Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Crocheted Cat Hammock and Goodbye August

I love the expression on this cat's face. He seems to be taking for granted his owner crocheted him this wonderful hammock. I have always liked these smoky gray cats. Photo found here.

It's hard to believe August is only a few hours away from the end, isn't it? It was hot and dry but I got a lot done and once September rolls around the days literally fly by. See you next month. 


Pam said...

Such a pretty cat, and its owner must be completely devoted with a hammock like that! Our last cat was that color gray, with white socks. Oh my, he started out as a humble stray who quickly became the king of our home. We loved him and still miss him.

Welcome September! I don't want to wish away my life, but I do look forward to cooler temps and the fall colors.

Jd said...

Happy September! Is this another way to “hang out at the bar?” Love it! jd

Anonymous said...

Silly me, I can't remember what your pre-makeover cottage looked like. When you have time, can you show us a before photo. Love a makeover!

Content in a Cottage said...

Eileen in Fla. -- Eileen, I posted before and after photos for you today. I can't believe I ever chose that old paint color for my shutters but I have nobody to blame but myself. Actually before restoration my cottage was white with black colors so it must be happy now. I actually wanted to paint it white from the start but my contractor talked me out of it because he thought it was a boring choice. Actually, he couldn't have been more wrong because it's elegant and beautiful. I wish I had been smarter back then but 20 years later I'm a lot wiser. Thanks for asking. xo, Rosemary