Sunday, June 5, 2016

Peonies in My Garden Before The Rain

The red ones and the white peonies are singles and can handle the rain pretty well.

The pink ones with more petals get very heavy when their heads fill up with water and they droop to the ground. The rain hasn't stopped yet and luckily I picked a big bouquet of pinks early this morning and they look lovely in the house. The lamb's-ears pictured here are volunteers that planted themselves. I like the contrast of their silver-gray foliage against the deep, dark green leaves of the peonies.
I've had a very enjoyable day being pretty lazy and it felt really good. I never feel guilty when I have an easy day, do you? I earned it! I just checked and there's absolutely nothing on TV tonight. I hope I can find something interesting to watch that I have saved to my DVR. I don't have any DVD discs from the library either. I'm sure I'll find something. Enjoy your evening. xo

Friday, June 3, 2016

My Peonies Are Amazing 2016

My peonies have never been taller or more beautiful.

It rained overnight and this morning the raindrops on the petals were quite lovely.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Shark Day at My Cottage

Did the title of this post get your attention? A few days ago, I washed and cleaned all the filters and the canister on my Shark Bagless Vacuum Cleaner and it was like new again. Yesterday, I decided to use it instead of my upright Hoover. Here is the end result in my living room. I have a hard time doing inside housework in the summer, do you? It's a necessary evil though! It was somehow quite satisfying to see all the dirt and dust I collected. I did a really thorough job in my living room and kitchen (moving furniture) but only gave a lick and a promise to the 2 bedrooms, bath, and entrance vestibule on my main floor. I had to empty the canister 3 times! My windows are all open and the outside dust is on its way inside but I don't care. I like being clean as a whistle once again. Doesn't it look nice? xo

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Pansy Photo Turned Into An Etching

My pansies are still hanging in there in spite of the really hot weather we had recently. I even broke down and turned on my central air, and this is rare for me in May. Now it's pleasant again and I have gone back to open windows. I haven't used my iPhone app called Etchings lately but I enjoyed playing around with it this morning. I love the way the pansies turned out, don't you? I think the app turned my photo into an old hand colored engraving. xo

Queen Elizabeth II, Her Inner Majesty

I can't wait to read this article! Doesn't Queen Elizabeth II look beautiful surrounded by her favorite dogs? About those corgis: on the cover, the Queen poses with Holly (held) and, from left, Willow, Vulcan, and Candy. (The latter two are both dorgis—the crossbreed the Queen engineered when one of her corgis mated with a dachshund that belonged to her sister, Princess Margaret.) Photo for Vanity Fair by Annie Leibovitz. Full article here.

Monday, May 30, 2016

Dogs in Vintage Photographs

Happy Memorial Day! The Guardian has a delightful assortment of vintage dog photos for you to enjoy. Read the article and see the photos here.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

My Kitchen Essentials, Within Reach

I love having these things on my kitchen counter in plain sight, within easy reach when I'm cooking or assembling my food. Left to right you will see: pepper grinder, balsamic vinegar, fine sea salt, himalayan pink salt, cinnamon in a salt shaker, seasoned salt next to that, red pepper flakes, and a sugar bowl filled with raw turbinado sugar. There's also a ginger grater and a milk glass container with my measuring spoons and a wooden honey dipper. Mixing bowls are underneath the splayed-leg stool in old red paint. I love my English china transferware sugar bowl covered with architectural engravings. I unearthed the massive pressed moulded glass shakers with pewter tops tucked in a corner of one of my kitchen cabinets recently. They are beyond fabulous with lots of trapped air bubbles. I had to soak the tops in a strong solution of Bragg's cider vinegar for days to get the corroded tops back to their original condition. I use the one for pepper for fine sea salt and the one with the larger holes for coarse pink salt. For me, things out of sight are also out of mind. I like to have my stuff where I can see it. So far this morning I have used the pink salt and ground pepper for my fried egg and a few shakes of ground cinnamon in my Greek yogurt. Enjoy your Sunday and the long Memorial Day weekend. See you later. xo

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Atlanta Cottage: SOLD, Sight Unseen

This is a "leap of faith" story about q cottage in Atlanta, Georgia. The photo below is after the renovation!
When the author heard about a dilapidated cottage overtaken by weeds and kudzu in an Atlanta neighborhood, she knew it would become her her family’s home. So she bought it—sight unseen. Is your interest peaked yet? Read the complete story here. There are some interior photos too.
Have a great Memorial Day weekend!