Friday, September 14, 2018

Kitchens Without A Center Island

I was so excited this morning when I found an article that once appeared in the Wall Street Journal about "Why Kitchen Islands are Ruining America's Kitchens". I went thru this process when I was designing my own cottage kitchen in 2002. My contractor wanted me to put in a breakfast bar and I didn't want one. I don't like them because people can't look one another in the eye when sitting side by side. Please read the article in the link because I think it hits the nail right on the head. The photo above is the author's kitchen. She shows other views in the article.

I measured and measured, put down a cardboard cutout the size of my farm table and it worked perfectly in my cottage as you can see below.

This is my kitchen that was designed around this antique farm table. The bentwood chairs came with my cottage. I have never looked back. xo

Thursday, September 13, 2018

DIY Fabric Shoe Bag to Love

I found this photo in a box of magazine clippings I've been saving and I still love. Sorry, there were no instructions. I made a shoe storage bag without a pattern years and years ago. I made it the width and height of my closet door and it was wonderful. My mother ended up with it in her condo in Charlotte before she came to live with me, so it lived a long life. We gave it to one of her friends so it's still being used. If you have some fabric that makes your heart sing (yes, there are such things), this is a great project for you. This one was designed around the width of the clothes hanger. The one I made had metal eyelets across the top for nails and the fabric was folded over several times for reinforcement to hold the weight. The one above illustrates the creative uses you can come up with for your own needs, such as storing and saving seed envelopes. 

I found a youtube video with instructions - there is a link within for illustrated step-by-step instructions.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Elegant Formal Living Room

This elegant living room filled with fine art,  period antiques, antiquarian books, and oriental rugs still looks quite comfortable and cozy.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Cottage Garden

This is what I call an authentic Gardener's Cottage. Aren't the plantings beautiful? I love the simplicity of the cottage as a backdrop. via

Small Fenced Garden to Love

This is a very nice design that would work for me. I found it on Houzz. This could easily be a DIY project. I am digging up my herbs and bringing in my house plants to winter over this week. Last year I almost waiting until it was too late. xo

Monday, September 10, 2018

Cottage with Fall Decor

Scenes like this are just around the corner though the cottages might not be this charming. This time of day, when the inside lights go on, is my favorite. via

Socks for My Ironing Board in Attic

Don't laugh. I made a long stocking and two little socks for the legs of the ironing board in my attic. I used remnants from an old Fair Isle sweater vest that had holes in it. I tried leaving my ironing board up all the time but it was in the way. Leaning it against the wall was leaving marks that I was able to remove with the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. Yesterday, I got the bright idea to make covers for the three legs. I made a stocking for the long leg and was able to turn the fabric inside out to hide the seams. The other two legs were too narrow so the seams of the short socks are on the outside, trimmed closely. It was a quick project with wonderful results. A friend gave me this sign since everybody always asks my advice for some reason. They know how grounded I am and they see the wise choices I have made for myself. I have it hanging here when the ironing board isn't being used. 

Here is another view of my attic workroom. The flat file is full of antique prints. I am still working up here and will post other views soon. We are having fall weather all week with no sun until Saturday. I need to bring in my house plants before it gets any cooler. It is noontime and the temperature is only 61° outside. I melted all last with the central air running night and day so I am not complaining about the abrupt weather change. I know we will have some more warmer days before fall sets in for good. I'm going to put the cover on my outside air conditioning unit though. I refuse to use it again until next year. Have a good Monday. xo

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Please Don't Mail This

I have seen the photo on the right many times and have even blogged it in the past. The one on the left is new to me. I am glad to know the astonishing history behind both. via Google Images