Showing posts with label Happy Valentines Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Happy Valentines Day. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Happy Valentine's Day -- True Antique Ones

I have a notebook full of valentines and other things one person saved back when you had to write and make your own. They are so beautiful and so sincere. This one is dated 1846.

This one is dated February 14, 1847. The beautiful pink rose is an original watercolor.

This one isn't dated and is signed My Valentine. The area around the butterfly has been cut out in a continuous loop as you will see in the next  photo.

I am holding the butterfly up in the air so you can see the surprise in the center. It will be featured in the next photo.

Two birds holding a ring and the inscription ♡"I am thine eternally"♡. Isn't this romantic?

This one has blue forget me nots with yellow centers handpainted in watercolor. Signed simply Valentine with a whole page full of a heartfelt message of love. 


Monday, February 13, 2023

Monday, February 14, 2022

A Few of My Favorite Things

I purchased this dog painting several years ago. I have no idea what the dark splotches are and the estate sale lady didn't know either. I think they might be scorch marks from candles too close. It could be repaired but I like it as found for now. The terrier is fabulous. I got the two brass deer at the same sale. This cozy little corner is next to my living room fireplace. 

I had Missy from Friday morning through Sunday morning. She's always a welcome visitor. I have never had a dog with longish hair. We had 60° on Saturday but woke up to about 3" of snow on Sunday morning. Her paws were filled with little snowballs after the early morning walk that had to "melt" off once we got inside. She obediently stayed on a towel atop the dog bed until she defrosted. I can't even imagine her dangling snopballs after coming in from a much deeper snow! 

❤️Happy Valentine's Day❤️

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Double Hearts on Pen and Ink 18thC Family Record

I have this framed family record on a wall in my living room that never gets any sunlight. Sorry about my reflection in the glass. It is hand lettered with pen and ink and the calligraphy is beautiful. Every line is hand drawn.

I especially love the double hearts with the word together in the center. This is the perfect post for Valentine's Day.