Monday, December 19, 2022

A Little Christmas Decorating Happened

I put a stool for books and a floor lamp beside my sofa a couple of days ago because the lamp on the other side isn't good for reading and I am really enjoying it. It overlaps the opening to my hallway but I think it looks nice. I put my wooden cranberry strands around a lot of my artwork too.

It's not much, but it's a start.

I have straightened this painting since taking this photo. I can remembering stringing popcorn and real cranberries with my mother for Christmas trees in my youth. She loved these wooden ones!

Happy decorating and wrapping.
It's almost here.


Gail, northern California said...

You bring us so much joy throughout the year, Rosemary, I hope your Christmas is the merriest.

Content in a Cottage said...

Gail, northern California -- Gail, Thank you. I wish the same for you, the merriest Christmas. xo, Rosemary

Karen said...

I know I've said it before - but you have such a touch with feathering your nest:) I just love ALL of it! Have the most warm and wonderful Christmas xoxox Karen

Mama Pea said...

Stringing your wooden cranberries on your art work. Another novel (and unusual!) idea, Rosemary! Yes, it does provide a holiday feel. Sending best wishes for your holiday spent in the most perfect way for you. From our home to yours!

Content in a Cottage said...

Karen, Feathering my nest is one of my favorite things to do. Thank you so much for being a big part of my blog. From my nest to yours I'm sending best wishes for your Christmas to be warm and merry too. xo, Rosemary

Content in a Cottage said...

Mama Pea -- I wrapped the wooden cranberries around the evergreen wreath on my front door too, along with big pine cones. I'm glad you like them draped on some of my framed prints and paintings. I don't know the history of these red wooden beads. Were they purchased loose and strung by someone or were they purchased that way? I'm just glad I bought them at a summer garage sale somewhere along the way shopping with my mom. May your Christmas be a wonderful one with your family. The mad rush is in full swing, isn't it? I consider you a kindred spirit and I thank you for stopping by so often♡ xo, Rosemary

Jane Grossman said...

I just want to say I've been reading your blog every morning since 2011. I feel like you are my friend. Thank you for your posts and I hope you have a wonderful holiday season! Jane

Unknown said...

Your cottage is such an inviting home and I look forward to each post. The portrait of the gentleman is espeially wonderfull.Do you have any infomation On it? Have a very merry

Anonymous said...

We strung popcorn and cranberries one year. Once was enough. I understand preferring the wooden cranberries. :)

Tasha T said...

I love your Christmas decorations, Rosemary, and I see that, like me, you don't rush to put them up at the end of November, like so many people do nowadays, but gradually during the week before the 25th. The old tradition was to decorate the house on Christmas Eve and then take them down on Twelfth Night, and I still do this.
May I wish you and your family a Very Merry Christmas and a Peaceful New Year.
I look forward to your posts and photos in 2023.

Heloisa de Mesquita Inoue said...

Ficou muito agradável, parabéns! Um feliz Natal para você!

Pam said...

I love the wooden cranberry beads! We've simplified decorating this year and I think I actually like it better. I know I'll like it when it comes time to put things away.

Content in a Cottage said...

Jane Grossman -- Jane, How nice to know I have another wonderful internet friend thanks to my blog. Wishing you a wonderful holiday season too. xo, Rosemary

Content in a Cottage said...

Unknown -- The American folk art oil on board of the gentleman is attributed to William Matthew Prior born in Bath Maine in 1806-died in 1873 in East Boston, Massachusetts. Google him. I found this painting in a junk shop in Nyack, NY 35 years ago. The proprietor said she found it in a dumpster and cleaned it with Ajax Cleanser😱. True story. I bought it immediately and have loved him ever since. It's in the original frame too. Have a very merry too. xo, Rosemary

Content in a Cottage said...

Linda Sand -- Linda, I agree once is enough to string popcorn and cranberries. It's a true labor of love. Now you can relate to my love of wooden cranberry beads already strung. xo, Rosemary

Content in a Cottage said...

Heloisa de Mesquita house -- Merry Christmas to you. xo, Rosemary

Content in a Cottage said...

Tasha T -- I never decorate early because I am never ready for Christmas. Sending best wishes across the pond to you and yours for a Merry Christmas and a Peaceful Year also. xo, Rosemary

Content in a Cottage said...

Pam -- I think simple Christmas decorations are the best too. And how right you are about easier to put away being the reward.
Have a Merry. xo, Rosemary