Friday, November 9, 2012

Evergreen Leaf Catcher

This is a photo I took before the storms after a walk with the wonder dog. This evergreen tree is still standing. I'm rather rushed because I have a real estate closing this morning. It has been delayed for one reason or another for almost a month. Thankfully the house and property suffered no storm damage and passed the re-inspection required by the lender. See you later!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Webster Has A Sheepskin

Here's the sheepskin I was telling you about on top of Webster's dog bed. He loves it. I put my head on it to test it out and it feels wonderful. Like sleeping on a warm cloud.

Interesting Tree Fungus

This tree was hollow at the bottom and the fungus had traveled up through the tree trunk. I stuck my hand into the hollow base and it was very hot underground.

The pattern the fungus made is very beautiful, isn't it? A talented woodworker could definitely make something beautiful from this wood. 

Nor'easter Morning

Maybe Mother Nature figured she'd better cover up all the evidence of Sandy but she's not fooling me! The snow on the railing melted soon after I snapped this iPhone photo. I had to get up early to let the Wonder Dog out. He's walking normally today -- hooray. I found a big brown New Zealand sheep skin in the garage that I had forgotten all about owning. I put it on his dog bed yesterday and I honestly think it helped him recover faster than he would have without it. His bed is behind the sofa next to a radiator. He seems very happy today and so am I. Electricity does wonders for my spirit. Thanks for all of your comments expressing concern for all of us in the cottage. Now you can relax because you know we are fine. My followers are the best!!!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Books and Shells and Things on Shelves

Here is a detail of one of my bookshelves in the living room taken by lamplight with my iPhone tonight in a warm house. It's so nice and cozy I almost feel guilty knowing so many are still without power. Poor Webster really overdid it the last two days and he honestly was too tired to walk and stayed on his bed all day until he recovered enough to go outside after dark for the first time today. I was really worried about him but he's fine now. I know how he feels. Supervising people and working alongside is hard and exhausting.

Hurricane Followed by Snow

I would rather have snow than rain since so many of my friends get water in their basements and still have no power. I wish Mother Nature would get over her very bad mood.

Tree Has Been Removed from My Cottage

Click photo to view actual size.
This tree came down on the cottage guided by heavenly angels. Only a few scratched shingles. No broken screens or light fixtures. I found some roving tree men from New Mexico who helped me clear my property. They were earth angels. 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Post Hurricane Observations

Our power was restored today at 5:52 pm, just a few hours short of 8 days being a pioneer and it was no fun. We at the cottage refuse to think about the nor'easter that's coming Wednesday into Thursday. The house was 44 degrees when the power came back. We were never cold though. Too tired to tell you more. Hope you are warm and cozy by now too.