Monday, March 11, 2013

Mad Men Season 6 Poster

I was just wondering when this was going to start up again and now I know. via

Incense Burner

I found this cute little clay teepee incense burner hiding in a drawer the other day and fired it up. It cleared the air for other smells. The cubes that came with it were supposed to smell like cinnamon but they just smelled like smoke to me. [my photo]

Crate Kitchen Cabinets

What a "crate" idea! via

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Two Otters Trained To Recycle Bottles

Two female North American River Otters at the Seneca Park Zoo in Rochester, New York - trained by zookeeper Catina Wright - take empty bottles and place them into recycling bins.
Picture: Annette Lein/AP

Marching Pigeons

Here's my gif of the day. You know you love it too. It's hard to stop watching, isn't it? via

Pile of Dalmatian Puppies

I love this pile of sleeping spotted pups. via

Recent Snow

This was the back yard only 2 days ago. Now there is not a single flake to be seen. This must be Mother Nature's idea of spring cleaning. I love the way the snow on one arm of the chair has fallen away and is still attached. It seems very life-like, doesn't it?
[my iPhone photo]