I haven't rooted a sweet potato in water since I was in grammar school. This one in my kitchen is reaching for the sky and all I have to do is make sure the pitcher doesn't dry out. I will plant it on my balcony and let it climb on the railings when weather permits. Happy Friday. xo
My sweet potato was already putting out green shoots when I brought it home from a friend's kitchen counter. The link above has detailed instructions for using a whole one suspended in water root side down. The ones I did as a child were always cut near the top so we could eat the rest😂
Here is a link for using a cut sweet potato as I did. It also has instructions for rooting in potting soil. You might want to do a lot of these and plant them outside in your garden at the appropriate time. Who knew?
Eileen in Fla asked for instructions. Here they are, Eileen.
Happy windowsill gardening🌿