Saturday, August 15, 2015

Webster Waiting

Webster is waiting patiently for me to finish playing around with my camera on our after-breakfast walk this morning. The grass is getting greener and the leaves are already started to fall. We are having hot days and cool nights with a heavy dew each morning. Have a great weekend. xo

Friday, August 14, 2015

Round Hay Bales Everywhere

The people with farm assessments have round hay bales in their fields right now. I love driving around looking at them. Thank goodness I live in an area with lots of open land and an active land trust.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Child's Cottage Playhouse

That is a whole lot of money for a child's playhouse. I could do something very meaningful to my own cottage for that amount of money, couldn't you? It's called the Coral Gables Cottage Playhouse. The flip side is: who wouldn't want one if money were no object? Can you even imagine being a child and having one? A home of your own at a very young age, how nice! 

A Strange and Beautiful Leaf

Detail of the leaf photographed on a lunch-time walk with the Wonder Dog.

The uncropped version of a colorful leaf on a cattail reed in the wetlands.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Another Tiny Porch

This is fabulous, isn't it? via

World Elephant Day 2015

On August 12, 2012, the inaugural World Elephant Day was launched to bring attention to the urgent plight of Asian and African elephants. The elephant is loved, revered and respected by people and cultures around the world, yet we balance on the brink of seeing the last of this magnificent creature.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Leaves Three, Let It Be

The leaves on the poison ivy are just starting to turn. Knock on wood, I haven't gotten a bad case this year even though it's everywhere surrounding my property. Maybe I have finally developed some sort of immunity because I know I've touched it when weeding. We did have more off and on rain and it was wonderful. xo

Rain, As Promised

It started raining about 6:30 this morning and has already stopped. We need a lot more than that amount and I'm hoping it will start up again. Three hours of rain is just a drop in the bucket compared to what we really need. My phone shows more this afternoon, fingers crossed. 

Monday, August 10, 2015

Rain is On the Way

Since I took this photo, the sky is completely overcast. The rain is supposed to start after midnight and continue most of the day tomorrow. We really need it as you can see from my straw colored grass.

Mother Raccoon's Exercise in Patience

One of the YouTube viewers leaving a comment said, "Never give up on your kids." Click here to see this amazing video if it isn't showing above.

Another Not Too Big House

Don't you love the architectural detailing? via

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Two Cooks and A Cabbage 1941 video

Wartime Film teaching girls to cook. Click here if you can's see the video above. Delightful!

Early Blossoms, Limelight Hydrangea

Here's an early Sunday morning photo of the whole bush that was only sticks less than 12 inches tall when I planted it in early May this year. The pot I purchased at a local nursery turned out to be two bushes so I divided them, one for the front and one for the back. The one in the back shown here got less deer damage and that surprises me. The one in the front is close to the road and I have never seen deer in that area. Who knows what happens when you are sleeping, right? 

A friend sent me a photo of hers at her vacation home in Stockbridge, MA. It's at least 10 years old and it's huge.
Her photo makes me reconsider the placement of my shrub. If they like where they are planted they can reach for the sky. Of course, you can control the size by pruning in late fall or early spring.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

First Blooms: My Limelight Hydrangea

I'm so excited about this bush I planted in early May. It blooms on new growth in late summer and it's right on schedule in spite of the fact the deer ate a few branches. This is a lesson learned. Next year I will spray with deer repellent. They really did a number on the bush I plant in the front but there are still some blossoms that haven't opened yet. We are having a really dry spell and that's not helping either. It's supposed to rain Monday into Tuesday, fingers crossed. I caught up on all my mowing and trimming the last three days while everything was bone dry. Instead of using the weed whacker today, I used my small gas-powered walk behind mulching mower. It gets really close to obstacles like brick walls and large rocks and I finished with my hand clipper/trimmer. That was easier than struggling with the electric trimmer and long power cords. It went quickly too.  It will all look fabulous after next week's rain. xo

Wild Grape Vine

The wild grape vines are proving to be more powerful than the wild roses or multiflora on my property. Perhaps that's Mother Nature's way of taming the beast. I have always thought the shape of the leaves and the vein patterns were quite lovely. My Photo.
Have a lovely weekend. It's beautiful here at the cottage. I'm going to make an effort to do something meaningful in addition to attacking weeds, but I haven't decided what that task will be yet. xo

Friday, August 7, 2015

Living Room Corner in My Cottage

I haven't posted any photos of inside the cottage lately. Here's a corner in my living room near one of the French doors leading out to the balcony. It has been cool and breezy for the past couple of days and I have done some quality mowing. Tomorrow I shall deal with the weeds in places too tight for the mower. Weed whacking is something I enjoy once I get set up with all of my long electric cords. I put it off as long as I possibly can because it's a pain. Have a great weekend. xo

Breakfast Quiche Muffins - Crustless and Gluten Free

I love having a complete breakfast that I can hold in my hand and I love muffins too. These look delicious and they are gluten free. Must bake a batch. Complete recipe here.

Start out with this base and then add what you want in the way of veggies, cheese, and meat. Mine will be just veggies. I am staying away from cheese and I eat very little meat.
12 large eggs
1/2 cup heavy cream
1/4 cup milk
2 Tablespoon fresh parsley, chopped
2 Tablespoon fresh basil, chopped (or other herb)
1/4 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. pepper

Thursday, August 6, 2015

A real Buttercup Meadow

This is pretty fabulous, isn't it? I mowed most of my back property today and will finish tomorrow. It was very dry, more like a hay field and I could have waited another week or so but I was in the mood to mow so I did. via

My Real Estate Listing Today and with Archival Photos MLS # 3181675

The Academy - 9 Village Road New Vernon NJ 07976
Current Real Estate Photo - 2015
MLS # 3181675


Circa 1965

Circa 1940

Oldest Photo.
This house was moved to its current location in 1850.

It's back to its original footprint and this home is desperate for someone to love it again.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Monday, August 3, 2015

Some Photos I liked Today

All photos from Sustainable Small Houses

Small Cottage with Wrap Around Porch

I love my own cottage but if I were looking to move, I would hope to find something like this. Doesn't it look perfect? Not too big with a porch around the front and the side. I like the level lot too with mature trees and privacy. My house is on a slope with a walk-out basement and I almost never go down there except to do laundry. I find myself going out my front door to sit outside because it's shady in the morning when my rear balcony has full sun. Of course, it's the reverse in the afternoon which is ideal. I avoid the sun whenever possible and that's what I like about this wrap-around porch. via

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Don't Eat Me, Said the Fish

This cute puffer fish has personality, doesn't it? He's really saying Don't Eat Me. Also called Fugu, it is one of the deadliest animals on earth. The spiked fish contain a strong toxin that’s 100 times deadlier than potassium cyanide if not properly prepared by specialized chefs. Yikes. I'll stay away from that deadly delicacy if I ever see it on a menu in Japan or other parts of Asia. via

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Sailing into the Sunset

Have a great weekend. xo

Portrait: Proud Royal Grandparents 1987

Isn't this a lovely portrait at Balmoral Castle of the Queen and Prince Philip with their four grandchildren at that time? The youngsters are Prince William, Prince Harry, Peter Phillips and Zara Phillips, Christmas 1987. I've never seen Prince Philip looking more relaxed and handsome. Love the tartan outfits too. via