 German Doll House

Stromer House

One of the oldest known intact doll houses is in the Germanisches National Museum, Nuremberg, Germany. Known as the Stromer House, because it was presented to the museum by Baron von Stromer, its original owner is unknown, but it is dated 1639.

Like other famous doll houses which followed it, the Stromer House offers a fascinating view of upper-class life for the time and place it was made. This doll house has 15 sections, with everything from stables and servants’ quarters, to elegant bedrooms and a reception room and hall with intricately paneled walls. via Monicamo on for more views.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thru My iPhone Lens This Afternoon

Deep blue sky at the end of a winter day.

I learned how to 'lock' the focus and reframe. Love this feature.

The barberry bushes started losing their leaves overnight.

Another shot with the focus 'locked' on the bark to the right.

This tree is losing all of its bark in big sheets. These photos were taken before dinner on the same walk I take every day with the wonder dog. Eventually I'll probably run out of things to photograph. Won't you be glad? Smile.

1664 Engraved Title Page by William Vaughan

A Booke Containing such Beasts as are most Usefull for such as practice Drawing, Graveing, Armes Painting, Chaseing, and for severall other occasions. 'Design'd by F: Barlow' and 'Ingraved by Wm. Vaugha[n] 1664'.
Engraved title page in the collection of the British Museum
Publication details at top: 'Sould by Iohn Overton at ye White Horse Without Newgate. where you may haue Severall Bookes for ye same uses'.

Pied Piper in Training

The Audience: I love this concert for one cat. via

Read and Heed this Dalai Lama Quote

This really gave me pause for thought:

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Almost Time to Say Goodnight

image credit

Nothing makes me sleepier than images of sleeping dogs. Webster has already gone to bed and I'm not far behind. I'm looking forward to watching REVENGE on TV tonight. Goodnight. See you in the morning.

Airplane Inspired Bathroom Fixtures

I love these deco bath fixtures by Lefroy Brooks. I snapped the photo with my iPhone from the February 2008 Architectural Digest.