Sunday, February 3, 2019

Dancing Cat and Duck

I wish I could have been around to see this animated gif being made. What a pair! Enjoy what's left of your Sunday. It was rather balmy here at the cottage with a nice day to be outside. My front walk has finally melted completely and it's finally not dangerous to walk on. xo

Saturday, February 2, 2019

A Lamb Princess

I do believe this little lamb would look very regal even without her jeweled tiara. via

Groundhog Day 2019

Well, Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow this morning, predicting an early spring. His success rate is only 40% so I don't believe a word of that forecast. We have gotten our coldest weather in the past few years in March, with blizzards, and that's a bitter pill to swallow when the snowdrops that are in bloom get buried and we are completely sick of winter. I am fine with the cold but not with deep snow. Fingers crossed that Phil is right this year. Read more about groundhogs here. Have a great weekend. xo

Friday, February 1, 2019

Hello February

Another month has come and gone, hasn't it? February will go even more quickly since it's the shortest month of the year. I hope the fair maiden in this drawing by Walter Crane sees the Polar Vortex on its way out. I am looking forward to seeing my snowdrops as they always emerge in February. xo

Thursday, January 31, 2019

DIY Industrial faucet

COLD doesn't come close to describing the weather. I woke up to 0° this morning but my car is clean and my cottage feels like any other morning. I'm sure my gas bill will reflect that next month. My furnace rarely turns on in the night but my radiators were hot when I got out of my cozy bed. 
My kitchen faucet is leaking from the base and I dread calling a plumber. I shall wait until spring since I know I need two new outside spigots that were not used last summer due to dripping. I hope my third one doesn't need replacing as well, due to this deep freeze.
Anyway, I like the looks of this faucet made from plumbing parts. It would be nice in a laundry room or a sink in a potting shed or an outside kitchen near the grill. via

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Watching PLUTO TV on my iPhone

This still photo above is actually a video I posted on Instagram. It shows my iPhone tuned in to a news channel on Pluto TV. It's a free app and I love it for watching live TV in rooms where I don't have a television set. This scene is in my home office in the pantry. You can also watch live movies or movies on demand. There are 24 Movie channels. 14 News channels, 13 Sports channels, and so much more. There are 100 channels in all. 
You can watch my video on Instagram here. You can download Pluto TV from the Apple App Store for iPhone or iPad or Google Play for an android device. Enjoy! You're welcome.
You don't need an app to watch it on your laptop or desktop computer. Here's the link. Click on the On Demand bar in the center to see the movies you can watch.