Showing posts with label May. Show all posts
Showing posts with label May. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Another Fable: The Hen and the Apple Tree

Indeed, It is always difficult to pose as something that one is not!


I went to an Open House today for Realtors Only not far from my house and I was entranced by all the fabulous antique furnishings in a modern mid-century house on a large lovely property. I loved EVERYTHING. 

I can't remember when I have seen any antique chalkware animals and was thrilled to see a cabinet full of them today. It's spring and there are open houses to attend on Tuesdays and Thursdays and public ones on the weekends. Happy times for me as you can well imagine.

Goodbye April and Hello May. Enjoy getting your gardens ready. xo

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Enlarging My New Garden

I put this photo taken yesterday late in the afternoon on Instagram too. I moved my antique iron urn to this spot that started out as a large clump of my mother's daffodils. They have bloomed out now and this garden with no plan is telling me what to do. I planted my large rosemary that was wintering over in my pantry in the urn and I love it. To the left of the urn is a giant mullein i found growing wild against my foundation that I transplanted. 

I forgot to bookmark the location of this photograph of a clump of giant mullein growing in a beautiful garden. I found it on Google Images. My single giant will be probably overpower its small garden space but for now it is a free plant I rescued because I have always admired these wildflowers (or weeds) that must be in the lamb's ear family with their gray green fuzzy leaves. 

Stay safe, stay home, and enjoy the first Sunday in May. xo

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Merry May by Walter Crane

I am a few days welcoming May. So far, she's has been chilly and rainy. I heard on the news this morning that in the past 20 days, 16 of them had rain. I have had to mow earlier and more frequently this spring than in any other. An illustration from: The procession of the months: the verses by Beatrice Crane; the designs by Walter Crane, [1889]. via Houghton Library at Harvard.