Saturday, July 16, 2011

Raspberries in The Wild

My wild raspberries are everywhere and taking a walk around the cottage is a true delight. I took this photo on my dessert stroll after dinner yesterday. Have a delicious weekend. xo

Lovely Pot of Flowers

Oil painting of a pot of flowers by British artist Barbara Richardson. I hope your weekend is just as lovely. xo

Friday, July 15, 2011

Heavenly Steps

[beautiful] Steps by Eduard Nikoalev

The Task Continues

I'm not feeling as energized about all the hand work that remains after one full day of cleaning yesterday. Guess I'll try to whistle while I work or put on some music to keep me in the mood. See you later. 

My photo of a brass letter clip on a page of sheet music.

Dream Kitchen | Wow

Very nice indeed.I really need to see the rest of this wonderful kitchen. Is that a pool in the yard? I had a pool at my first house and there are two joys; getting one and getting rid of one. I'll take this kitchen without but patio can stay.


Thursday, July 14, 2011

House Cleaning Gone Wild

I'm still at it. I wish I had this woman to help me but I've moved mountains today in the house-cleaning department and I'm feeling good about it. My mother always cleaned like this back when she could see. Even now, when I go down to help her I find she's still a much better housekeeper than I am even with her diminished vision. She always did it as recreation and I always thought of it as work. Today it was fun. Am I becoming my mother? That would be a very good thing.


Brand New Farmhouse from A Kit | Love.This

Are you in love yet? Founded by Michael C. Connor in 1969, the company pre-fabricates exquisitely crafted homes in its state-of-the-art Vermont factory. Wait until you see the back of this classic American home. Connor Homes: Mill-Built Architecture.

Cleaning Day

Today is the perfect day to do all the cleaning chores I've been putting off. All the windows are open and wonderful breezes are blowing inside. I slept like a log last night and feel energized for some serious housework. See you later. xo


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Simple Yet Elegant Virtual Bedroom for Tonight

I've been grumpy all day because I stayed up too late last night and got up too early this morning. I'm sure I'll sleep like a log in this lovely bedroom. I'll have to go to bed when it first gets dark because who knows what time the sun will come streaming in those windows tomorrow. I'll let you know. 

Deck Chair for A Summer Afternoon

The heat wave has broken and there's a delightful breeze. Now if I just had a deck chair full of pillows I'd be all set.


Do Dogs Have Selective Hearing Too?

I don't know what this conversation is all about but I can tell by the barkee's expression that it's going in one ear and out the other.


Life's Little Instruction Book | Volume II, page 40

More great advice from a tiny little book.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A Heavenly Home and Garden Tour in Belgium

A Heavenly Home and Garden in Belgium Exploring this estate in the Belgian countryside is like looking through a kaleidoscope: Every turn brings a transformation.

A pergola festooned with wisteria.

The property’s 17th-century dovecote was once used as an observation post during the Dutch Revolt.

I don't want to spoil your tour with any more photos before you view the entire slideshow. I love the simplicity of the interior furnishings that allow the architecture be the star of the show.

Read the accompanying article from Architectural Digest here.

I hope

you remembered to count the sheep resting by the river.

Lovely Kitchen with A Dog on The Counter

I love the vintage sink with the ticking skirt and the wall of windows. The little dog looks right at home on the counter, doesn't he? I'd love to see the rest of this super-interesting room. I'm off to an office meeting this morning. See you later. xo

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Chimp Raises Orphaned Puma

Anjana the Chimpanzee feeds Sierra, the 9-month old orphaned Puma. It's nothing new because this remarkable chimp has already helped raise two royal white tiger cubs, a leopard, and four lions. More photos and great stories here. Don't fail to look at her previous mothering job with the tigers. Anjana is the best interspecies mom.

I wonder if there is any special reason for all the primate stories coming my way? This is the third one this week. I'm not buying any more bananas for a while. Smile.

Horse Drawn Carriage Drives By My Cottage

WHOA. I got to the window just in the nick of time with my camera to show you this driving carriage passing my cottage this morning. I know the lady with the hat but rarely see her taking her horse and a friend for a ride on my street though she drives this carriage all over town. There are fewer and fewer horses around these days as the houses change hands. My cottage is adjacent to a bridle path and I can't remember the last time a horse and rider used it.

Have a great Sunday and I'll see you later. 

Have A Picture Perfect Weekend

The Pannonian Plain is a large plain in Central Europe that remained when the Pliocene Pannonian Sea dried out. The river Danube divides the plain roughly in half. ©Katarina Stefanović Her photo looks like a painting, doesn't it? 

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Javier Bardem + Penelope Cruz | Perfect Together

Baby Leo born late January 2011. I am so happy these two got together and now have a family.

Laundry Flapping in The Wind

I made a fresh batch of my homemade laundry detergent this morning and my first load is flapping in the breeze getting bleached by the sun. I grated my Octagon soap with my micro-plane grater and it worked much better than the box grater I normally use though it took longer. My second load has been sorted and is ready for my front-loading washer. I honestly can't remember the last time I used my dryer. Enjoy the weekend and I'll see you a little later. xo


Blessings, Morning Glory


Meramec River (Missouri), photo by Robert Charity. Click on the link to see more studding images by this talented photographer.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Naomi Watts | Screen Test

Lynn Hirschberg of The New York Times Style Magazine talks to the actress Naomi Watts. I love her and all of her films. Read more here.

My Chosen Bedroom for Tonight

This is where I've decided to sleep tonight. I love that recessed bookcase wall behind the bed. A side table might be nice since I can't sleep without a stainless steel water bottle full of ice water within arm's reach in the summer. Especially if the windows are open and the central air is turned off. I broke down and turned it on today. I had to close all of my windows while the gutters were being cleaned and it's really hot outside. But as you all know I don't like being sealed inside. So before I jump in this big white bed, I'll throw open the windows. Goodnight. See you in the morning. xo

Beautiful Country Dirt Road

Have you noticed how seldom you see a good country dirt road these days? I can't even remember the last time I created a cloud of red dust while driving down a great one like this. ©Junga

Decorating with Diamonds

This photograph reminds me of the gray and white diamonds I painted on the country-kitchen floor of my previous home.

A Classic Home Renovation or Transformation

I can think of nothing quite as charming as an older home, surrounded by equally-classic architecture, on a quiet tree-lined street. Oftentimes, people shy away from buying these houses, in spite of the fact that they're located in established neighborhoods, because their interiors aren't as bright or open as those of newer homes; or, perhaps, potential buyers feel overwhelmed by the amount of work required to update the existing structure. Prior to the renovation, this house was hidden behind a wall of overgrown shrubbery. The team cleaned up the landscape, painted the dull red brick a bright white, installed a new slate roof with dormers, and added or replaced shutters as necessary.

When I first glanced at this wonderful article I did not even realize that this red brick house behind giant overgrown shrubs was the BEFORE shot of this amazing transformation. The new owners must be so happy that they were able to see the possibilities in saving this grand old home instead of tearing it down. More photos and complete article here.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Crested Black Macaque Snaps Self-Portrait | Maybe

I saw this story on the news last night. What do you think? Real or fake self-portrait of a Crested Black Macaque taken with a camera the primate snatched from award-winning photographer David Slater in Indonesia? Wait until you see the photo showing a toothy smile before you decide. Read more...

Vines Gone Wild

House to owner, "Help me. I can't breathe." This is what happens when you relax your vine clipping guard.

Super Outdoor Showers

I really like these outdoor showers with the industrial-style hardware from Sonoma Forge. Click around and find your favorites.


Great Garden Design

This is such an inspiring landscape design, isn't it? And impossible too. via Pinterest

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Best Swinging Bench Ever

LOVE this cottage swing, don't you?

Little Girl Befriends Baby Orangutan

I fell in love with this photo that I kept seeing here and there on the internet and finally found the story behind this adorable little girl and her new orangutan friend. Read more. Don't you love the picture of them having a tea party? I hope she is able to remember this event when she gets older. Another article here and here.