Thursday, September 1, 2022

Some Gorgeous Hollyhocks + Hornets

Is there anything lovelier than hollyhocks up against a wall?

I think not.
Every year I wish I had these summer flowers but I'm glad this was not the year to try them because of the dry month of August. My dahlias don't have a single bud. The ones they had dried up. They are very tall and healthy looking though. I don't like having to dig them up in the fall either. I have been trying to get my life back but hornets have invaded my kitchen. I found their entry point on Tuesday and sealed it up. I have been sucking them up with the crevice tool on my vacuum cleaner and today I think I've finally gotten most of them. Tuesday after the painters left and Wednesday they were terrible but I never gave up. I turned the air conditioning on and they thought it was winter and gravitated to the warm window glass and were rather sluggish and easy to catch. I didn't get stung either. It's always something, right?
Hollyhock photos here and more for you to drool over.


Eileen in Fla. said...

Very smart solutions to corral those stinging insects. We use an aerosol foam product called "Great Stuf" to seal openings and keep the bugs outside -- they even have a version with an insecticide. Know you will enjoy getting back to normal. Love your make-over.

Pam said...

Rosemary, that was quick thinking to use your vacuum to get rid of the invasive hornets! They can find the smallest openings. Those hollyhocks are simply beautiful. This might seem strange, but whenever I see them, I remember how both sets of my farming grandparents had old homes without indoor plumbing. Like so many others in the country, they had outhouses. BUT they always planted hollyhocks around them and my grandmas whitewashed them and scrubbed them regularly. They always tried to make the best of everything. Have a great weekend, Rosemary. Hope you don't have anymore flying house guests!!