Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tiny Paris Balcony

Here is another way I could rid myself of lawn mowing. Move to Paris and have an upstairs flat with a tiny vine-covered balcony. Too bad I don't speak French. It's lovely, isn't it? *

House on Stilts

This looks so appealing to me. A great looking house with no lawn. My grass is getting thicker and taller every day and the dandelion crop is thriving. I hope my riding mower will start without a tuneup since I paid a fortune to have it fixed very late in the fall last year.  Have you done a first mowing yet? Does this house on stilts look good to you too? *

Doorway Decorated for Spring

Now if this doesn't look inviting, I don't know what does. It's nice to see an entrance decorated for spring since we've waited so long for it to come. I don't embrace the sudden heat though. I just like a gentle increase at a slow rate without the blast furnace being turned on high, please! *

I overslept the morning and I'm running late and rushing to get ready for my weekly office meeting. See you later. 

Monday, April 25, 2011

Wonderful Shelter in The Garden

I'm totally smitten with this post and beam covered dining area with a tile roof and a back window. The structure begins where the high garden wall ends so the window lets you peek through to the other side. image PeriodHouse.net

Botanical Prints as Wallpaper

I couldn't possibly tell you where this image is from. It's one I've been saving to my computer for ages. This wall took some serious planning finding just the right prints to paste on the wall without having to trim away too much of the margins. Looks very nice indeed.

Beautiful Shells

Beach weather is quickly approaching. It was 80 degrees yesterday and was really hot sitting in sun so I sat in the shade. This is a beautiful beach composition, isn't it. You could really hear the ocean in that big conch shell I'm sure, even when far away from the shore. *_*

Tandem Bicycle for Ten | Yikes

Such fabulous images! I've never ridden on one of these, have you? Famous Bicycle Built for Two 
Vintage photograph from detnews.com

Feathers Flying at My Cottage

When I woke up this morning there were feathers everywhere. I was pretty sure the fox had been in the hen house. Upon closer examination I found a slit in my summer-weight down blanket. I think Webster must have gotten hot in the night and when he jumped off the bed, one of his nails must have gotten caught. I was sound asleep in my food coma after a day of Easter treats yesterday.

When I went back with the vacuum cleaner the culprit had claimed my space and was oblivious to anything out of the ordinary.